Hello! I think mcc should bring back /fix all no paying. In mc-central everything has been pay two win the fact we are giving up the main reason most people bought bedrock! The only reason the /fix all with pay would be a good reason to have if /cf (/cf is Coin Flip) then the eco would be better but like this it isn't. Plz Comment everyone's idea's below Thanks!
hello mister sir...... i don’t think any of those things you mentioned will be making a come back. so many people hated counflips. they kinda broke the kit economy and it became like skyblock or maybe even prison... with prices like that last season. as for /fix all. i agree the pay is kinda annoying... and custom enchants get p gay... but markey ain’t go’n to change the /fix all hellforge was added to even things out. it made up for the fact that y’alls whining for “/fix all”... ya’ get? uwhhahnMmmmhmMmmm... also mr bucko, a similar thtead was posted in teh kit pvp discussion... if u wanna check it out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it doesn’t cover the exact same points... but they still ‘bout /fix all although, it’s kinda a lot of work.... there chheda made some p damn good points about /fix all anwyaysysysysy. hope this kinda didn’t make you blow your brains out. tehe ~pup
Pupo is right. Also /fix all paying is implemented because of the /fix all spam which gets most players to fight normally (in a proper way).
Ok hellforged is cool but no one is gonna use hellforged in p4 bec its not worth it and if u keeo fix alling in p4 fight u waste more than the stuff your using i feel like they should make fix all 15$ for bedrock up and 30$ for rookie 25 for gold to diamond if your think this this is dumb its not ik its like 5$ 10$ difference but the amount of times u have to fix all it will add up and its too much money
you’re not wrong, i’d like to see a change similar to that being made. however, i don’t think markey would implement it :psneive: :(
Fix all was nurfed because players would camp one set of p4 with notch apples and literally never die. Previous seasons of Kit had Bedrock+ players in p4/p5 with s5/s6 swords stomping everyone lower than them with literally zero fear of dying. Paying for fix atleast allows non-bedrock players to compete. It also reduces higher players spamming /fix all during a fight without getting expensive. You can always bring multiple sets of p3/p4 to a fight - adding a bit more skill requierment to Kit. This lets you swap out your armor for free. I understand your frustration, as most bedrock+ players have enjoyed stomping everyone lower than them. But its about time that things were evened out. Now non ranked and lower than bedrock rank players can actually enjoy playing.