Remove The Cobblestone Generators In Spawn

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by ItsDavld, Sep 19, 2019.

  1. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    Why are there Cobblestone Generators In Spawn?

    When I think of Skyblock, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Would it be, "Try to get the biggest Island?" If so then why are there Cobblestone Generators in spawn. I think this is not a necessity when it comes to skyblock, especially when there is one already made when you make a new island. It is also very easy to make on if you do not have one made.

    The thought of having cobblestone generators is a waste of space at spawn as no one uses it. It would be totally different when I see a lot of people using it at once. But where would there be the difficulty of skyblock when you can just mine away and get nonstop cobblestone. There must be a stop to this and I think that removing it would be a great way to make Skyblock more interesting.

    The fact that there are 2 cobblestone generators at spawn, then another on your island is a non necessity and I would rather see it used in another way. For example, there should be a person hovering over for Quests and challenges, currently I do not know a lot of players that know or use the quests on MCC. I think there should be and I think that it should be used more. But it doesn't. Quests is such a great idea, but most new players do not know about it and that is an issue. To attract more players there should be something to work towards when you first start off and quests are a great way. But no one uses it.

    This is something that should be addressed and something that I think should change. What do you think?

    Sativa #7122
    Master_Aqua likes this.
  2. Master_Aqua

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I disagree with this as they’re more useful then you think.
    First of, they’re free to use and really convient if you don’t feel like building your own cobble generator.
    Second of, people do use these generators. During the early months of the season, I’ve seen people afk and mine. There may be less people doing so now since it’s been a while since it reset and people have spawners to make a profit off of but they’re still used.
    These cobblestone generators have been part of the skyblock experience for a while and there isn’t a need to get rid of them.
    Interesting suggestion though.
    Have a good day/night!
    GrSpetsNaZ and Meany02xX like this.
  3. Meany02xX

    Sep 14, 2019
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    I think quests should be advertised more to newer players as they're probably the best way for them to start making money when they begin to get started and finance their ideas. But if we got rid of the cobblestone generators there'd be no other way to get ores other than buying them off the shop or from an extremely overpriced listing on ah
  4. Tyconic

    Aug 9, 2019
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    I completely agree, and I believe that many people find them very useful; including myself at times.
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    heyo david!
    i’ve gotta disagree with ya’. (1) there’s 6 generators at spawn *kaCHOW* and (2) when i log onto sb1, i always see at least 4 players using a generator... donators and rookies.
    the generators super help rookies who are just starting out since not everyone starts playing sb at the beginning of seasons. They also help donators at the begging of seasons, me tionsed by master_aqua.
    and also, since the donator kits don’t give ores like red stone, iron, and diamonds (exclude the red stone :floshed:) like they used to in previous seasons, the generators at spawn help all players get those ores to improve their island levels instead of having to afk spawners and buy them. as mentioned previously, afk-mining at the generators at spawn also help with quests like “break X cobble” or “break X stone” etc.

    as for the quests, you say that no one useable it, but i see a lot of dragon eggs on rookie islands... and also, i feel like having a way to communicate that quests exist would be cool, but i don’t think advertising (mentioned by muffin) would be a good idea. i can see it getting overlooked or ignored. maybe a way to inform new players on quests is to trap ‘em in those tutorial rooms, but that doesn’t seem like a mcc-thing... so (actually just rule that out)

    anywyas... i hope this mentioned all your points
    have a great poopoOpoOpoo day!
    Meany02xX likes this.
  6. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Sativa,

    The cobblegen is actually very integral to Skyblock - for one, its the only free way to get ores!
    I would however love to see the cobblegen fixed, as right now you can afk 24/7 with an e5 unbr3 pickaxe and get infinite loot. It should slowly chip away at your tools durability. Currently its mainly used by top teams to hoard island levels - which is something I'd like to see fixed.

    Cobble gen has no reason to be removed at this point, I can see no arguments that would be strong enough to remove such a core integral feature of Skyblocks.
  7. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    As said before but KierenBoal brought up people being able to afk mine 24/7 which should be fixed with some kind of maybe a captcha every hour of afking then you don't got people auto mining all day and they actually got to do something to mine. But I see no reason in getting rid of these because people do use it very often honestly when I was a rookie on my alt when I lost my main and I started playing skyblock for the first time. That is how I made my money from the ore's and cobblestone that I mined from them.
  8. Syn


    Jul 22, 2019
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    People still build their own generators. At the beginning of the season, these generators were just PACKED. And often when I'd use them, I'd only want cobble/stone, not ores and other trash. Those who made a cobble generator of their own did it for this reason, that and it allows them to use hoppers to make it actually pure afk for longer- more than one inventory at least, until you have to come back and /repair. Since you're allowed to weight a key or rubber band a mouse button, you'd see how one inventory of cobble and other trash would be limiting at /warp cobble

    I sell a lot of stone out of my auto furnace at my warp in skb1, and I know of a couple people at one point that built a generator specifically to sell cobble to me.
  9. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    /warp cobble is used for so you can get ores etc. You can make Cobble Gens at your island but it wont produce special ores. The reason for this is that last season people would make afk cobble gens and use explosive pickaxes & it would drop ores and people had this going on for 24/7. That caused server lag with using pistons and also ruined eco.
  10. Noodles

    Oct 2, 2019
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    People are just going to make a cobble generator at their island anyway so why does it matter theres on in spawn...? Plus the ores make it more useful
  11. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I am a -1 to this. As people have stated above, ores don't spawn on your island so the ones at spawn are fine.

    Adding on, the ones there are at spawn are much more efficient because there is not the chance it will fall in lava and will come back faster.

    I know you could make a better design so it wouldn't do that but most people just like it simple.

    Have a Nice Day!
    All The Best!
  12. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't see any problem with the cobble generators that are currently placed throughout spawn. As it's late into the season less players use these generators but early into the season, I personally have seen up to 5 people on each generator, afk-mining. Also, these mines give ores which isn't the case if you built cobble gens on your islands. However what Kieren said about getting infinite loot/ores definitely needs to be addressed and some changes to stop this happening

    Thanks, Olli

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