Hard for new players

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Anon567, Jul 25, 2019.

  1. Anon567

    Jul 25, 2019
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    So you can mine from rank a-z for the first prestige and maybe the second one but after that it becomes unrealistic to rank up by mining. The rich players are all using spawners and to get their money and rankup, they also use this money to setup plot shops and let other people sell them tokens for high prices. Mining isn't that efficient to get tokens so these rich players for the most part just buy the tokens from other players.

    Just a few days ago tokens were selling for around 20-25k each but now they can sell for up to 40k. New players will have limited money therefore they can't afford to buy these tokens and won't be able to get a lot of spawners, and like I said mining won't get them enough tokens to get spawners quickly. These new players will stay low rank because their lack of spawners, so the poor will stay poor while the rich who buy tokens with their money made from spawners will just get richer.

    This cycle will only be accelerated because the token prices will keep inflating as the rich players will be competing to get the tokens which raises the prices of tokens for everyone. Eventually players at a low rank or low prestige won't be able to afford tokens and will be able to obtain spawners at a very slow rate. Basically the entire economy is becoming based on tokens which I think will make prison impossible for new players to rankup in which will cause many new players to just quit.

    Nerfing spawners across the whole server would cause a lot of backlash but I have some ideas of how to give new players a better chance.

    I think we could help fix this issue by increasing the sell prices of each mine to let players rank up faster. We also need to add more op enchants that players can use on mines that would let them clear more blocks with one hit or other op enchants. To use these enchants we would also make the mines bigger. This would add a whole new layer of depth to the game as players would now be focused on both spawners and getting an op pick to mine with. We would also need to probably remove or lower the multiplier or raise the price of the 2x booster from shop to make it that people with immortal rank can't sell items for too high.

    Also make it so that the enchants for the op enchants are scaled so the higher level of enchant, it would cost more money per level to upgrade. This would make the gap between rich and average players closer in the mining area. The rich would still be able to make more money from mining which they could spend on spawners but since the enchants would be scaled, they wouldn't be able to afford so much more spawners. The enchants would help poorer players rank up quicker, but not too quick because the enchants still cost money, but eventually they will be able to afford more spawners and closen the gap between rich and poor.

    Although these ideas may not work or would have flaws I think it is important that we let newer players have more fun and compete with others better. You could also suggest your ideas or even if you think we should keep the system as it currently is. With this idea though we would need to create a delicate balance between spawners and mining to make sure one is not so much better than the other.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hiHi! i can see where you come from saying all this how players with higher prestiges n’ donars can easily make more money than lower ranked players. essentially, the rich only get richer.. but that's one of the reasons why prison has resets.. so the rich cant become even more richer n' all that.. i've played prison since season 1, and, personally, I liked prison when there weren't spawners [there were spawners, but it was a mobfarm, so players couldn't benefit from them just from afking or something]. however, I know removing spawners all together is super unrealistic and now the prison economy has been reliant on spawners since season 3. Also, i have to disagree with your ideas-
    increasing sell prices at mine warps wouldn't do much and would most likely not make players rankup a hol' lot faster.
    the enchantments on pickaxes are fair, and haven't ever changed. i agree that eff.10 on `/kit pickaxe` is kinda slow, but donar pickaxes are given away and sold almosy 24/7 on both prison realms. after gold or lapis pickaxes, the speed of a pickaxe doesn't matter since the blocks are '1 hit' what matters most if the fortune enchantment, and i don't think that's ever going to chance since it already goes above fortune10 on mythical pickaxes.
    i don't see the donar multiplier ever getting lowered, or nerfed, because donators pay money for these types of perks. also, these multipliers have existed since the beginning of prison.. so that's kinda another reason why i don't think they'd change ;)
    annndd.... i don't quite understand your enchantment idea... if you want, you can re-explain it/give more detail, and i'd be happy to share what i think about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    okie. hope this helped.. and as always,
    have a great day!
    ~puposaurus :D
  3. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I see a few ways this could possibly be fixed:

    1) Plot spawner limits - Let's say you'd only be able to get maybe 100 spawners at your plot. Then once people hit that limit they'll no longer have a need to try and hog all the tokens by buying out every player which, in turn, will leave more tokens for other players.

    2) Make spawner drops worth less - Basically nerf the prices of all spawner drops, to encourage people to use the mines more instead of just AFKing on their plot and making shitloads of money.

    3) Remove spawners entirely - I know this is a bit of a controversial idea, but let's be honest; prison is no longer prison when you add spawners into the economy. People rarely use the mines anymore to rank up. I mean, why would they when they can make billions just AFKing at their plot? It's stupid. Regarding XP after spawners have been removed, they can always re-add the spawner rooms at spawn, like they had in the first couple maps of prison.
  4. Kane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Although what Ankh said is a great idea, I believe that tokens are what started all of this, especially when tokens are increasing in prices. As you said Anon, since rich players do not mine anymore, tokens are getting more and more valuable since mining is almost the only way you can get tokens. And since that happened, there has been a competition against players on tokens, thus increasing their prices. Although I do agree with some of what you said (regarding the rich players who AFK at their plots while getting a lot of money), I don't believe nerfing lots of things would be a great idea; However, I do agree with reducing the amount of money you get from the drops. Why did I choose that? I, also, noticed that a lot of players AFK on their farms and earn a lot of money. Adding to that, I also noticed that there are some players who use a chat-macro to advertise their shops, getting even more money. Therefore, I would say that Mob Drops should decrease in price, so players can go mine again, obtaining more tokens and keeping the economy more balanced.
    puposaurus likes this.
  5. NoobAidan

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Well when you are new you do have to grind a bit to get better and do things that you want to do and plus no one wants this game to be super easy because if it is easy it would be boring.
  6. ItzYaser

    Jul 27, 2019
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    I agree with meanwhiled. I know it can be hard to grind and catch up with players even if you are a rookie. However it is a challenge and it can be fun and exciting having a hard goal and reaching it would be pleasurable. However due to this server being well maintained by the lovely team I can inform that there are resets meaning the staff will give everyone a fresh start every 6ish months making it easier to catch up.
    Have a good day/night
  7. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Just a side note, there are other things you can do to earn money on prison, i myself make profit from apple farming. You can make money from payed building, clearing plots, banners, selling weapons and armor. there is plenty of ways to make profit, you just need to be abit creative!

    Hope this helped a bit and if you ever need help please feel free to message me! ( /msg Abbs_Kababs )

  8. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    although these ways make money, not all of them make large amounts of money which can still leave rookies n' such in the dust. I've been playing prison for a while and i've done most of these things.
    apple farming can get you like 600k-800k for a stack if youre lucky which isnt a whole lot.
    payed building isnt that common on prison since most players use plots just to store their items, and also prison isn't much of a building subserver. shopowners usually have nice built plots, but most times they do it themselves, or have a friend help.. and 90% of the time wouldn't hire a rando rookie. payed building can get you like 100k-300k for about an hour or so of building when you can make 400k+ in an hour of mining. -- same applies to mining out plots, unless youre mining for someone super generous, but that's p rare :/
    banners can make money, but they also can be costly to start out with especially since you have to buy the dyes and the wool (unless you have a spider grinder/spawner). also, the problem with banner shops is that most times they're dead or sell crappy looking banners.
    selling weapons and armor can make money; however, it's not fast money especially if youre a rookie. rookies don't have access to the donar kits so most of their enchants are random like "blast protection 4". unless the armor is (regular) p3 or (regular) p4 it's not gonna sell for much. i'm a legend donar and i tend to sell my kits on the cheaper side, however i only make 200k from selling 2 sets of p3, 3 sets of p2, 2 sets of p1, one set of unenchanted armor, 7 swords, and 7 pickaxes.... basically coal kit through legend kit w/o gapple.
    these types of side hustles, yes, make money, but don't make enough money to get close to leaderboards
  9. Poclam

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Many people have already mentioned this but this is the point of resets, if you missed a chance to get a strong start this season the next season is coming soon and you'll have another shot. Also, the server should not be instantly easy for new players as you said mining is good for the first couple of prestiges and in my opinion once you are passed the first couple of prestiges you should already have a couple of spawners. The players who are so rich and make these profit shops are also helping the new players who have access to their profit shops which offer very easy profit in very little time.
    puposaurus likes this.
  10. OverHash

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Hello there!
    As a miner myself, I thoroughly disagree with this.

    I've been playing prison since the start of this season (as a rookie), and through IRL deals I have found myself at legend, at rank V. I enjoy mining, and I have about ~8 stacks of tokens up my arsenal right now (Which I will spend on IRL deals to immortal). For this reason, I disagree that it is "hard to get tokens".

    Also, with the assistance of sell shops, you can make about ~50k/minute. (At least, if you are relaxed). This means you can get 1 token every minute, and enough for a spanner in an hour.

    Tokens won't be valued too highly as well, technically their value is based off the repair item price (10 tokens), so, however much people value that repair, will be the price of tokens. I don't expect tokens to exceed 125k each.

    As for your idea regarding increasing sell prices for each mine, this won't work. It'd only inflate the cost per token even more. Overall, while it feels like a great idea to just keep adding better and better items, this only inflates the economy even more, and ruins it more.

    In conclusion, I feel as though there are better ways to combat the "noobs find prison boring" issue. I agree that spawners are slightly too over-powered, however, just "nerf spawner make mine op" doesn't solve the problem.

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