List Of Popular Hacks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by puza, Jul 25, 2019.

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  1. puza

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello, these are some of the most popular hacks used around Minecraft servers, including Minecraft Central.​

    Definition of Hacked Client
    A Hacked Client allows you to basically customize and add
    modifications to your Minecraft server experience.
    Hacked Clients add features to your character to enhance your gameplay,
    but can generally result in a ban on almost all servers. It is by no means
    recommended to use clients on Minecraft servers.

    • AimAssist - Helps your aiming
    • AimBot - Automatically aim at the closest enemy
    • Annoy - Allows you to select a player and control what they say
    • AirWalk - Jump in mid-air (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • AntiHurtcam - Prevents the screen from shaking when hurt
    • Anti-Burn - Prevent being burnt in fire and lava (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • ArmorESP - Shows your enemies' armor
    • ArrowTrajectories - Shows the trajectories of fired arrows
    • AutoArmor - Automatically put on armor
    • AutoAttack - Automatically hits the entity you hover over
    • Autobuild - Build structures automatically (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • AutoEat - Automatically eat
    • Autofish - Automatically catch fish and re-throw rod
    • AutoMine - Automatically mine
    • AutoRespawn - Automatically re-spawns after dying
    • AutoShoot - Automatically shoots when the arrow is going to hit
    • Autosign - Place signs with text (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • AutoSoup - Automatically eat soup
    • AutoSteal - Automatically steal all items from chests
    • AutoSwin - Automatically swim
    • AutoSword - Automatically draw the best sword on attacks
    • AutoTool - Always use the best tool when breaking blocks
    • AutoWalk - Automatically walk
    • Blink - Simulates lag, making it seem like you are teleporting
    • BowAimbot - Aims the bow for you
    • Breadcrumbs - Leaves a trace behind you
    • BunnyHop - Automatically jump while sprinting
    • CameraNoClip - Let the camera in 3rd person go into walls
    • CaveFinder - Shows all caves
    • ChestESP - Draws a box around chests
    • CivBreak - Break nexus faster in Annihilation
    • ClickAimbot - Aims at entities when you click your mouse
    • ClickAura - Always hit your enemy
    • CompassTracer - Shows where your compass points to
    • CreativeFly - Fly like in creative mode (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • Criticals - Always make a critical hit
    • Derp - Makes your head go all over the place
    • Dolphin - Move faster in water
    • FastBeak - Break blocks faster (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • FastBow - Shoot arrows at very high speed
    • FastEat - Eat food faster (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • FastFall - Fall faster
    • FastPlace - removes placing delay (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • Fightbot - Automatically walk and fight
    • Flight - Fly around the world (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • Flip - Instantly turn by 180 degrees
    • ForceField - Attack all around you
    • Freecam - Fly out of your body like a ghost
    • Fullbright - Lights up the world
    • Glide - Fall slower (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • GlideFly - Glide up and down (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • GodMode - Make you invincible
    • HighJump - Jump higher (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • Headless - Become a headless player
    • Headroll - Be able to look behind yourself
    • Horsejump- Automatically jump a horse at maximum height
    • InvWalk - Allows movement while inventory opened
    • ItemESP - Draws a bow around dropped items
    • ItemLabels Draws a name tag over dropped items
    • ixAura - Fully customizable aura
    • Jesus - Walk on water
    • KillAura - Automatically attack close enemies
    • MobESP - Draws a box around mobs and animals
    • Moreinventory - Don't drop items from crafting slots
    • MultiAura - Combat multiple enemies in front of you
    • Nametags - Makes name tags bigger
    • NoBlind - Negates the Blindness effect
    • NoBreakDelay - Disables the delay between block breaking (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • NoFall - Negate fall damage (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • NoOverlay - Disables water and fire and pumpkin overlays
    • NoSlowDown - Prevents the player from slowing down whilst being hit by arrows, eggs, ect.
    • Nuker - Destroys all blocks around you (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • ParkourJump - Jump when reaching a block's edge
    • Pathfinder - Finds a path to a certain point
    • Phase - Makes you glitch through walls
    • PlayerESP - Draws a box around players
    • PotionEffects - Shows active potion effects
    • Projectiles - See where your arrows are going to land
    • Reach - Reach further
    • Regen - Regenerate faster (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • Scaffold - Quickly place blocks when building bridges
    • SafeWalk - Prevents from falling of blocks
    • Sneak - makes you always sneak
    • Speed - Makes you go really fast! (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • Spider - Climb up walls (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • Sprint - Always sprint and sprint backwards
    • SprintLegit - Always sprint when walking forward
    • Step - Makes you step up full blocks (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • Timer - Speed up the world (Not NPC Bypassed)
    • Tracers - Draws a line to players
    • TrueSight/Truevision - Show invisible enemies
    • Twerk - Makes it so you walk then crouch
    • velocity/Anti-Knockback - Handles the knockback force
    • Wallhack - See entities through walls
    • Xray - Shows only selected blocks
    • Zoot- Gets rid of bad potion effects and keeps the good ones



    • Some definitions may be loosely-based/changed.

    • Feel free to reply with any hacks and definitions that have not been mentioned above!

    • This thread has been edited.

    • These are only a small portion of user hacks.

    • Try to keep a keen eye out for any hackers, and help keep MCC's community fair!

    • Original Thread:
    #1 puza, Jul 25, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2019
    puposaurus likes this.
  2. RigBot

    Jul 22, 2019
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    m/sg vanks Yeah I have some of these
  3. Spud

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Shoot let’s add this to FAQ for those people who don’t know how to differentiate between each hacked client.

    Hell just go the extra mile and record a video of yourself using each one on the server!
    puza likes this.
  4. puza

    Jul 22, 2019
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    haha, nice try
  5. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    This thread doesn't really offer that much helpful information, as the descriptions are quite un-informative and it's simply a long list of hacks. I'd recommend working on the structure of the post, not to mention that it's a direct copy of a post on another community.
    I don't think that this sort of thread is needed, and that's why I will lock this thread.

    - Thread Locked
    Dog7000 likes this.
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