New rule?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kikahh, Sep 12, 2019.

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  1. kikahh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there, ;D
    First of all thank you for opening this. I think they should add a new rule where when you team up with a hacker (even on Tsw) you should get banned from the server (not permanently) because there are people who do it to increase stats and that would be unfair to other people that work hard and daily on their stats.

    thanks for reading!
    Have a lovely Day!

    -Bunneh :3
  2. Honestlys

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Hey Bunneh!

    I think this is a really good idea. I've seen a lot of people in lvl 1k-2k+ that were teaming with hackers. And it's annoying since they get carried while others actually try to increase theirs stats (like you said).

    +1 from me!
    -Elisa <3
    kikahh likes this.
  3. cammdden

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I personally have never seen people team with hackers, but I'm sure it happens a lot. I think it's a great idea though :) +1
    kikahh likes this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    helloouuuu! a post similar to this was made a while back blahblahsblahshsbalah.
    i like this idea. however, i think it can be hard to detect sometimes- ‘cause sometimes players who go in solo to lay tsw just join a random team and then it’s their luck that there’s a hacker on their team.. so would that mean that they get banned.
    like, these type of scenarios can happen
    > (as i mentioned) a player could join tsw becuase they’re bad at normal sw and they join a random team not knowing any of the players and it just happens to be their luck that there’s a hacker on their team.
    >ctf. period. jk. so like in ctf some people do intentionally join the team with a hacker, but that can be hard to record or detect since ctf only has two teams and it could be hard to tell if that player is just joining that team becuase they always join it, in a party with a friend and trying to join same team, n’ stuff like that.

    if a player was banned for this kinda thing, in an appeal they could come up with an excuse like “i didn’t know that he was a hacker and i just always join <color> team”
    but in survival games that’d probably couldn’t apply

    some questions ‘bout this i kinda have are like
    *how would u be able to report this since evidence can only be 3 minutes long in report, and i feel like in order to detect it, you need to have multiple games recorded to show that it’s consistent (consistent as in player A always teaming with a hacker)
    *also, like, what benefit would this bring, it’s now like that played was hacking. although, it brings up their stats (like if it’s something like tsw), but other than lowering other player’s stats and bringing up their stats and playing unfairly is always a no no... i don’t really see a reason for ban

    overall, i could see something like his being implemented, but atm subservers tends to be kinda more of a focus than the minigames.. and this rule is kinda dumb jus only ‘cause it’d seem super weird and akward to detect and record.

    i hope this mentioned all ur points and made sense >.<
    have a pdksoosospplOOpooo day
    kikahh and Timppali like this.
  5. JapanCrafter

    Sep 1, 2019
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    -1 If a hacker plays a team game (TSW, CTF, etc) then the hacker will have to join an team. By joining a team, the hacker would basically be forcing players to play with him/her and if this rule was implemented, the hacker would basically force a ton of people to get banned. If someone knew there was a hacker in a TSW game for example, they would probably join that hackers team because they just don't want to lose to the hacker. It would also be hard to prove that someone is purposely teaming with a hacker to boost stats.

    Strong -1 from me.
    kikahh, FFandF and AZXG like this.
  6. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I agree with Japan here. I share his worry for possible false bans when a hacker is playing Minigames which require teaming. If teaming was to happen in solo Minigames, both players would be banned, as usual. The hacker would of course get a Client Modification Offence ban.

    Puposaurus has also stated the problem with reporting this offence. This is something that I had been thinking about previously. It's true that the report evidence would have to show multiple games and be very extensive in order to issue any punishment for teaming with hackers. Being in the same team as a hacker would not be enough evidence, as people have preferences for team colours etc. Being in the same team does not necessarely mean that you approve of the hacking.

    Creating a separate rule for this doesn't sound like a good idea, due to the issue of how to define teaming with a hacker. I think that the best solution is to get the hacker banned for hacking, obviously.
  7. Aymere

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thats too tricky to enforce too many faults and not everyone knows theyre teamin w a hacker even if its a party
    kikahh likes this.
  8. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    G’day, Bunneh:)
    I think this could be a good idea and a really good new rule that could get implemented into mcc.
    > first would come reporting for players. As players are trying to get those forum reports to either apply for staff or to just report players to get them punished, I think that the report should contain at least 3 short videos of showing the player typing /playtime in chat and recording both players (the hacker and the « legit » p’ayer) being on the same team in thrice recordings. Therefore, this would give staff members an opportunity to firstly warn the player because after 3 games, you 100% if a player is hacking therefore the player without a hacked client is obviously as bad as the hacker.
    > second, I think that for mini games where you automatically have to team, well no one would get banned or warned for anything apart from the hacker. But in this case, I think that a new command could be implemented into MCC which is the /report command. This command would give staff members the opportunity to spectate said reported player and staff members would see if they’re hacking. If not, the report would get denied and the player that /reported would get a similar message in chat saying the report got denied. Though, yes, that would bring another thing into mcc with allows staff members to spectate in mini games.
    > third : regardless of the time and effort this would take to add in, I honestly think this would be a good idea but with my points mentioned above, I think we’d come to a point where adding in a new rule would be sort of complicated in some way. Anyhow, that’s my opinion.

    Have a good day:)

    kikahh likes this.
  9. FFandF

    Aug 28, 2019
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    I think this sounds like a good idea but when you look into it. A player who plays legitimately could want to play team games because they want to get better, or some other reason. If a hacker joins their team, it is not their fault. If you just ban the hacker than the legit player can go back to having regular teammates. Also, some hacker mindset might be if he goes down, he’s dragging someone else down with them. That is completely unfair. So with that, it is a -1 for me. Have a great day!
  10. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    To be honest this rule would be really bad. You would be banned if a hacker joined your team on TSW and you don’t even want it to happen. Too many false bans would happen, because staff members can’t actually say if the person is teaming with the hacker to boost their stats or the hacker got in their team randomly.
    kikahh and FFandF like this.
  11. Smokjab

    Aug 29, 2019
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    i mean, i don't know if the rule would really work but. On Faction LMS the biggest factions always have a cheater teaming with them, it wins them the game so i think this might be a cool rule to add.
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