Waiting Lobby Parkour

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MicahScarry, Sep 8, 2019.


What would you like to happen with the waiting lobby parkour?

  1. Add more to the present parkour.

  2. Upgrade the present parkour.

  3. Make the present parkour easier.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Leave the parkour as is.

  5. Allow players to eat a slice of cake.

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. MicahScarry

    Sep 3, 2019
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    In each mini-game waiting lobbys there's a parkour course that'll entertain players while there game is about to start or if a player is waiting for enough players to join so the game may start. And for the last few months, or the entire time, the parkour has stayed the same. So what I'm proposing is that the parkour has a little change to it for those of us bored or no longer entertained by the present parkour. Whether you've completed it many times, the parkour seems bland to you, or if you feel a single jump is harder than it needs to be for parkour in a waiting lobby and is more appropriate for it's own separate mini-game.

    So, do you believe there needs to be a change to the present parkours whether for there to be more, harder, or easier? Please leave a vote down below and hopefully someone with authority takes charge if enough votes come in.
  2. MicahScarry

    Sep 3, 2019
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    And I realise wrong location.... How does one delete their thread?
  3. Master_Aqua

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hoio there,
    Is there a tools button under your post? If so then just click it and it should say “delete”.
    If not, then I believe that staff members are able to hide your post. So either message one on discord or if one sees it here and you are requesting to delete it, I’m sure they’ll assist you with it.

    Have a good day!
  4. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey MicahScarry!

    To answer your question firstly, staff can move your thread to "Server Suggestions" If that is where you would like it to be moved. Simply tag a staff member in the MCC Discord "Support Channel" and one will be with you whenever they're free to assist you. If you have not already joined the MCC Discord and would like to do so, the link is below.


    Now, as far as the parkour goes, my opinion on this falls both ways. I would LOVE to see additions like this, and many things like this to improve the server have been suggested. While your idea is great, and most of them are, there's one thing that all players who make suggestions like this must keep in mind; Staff priorities. MCCentral kinda blew up with the comeback minecraft made recently with YouTubers starting to play it again. This popularity was unexpected and came out of nowhere. The staff team, especially Admins and Owners, have a ridiculous amount on their plate and are trying to make the server self-sustaining before making additions like this one. Don't be discouraged, your idea is phenomenal and the creativity is highly encouraged. Ideas like this WILL be worth it once the server has reached a stable point where additions can be made. Unfortunately, some understanding is required on the member's end on WHY staff can't add things like this yet. However, the idea is always appreciated and considered by them and will more than likely be added once they have the time to do so :) In the mean time, I would suggest building your own parkour map that you would like to see added into the lobbies. Staff of course has the ability to copy and paste any ideas into the maps, so if you put the time and effort in, then you might just see your own map played by thousands of people! Plus, having the map readily available for staff to copy and paste shortens the time for them to do this task and makes the probability of it actually happening much higher.

    Hope this helped! Have a nice day/night!

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