Voting Crate Drops

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by TeddyOreo, Sep 7, 2019.

  1. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    I wanted to bring up a very controversial topic on the drops from voting keys. A lot of people have been complaining about XP being inside of the crates. Personally I don't find it beneficial to people when they do get xp as very few people actually enchant items. It takes up some space and doesn't make the whole "Opening a crate, what good stuff am I gonna get" fun anymore. I get that voting crates are free by voting but removing XP and adding more useful items will encourage more people to vote. Thoughts?
    Aussierules123 and Lotusary like this.
  2. Lotusary

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I agree with this. The server is plagued with already enchanted kit tools/armor to begin with. Not to mention if I really wanted to XP there are many Mob Grinders around the server. XP is something very easy to get ahold of, so getting it from the vote chest isn't exciting.
    Aussierules123 likes this.
  3. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I agree with this for prisons and skyblock too! If you want to get experience then you can just warp to someone’s island or plot and kill a few of their mobs from their spawners. Experience is useful on Kit though because you can purchase custom enchants for 45 xp levels but currently, on prisons and skyblock, experience is only useful, if at all, at the start of a season when people do not have grinders set up and everyone Is trying to enchant their items for Efficiency V and Silk Touch and Looting III for farms. Voting keys shouldn’t be that good though because they are free and 4 are obtainable a day with literally 3 clicks of a button each.
    Thank you and have a lovely day!
    Aussierules123 likes this.
  4. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I agree, it really sucks to see those 2 diamond swords coming in then the chest opens to 500 xp. I think removing that would be amazing but also adding other item to the loot chests
    Aussierules123 likes this.
  5. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    This is a good idea but if you buff the voting chest its not going to have good effects on the econonmy. Right now the most buffed voting chest in my opinion is kit pvp and that is becuase kit pvps eco is around a 1000x smaller than prisons eco and the chest give you 10$ as the least amount of money from a vote key it is 1k. (the reason I say 1000x smaller is becuase baltop on kit last season was 1mil this is not accurate it is prob different but you get the idea)

    -xStrafinqs_ now xStrafings
    Leader of money gang
  6. Thorndog

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Really the only thing xp is good for is repairing armor and making bows
  7. MicroSquid

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I’m gunna +1 this idea just because it is pretty useless like you don’t really need to enchant anything most people stack up on /kits or purchase kits from places like /ah so in all honestly XP isn’t even needed. Like even in prison early game the main necessity would be a pickaxe, however, the starter pickaxe you can get ever 15 minutes is better than any enchant u could make. Perhaps you could enchant armor but it’s not really necessary with the amount of people that do sell there kits. If people really wanted xp they usually grind for it anyways so it’s just redundant to have it in the chest since it’s hardly ever used. Just my opinion tho :/
  8. Thorndog

    Aug 6, 2019
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    The main thing with xp is repairing your armor and sword, would be nice on the picks but oh well, plus you can use xp to make bows to combine to get yourself that power 5, punch 2, unb 3, flame 1 and infinity 1 and it doesn't cost ya a couple of million. I just look at it through the eyes of newer players.

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