/fix all

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by Ewhz, Sep 7, 2019.

  1. Ewhz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As you know, /fix all is a command you get from having a rank. It is a perk you get for buying a rank on the server. KitPVP has had a reset and is on season 7.0 and with this new season came a few things people disliked. If you play KitPVP you remeber /fix and /fix all being free to use, seeing as you paid IRL money to have it. But in the new season the command costs money (which you get from kills). This isn't very hard for some players who have good gear and can get kills fairly easily, but for the people who dont have as good of things, /fix all was a savior to keep the gear you had; better than ur rank/kit set. I personally dislike that /fix and /fix all costs to use it. Some players may like it, some may not.

    Thank you for reading, let me know what you think. Do you agree or disagree?
  2. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I personally dislike this as well, I wish they made it so EVERYONE had fix all so it would be fair for all players. It's hard for me to drop down and PvP if I melt through 100 dollars within 10 minutes.
  3. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like the idea of having non-ranked players pay for /fix and /fix all, but donors shouldn't have to pay. I would like to see this change reverted, seeing as it didn't help the community in any way, and is only causing problems. +1
  4. MicroSquid

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I'm not very big on pvp but i have been seeing alot of people complaining about it lately. I do think its odd since as everyone else mentioned u payed irl money. Also if pretty much the whole player base for that sub-server hates it then i believe it should be removed
    Just my opinion tho not like I play it much bcuz i suck :)
  5. Mqney

    Jul 25, 2019
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    honestly it sucks to suck. You gotta work to get kills and now that Hellforged's been added it's not an issue. Kitpvp is a skill based gamemode and if you cant keep up and make your own money then you should probably leave.
    Departition_ and ballo like this.
  6. Schnozmo

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I see both points in this argument, however, I'ma have to give you a +1.
    Giving all players the ability to use /fix all, would give everyone a fair advantage.
  7. Ewhz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is where you're wrong. KitPVP is not "skill-based" it's overall a pay-to-win mode. If you have IRL money for keys or a higher rank, you get better things and it makes it no fun for those who wish to not spend money for a single mode. So seeing as all players have to earn money through kills just to keep decent sets and fix them to actually go into PVP, is utterly stupid and should not be a thing. Ranked players should not have to pay, but I believe Rookies should still have to pay for the command since it is a PERK that is for certain ranks and up. It caused a huge issue in the community and I don't see as many players anymore on KitPVP.

    Please refrain from posting on threads if you don't have something useful to input to it. Thank you, have a good day.
    Schnozmo likes this.
  8. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Every subserver is based around grinding for better gear and loot and working your way to the top. Fair enough, if you have a rank you get special perks and kits etc. but everything that ranked players receive from their kits is obtainable from killing players and enchanting your gear and killing more and more people. EULA makes it so that everything you can get from buying Mythical keys, can be obtained from vote keys too. Let me explain this; so as you know, from voting, everyday you can receive 4 vote keys. From your vote keys, you have a small chance at winning ancient keys and from ancient keys, you have a small chance of winning mythical keys.
    On every server, you will always have an advantage by having a rank and that is because, that is how server make money. If they removed perks and kits for ranked players, then no-one would purchase the ranks and the income of our server would be decreased dramatically.

    The player count for every subserver has been reduced because it is September and almost everyone, is returning to work and or school because summer has ended.
    It happens every year so expect it to happen.
    Hope this clears a bit up at least.
    Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day!
  9. Ewhz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I never said to remove anything. I said to backroll on the /fix all costing money for people who bought the rank with the perk. It is no fun to have to pay for /fix when you paid IRL money for ranks to have the perk in the first place. But I see what you mean.
  10. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I personally agree that Kit hasn't been the same without Bedrock+ free fix all. When a lot of people were angry on the first day about the original fix all issue of not being able to fix in combat, Alex made it clear in public chat that he won't revert back to the old fix all by any means. This means we'll be staying with a priced fix-all regardless of our rank, and as much as it may suck as I know some people bought it for free fix all, it's his server and I doubt he'd change it back since he's strongly against it.
    It's difficult to play when you have to focus on money, so he did incorporate hellforge. I'm not sure if this is useful since I kinda stopped playing after the new season, but it should help with fixing gear so you don't have to worry too much about it. If your struggle is with cash, I suggest just voting everyday for the $100 and keys, then after a month or so, you won't have to worry about cost. That's basically what I'm doing to avoid my bank dying after 10 minutes; I'm just stocking up on cash so I can enjoy the game later without having to worry about my balance.
  11. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Just give donors free fix and rookies 25$ fix, rather than rookies 50$ fix and donors 25$ fix. That would literally make rookies AND donors happy. Alex, pls listen to the community, I have literally quit after having been leaderboard and playing since season 1. Please Please Please just make fix all free. At this point, you have to rookie grind to make enough money to kill a player in p4 and risk dying. It’s better to rookie grind and simply make p4 now, meaning donators aren’t fighting at all!
  12. Ewhz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is what I do not understand. Alex says he will not revert, but he knows the community is upset about it. The mode is losing players. I bought the rank I have so that I had /fix. I did not pay IRL money to have perks be taken away. I, as well as other people, paid money to get the perks the ranks came with. Being the owner of the server, he should care what the players think about some things that are being done. The cost to use /fix for donors is absurd and such a bad addition to the season. I understand voting can get you money and keys, but the voting keys rarely will give you anything of use on KitPVP and other things we need cost money, such as potions. This makes the mode more difficult to play, seeing as not everyone can put money into it. It's unfair to have a perk people paid for, taken away without reason.

    This thread needed to be seen by Alex, because it really is damaging the mode and how people view it now. The /fix all was a rank perk, and now it's available to everyone. If Alex wants everyone to have the ability to do so, let the Bedrock+ ranks have the perk back at no cost to use; instead have a cool-down timer of half an hour to use the command. Anyone below Bedrock can use it and pay the $25 and Rookie stay at $50.

    I do believe this would be better than taking it away from everyone and also fix the fact that some people paid to have it as a perk. It would help restore some things that were wronged while not having to entirely mess with everything they added to this season.
  13. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can see both arguements, I'm not a big Kit person person and I got my first rank which was Bedrock for Survival for /fix. I think the way things are is fine mainly because kit means if you're a rookie, you're already at a huge disadvantage. It's more fair and reasonable and again if you're really good at pvp, then getting kills or money shouldn't be hard, atleast in my opinion. Having an instant /fix all just made more people lazy and honestly nobody wants to work for anything so yeah a drop in donators in kit is understandable but I can guarantee tha they aren't quitting the server, just migrating to another until next season.
  14. ballo

    Jul 23, 2019
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    they should have just made the hellforged for rookies and make it free fix all for bedrock and up
  15. Mqney

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Clearly you don't play kit enough, or haven't ever played kit as a rookie. Being a rookie back in season 2-3, I know the struggles it took to grind for a set, but that makes KitPvP fun. The fact that you just said that KitPvP, a PVP based sub-server isn't actually skill-based hurts my head. It takes skill to get sets, and it takes skill to keep sets regardless if you're a donator or not. If anything this creates more of a skill gap and makes it so trash players stay with nothing and the good players succeed. Thats what kitpvp should be like. Alex shouldn't be pampering rookies and giving them perks to make it even, so he didn't. He added an extreme cost which balances the economy, and also added custom enchants. So before you come at my neck for commenting on your post, use your brain and think of the real reasons it was implomented.
  16. BtwImQuestion

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can see both sides to this. However, I feel paying $25 per fix all and $50 below bedrock is fair. as hellforge has been added it is another way gear wont break. ( Very essential for rookies ) As a kit pvp player myself i have seen it grow in many ways. Unfortunately we wont be adding fix all back for free but Hellforge was added to help others with the money side of fix all. Thank you for reading !

    Feel free to contact me anytime ( Discord Below )
    deleteduser likes this.
  17. Nyo


    Aug 1, 2019
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    i agree with bringing back /fix all for bedrock up i really think it is unfair to us considering was have spent around $80-$110 on ranks with irl money. Rookies have paid $0. They can fix all for just $25 more dollars. How is it fair to put in a perk that a $80 up rank will receive. And now rookies and all others have access to it as well. It seems that people that agree don't see our side and if you are a rookie you obviosly agree with this. I quit and also i know 5 other people that have quit over this. Not saying that not going to stop you guys from keeping this on but, in the long run this wont be good for you guys.
  18. Ewhz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I understand that Hellforge was added, but it is still a huge slap to the face to have spent IRL money on a rank, just to have a perk you paid for taken away and given to ALL players who hadn't paid for it.

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