Gens Tycoon Suggestion

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by MoriarInvictus, Nov 2, 2024.

  1. MoriarInvictus

    Feb 1, 2021
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    First off, I'd like to say Gens Tycoon has been a fun game mode to play. It has a unique aspect that separates it from Skyblock and makes it interesting. Gen Tycoon also has one major downside, which is the insanely slow rate at which farming awards XP. This makes for an incredibly boring experience of walking in circles aimlessly for hours on end, just to have only progressed a few levels. I am only prestige 2 level 14, and already have reached the point of not wanting to progress anymore due to the time it takes just to get one level.

    I have talked with a few other players who stated they shared the same sentiment I do towards farming, and we came up with a few possibilities to improve the experience. I have seen similar ideas on other forum posts as well, so I apologize if some of these ideas are redundant to other posts:

    - Increase the XP scaling or add more farms. XP should be yielded at a higher rate for the existing farms, such as increasing the carrot farm to 3XP per carrot harvested and 5XP per potato harvested. This would help offset the painfully slow grind in earlier prestiges. I can't personally speak for the later prestiges, but others who are there have said it only gets worse, so the addition of more farms with later prestiges with higher XP yields would help keep the grind moving at a reasonable pace.

    - Adding new hoes to the game. Adding additional hoes to the game with varying rates of an XP boost would also provide a way to speed up the farming process. Players could start with a wood harvesting hoe, and after 50k crops harvested, it could turn into a stone hoe with a 5% bonus to XP earned. After harvesting an additional 100k crops, it would turn into an iron hoe with an 8% bonus. These rates are just an example, but it provides the idea of how the bonuses would work.

    - Adding hoe abilities. As seen in another post, the idea of adding farmable abilities to hoes would also help with this issue. Abilities such as speed, haste, fortune, and XP boost would help add enjoyment to farming and help players level up easier while still keeping the grinding aspect.

    These are all simply ideas on how to fix what I view as a downside for Gen Tycoon, and would love to see changed. Any input or ideas from others would be appreciated!
    #1 MoriarInvictus, Nov 2, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2024
    gflok, croaky1 and Ressurecting like this.
  2. croaky1

    Nov 2, 2024
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    New hoes/leveled hoes with abilities and exp gain on hoes is a really good idea

    I think a new crop at like prestige 6 would just add another little motivation boost, maybe even requiring a certain level or type of hoe to mine this new crop. There could be mid to high prestige crops that prioritize gems, crops that prioritize exp and crops that have a small chance to drop a key or some other kind of unique loot for more grinding potential with certain hoes or an upgraded hoe increasing the odds.

    I like grinding a lot to get ahead so stuff that lets me get more out of it wld be fun
    gflok and MoriarInvictus like this.

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