I got more questions

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by Goldin3608, Jun 23, 2024.

  1. Goldin3608

    Jul 20, 2023
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    Is there any way you can get unbanned after getting perm banned? About 10 months ago I was banned because I didn't join the discord after being frozen. I didn't join because I didn't have discord then (I get that it is a reasonable way to get banned). Here's the thing: me and my friend were on a FaceTime call and when I got frozen, I showed her my screen. But because the time ran out to join the discord, I got banned and we couldn't show/make any recordings. I went and appealed but my appeal got denied. Here is the second thing: I was going to appeal again but the mod that banned me the second time isn't a mod anymore, like he’s not on the staff list (Desiqn_). I really miss playing on MCC :/

    ( I know I'm prob never going to get unbanned but I just wanna see if there are any ways I can)
  2. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Just appeal the ban and a srmod will take care of it. If you were banned for what you say you are, you will be unbanned
  3. Goldin3608

    Jul 20, 2023
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    Thank you sooooo much!!!

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