KitPvP Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nonRacist, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. nonRacist

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Heya all!

    It has been nice to see players on KitPvP, seen some fights going and some friendly pvp trash talk is always included as well (:
    Just remember not to break rules! It is better experience to play without being muted/banned.

    I am here asking for possible feedback on the sub-server launch, to see what players on KitPvP think of the season, and if they think there should be some changes.
    Owners are going to be reading the responses to these posts, and as of this moment they already introduced a new kit to the sub-server, Kit Gapple which allows players to redeem free regular and god golden apples no matter of the rank to make fighting easier!

    I hope you are having fun!

    How formatting of the feedback could go would be the following:

    in-game name; (Optional)

    Idea: (Hopefully you have one c:)

    Reasonings towards the idea:

    I hope you all have a great weekend and hopefully we can brainstorm some ideas together!

    K4M, ceruleen and celebt like this.
  2. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I would like to preface this by saying that I appreciate kit being back and it has been pretty nostalgic. That being said:

    (Small Change)
    Whats up with clear lag? previously on kit, we had items disappearing within a period of time from when they were dropped rather than all on the same timer. For the last few seasons, we have had it working this way since back when we had everything on the same timer we regularly had problems with people dying and clear lag happening before the winner of the fight could even pick up loot. Please go back to the first system.

    (Remove cf)
    Season 6 is largely considered to be the worst kitpvp season, even more so than season 7 when there was paid fix. Why? Well, because of coin flip. Coin flip completely ruined the economy in season 6 with the luckiest players on bal top being in the millions, whereas in previous seasons bal top one typically sits around 150k at the end of the season. Last time coin flip made money irrelevant and inflated everything 10x, lets not do that again.

    (Main idea)
    With everybody in semi decent gear, grinding levels is not possible. As one of three people to hit lvl 250, I quite enjoyed just chilling and two tapping the nons that dropped. However, the server isn’t very popular for nons because of this. The clear solution to this is to make bots that jump in the old rookie kit. Alternate how many bots drop at any given time, ranging from maybe 1-8 to simulate old rookie farming. If anybody on staff is familiar with hypixel pit, because it died many players began breaking the rules and implementing “soft bots”, which dropped in their lobbies and acted very similarly to normal players and dropped in random amounts so they could still level up. I am proposing essentially this system, but obviously the server would have the bots rather than the players breaking the rules.

    (Small perk change)
    Drastically increase the rarity of perks from keys once a player has redeemed them all. I personally opened my keys that have stacked up and got 20% of my rewards being perks despite already having all the perks for upwards of 6 years. So many people are in my position to where perks have gone into the ground in value because everybody already has them all.

    Overall, with the addition of kit gapple I don’t hate where kit is. My only problem is that leveling up largely isn’t possible efficiently and there should be bots jumping in the old rookie-immortal kits for people that want to streak.
    #2 PumahKITPVP, Apr 27, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2024
    xOmegaPig likes this.
  3. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    While I love KitPvP, bringing it back was not the best idea compared to others you have in the works. Nostalgic players will come back, play for a week, and then most leave. Kit lacks the uniqueness and compelling reasons to hop on. I truly hope Kit is successful this time. Here are some suggestions, consider/disregard any as you please.

    General Suggestions:

    Be more transparent with the community. We want to know what's happening, and we want to provide input. Your server depends on players, so this is a net positive for success. For example, provide updates on what's happening with Pixelmon. Give more time before releasing KitPvP. Ask beforehand for community suggestions on what to implement for seasons when a new mode is released. The community should be driving the majority of these decisions.

    With these feedback posts: read, digest, and then poll the suggestions you like to see what the entire community thinks. This gives insight into what the popular vote is rather than assuming everyone will like it. This also lets the community know you genuinely hear us and want to interact further. Breaking down the Owner : Staff Member and Owner : Community wall is crucial to success here. This is your server, so ultimately you choose how you want to engage with the community.

    Implement non-game breaking changes throughout the season rather than waiting until the following season. I know this is something that's done from time to time, but especially with KitPvP, which requires more attention to retain players, new additions are key.

    Create more accessibility for Cosmetics beyond paying $12 on a 40% sale for them. Add them to Vote Keys or Event Keys. Put yourselves in our shoes: would you pay $12 for a cosmetic tag?

    Add fun chat interactivity messages, such as "type DONUT" to receive X reward ($, levels, etc.). These could happen every 30-60 minutes and provide a fun way to continue engaging with the game.

    Happy with the initiatives taken to improve F2P environment. /tutorial and /kit gapple are also good additions. Keep it up.

    Rework /kit

    If the goal is to stimulate player count, your end goal is more fights. More fights entails increased accessibility to armor, weapons, etc. Additionally, new players unfamiliar to the network will leave at the sight of Kit Daily and Kit Weekly: they have no incentive to wait that long for a chance to fight ranked players.

    1. Currently, when you die you receive Kit Starter, otherwise the cooldown is also 15 minutes for Kit Starter. Make Kit Starter every 3 minutes - makes no sense to wait that long.
    2. P3 is the absolute minimum you need to fight against P4, and making that accessible every 24 hours is unreasonable to new players and non-donators. Tranform Kit Daily to be every 15 minutes, maximum.
    3. P4 is what drives fights. I disagree with Pumah's point. This is the perfect addition to get more players into the pit, but Kit Weekly brings new player retention essentially down to 0%. Make Kit Weekly into Kit Daily (every 24 hours), and reduce the God Apples from 5x to 3x, since Kit Gapple gives you more than enough already.
    While hearing the third point may confuse everyone, again the point of KitPvP is actually PvP. Driving accessibility up increases retention and player count. An oversupply is not a concern given it's already fairly easy to get P4 through combining P3, so this suggestion makes it even more accessible but adds fairness through a 24 hour cooldown. Additionally, an oversupply later into the season stimulates fights. Balancing P5 supply is what ultimately matters, which is already good, so no concerns there.

    KitPvP Suggestions

    I make these suggestions with the thought process of 1) fairness to those paying IRL $, and 2) retention goals.

    Remove /CF. This is PvP, not gambling. From my understanding, the majority of the community holds this ideology, though put it to a poll if you want to be sure.

    Give top 3 (by levels) gift cards. Incentivize players to grind toward something. Kit players already spend loads of $, so the gift card reward vs. the money brought in should not be a concern. Doesn't have to be much too. $25 for #1 when you already do this for Top Voter makes sense.

    Make Kit seasons shorter. Every 3 months max. New players hopping on and seeing level 250 is deterring. Kit also is a game mode that requires more additions and revivals, similar to Factions in the past, to stimulate activity.

    Add back boosters. Net positive here. If people want, they buy, and if they don't want, no loss. Charge $2.50 max per booster, and also place them as Vote Key & Event Key rewards. Players will see a booster and want to hop on to either benefit from more $/kill or reap the benefits of free cash.

    Remove God Apples from /keys. We have /kit gapple for 2 God Apples every 15 minutes. Not fair to people paying $2.50+ on a key, just to get god apples. They have never been a community favorite, but especially now with more F2P accessibility, the reward is 100% not worth it. Would you pay $2.50 for it, else in fairness to the community, remove them as rewards.

    Add Mythical Bow to the Events Key rewards to increase F2P accessibility. Don't have certain items locked behind paying, but you can make the odds/accessibility harder. At least, then, there's always the chance to get it, which players can work toward.

    Add /perks notes and certain donator perks (/invsee, /back, etc.) to /shop for in-game $. Make them season-only, rather than permanent. This encourages new players or non-donators to make money (kill/vote/sell) and buy these perks. It's something to work toward, which encourages retention through goals. Perks are currently oversaturated in /ah given how many returners came back with keys to use and received duplicates. Price /perks at $5k in /shop, max, for future seasons. Price donator perks at $2.5k - $5.0k per perk.

    Significantly reduce /kit Potions shop-price in /shop given they're free. Also, reduce the /kit Potions cooldown to 1 minute to allow people to quickly repot whenever they want. The cooldown right now still allows for re-potting but can be a nuisance if you want to repot earlier. Not a negative to PvP.

    Increase the Splash Potions timings to 8 minutes in /shop, and maintain the current shop price to incentivize purchases there for quicker repots.

    Add Boss Battle event to KitPvP. Kit depends on unique events to bring players online when PvP becomes dull. Adding more events brings retention up.

    Reduce Custom Enchant EXP Level from 45 to 30/33. Unreasonable to new players to work toward that, especially when certain books require 4x applications to work like Speed.

    Add back /rename with 1-2x daily use, and move rename scrolls to Vote Keys/Rewards. No one should have to pay $2.50+ to cosmetically rename an item. Put yourselves in a player's shoes here, would you? Capping the rename-per-day prevents an "overpowered" nature to the perk while also bringing back a popular cosmetic feature.
    PainfulStrafes_ likes this.
  4. xEthzn

    Oct 14, 2020
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    remove custom enchants from keys especially they're quite useless , all the ce's you can get from /kit potions or /fix all (because hellforged is useless cuz all ranks can fix now)

    add back brackets

    5min kit hps is reasonable and good

    gift card payouts top clan top kills top events etc.

    make p4 more easily gettable, possibly daily (mainly because people are kill grinding p2s and p3s for easy kills)

    add a dungeon / conquest type thing to get a chance for p5. possibly a conquest / dungeon credit system, where you have to complete a few missions in order to gain enough credits to open one of the keys, don't make it super easy to get p5 but make it reasonable so the average player can get p5

    besides that, just making p5 more available so theres more 1v1 fights would be alot better, instead of 2-5 people just farming 1-10 p2 ppl , and then like 1-10 people actually fighting p5. would make it more balanced
    PainfulStrafes_ likes this.

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