Bring Factions Back

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by choppa223, Apr 11, 2024.

  1. choppa223

    Apr 3, 2020
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    I miss it, it's been awhile... You guys could make some serious money if you find a way to advertise to old players and target their nostalgia. I'm one of them. I loved factions as a kid growing up, in college now and thinking back on the old times. It'll never be what it used to be... But can 100% bring new players and old players together.
  2. KillHeroBrine32

    Apr 9, 2020
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    They got rid of the faction not long ago, and just before they got rid of it, not many people were playing it. I remember playing factions growing up as well, but it seems like all the people who have grown up with it are well grown up... and have possibly moved on from playing Minecraft or even games in general.

    I get the idea, like I miss Creative and kitpvp too, but no one plays those anymore.
  3. kvng_steph

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm all for bringing back the original subservers that made MCC what it was back in the day (minigames + factions). However, the Owners have made it very clear that they are not looking to bring back factions because of the EULA rules which resulted in a ban of payouts. Microsoft completely killed factions by making payouts illegal. The removal of payouts results in no motivation or attraction to the server. The aspect of competition is completely gone too with the removal of payouts. The owners have stated multiple times that bringing back factions would be too much of a "hassle" because running factions requires a lot of network resources, maintenance, costs, and production.

    The owners have also made it clear that the content they push/create is never about bringing nostalgia of the good old days (only thing the owners implement for nostalgic purposes is maybe older season spawn areas for Prison/Skyblock). Alex has especially made this known to the minigames community who have been bugging and pushing Alex to return the original minigames back.

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