The Problems With the Kit Reset

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by TryAgainLater, Aug 31, 2019.

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  1. NonLegitWaffle

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Good idea, it would make levels actually useful and it would reward the rookies who actually play the server and need fix all.
    ballo likes this.
  2. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    What? Hell Forged is not a vanilla Minecraft enchantment, it is exactly something we need to create ourselves XD
    ballo likes this.
  3. ballo

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Yes please do make that for rookies and just give bedrock and up there fix all back please and thank you
  4. Driplet

    Aug 29, 2019
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    I never knew the day would come when Kitpvp literally will just die more than ever. They should just add /fix all for the people that have bedrock or higher. A lot of people paid a lot of money just to get the perk for /fix all. I think this update is really horrible. You guys also decided to remove the health. Now you guys made it more harder to 1v1 people. I think this update is the worst one yet. Sorry for saying this but it's true. I hope you guys fix this quickly or else no one will probably play KitPvp ever again. The people that have no ranks should be paying $25 to do /fix all. Us donators should be allowed to do /fix all for free. The people that have Bedrock or higher should get the /fix all for free. The people that have lower ranks or rookies should be paying $25.
  5. TryAgainLater

    Aug 31, 2019
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    @AlexMarkey thanks for your feedback but you are still not listening. Mqney said it best, "Honestly I think this is just a lot more work for no reason. A simple fix to everyone’s concerns is making fix all free to bedrock+, decreasing the cost for coal+, and make it a certain amount for rookies. This way the donators who paid for fix all are happy and the rookies complaining still get fix all, but have to pay because they’re a rookie. There should be an advantage to being a donator because that’s what people donated for." You are making all these things for a reset like its factions. Its a simple kit pvp subserver. Please dont make it more complicated than it is. All your active and top players that have been playing this for years are really letting you know this is an issue. This way everyone is happy and the reset wont go to entire shit.
    I would also like to hear your feedback on /echest as well.
  6. Mqney

    Jul 25, 2019
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    i vouch
  7. Lunatix

    Jul 25, 2019
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    That actually sounds like a pretty good idea if they can think about what perks they can add when you get above level 50. :)
  8. Bandhunta

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Perfect said, couldn't agree more. I wanna know about ec as well. I got 5v1ed earlier today, and i couldnt do ec to store my stuff, and getting 5v1ed when ur broke and cant constantly fix all really sucks. I tried to do a kit, but walah! I couldn't even do that, which brings me to my next point, doing kits in combat. It's very hard to pot when you're getting focused, and i couldn't get more hps. I think fix all, ec, and the kits are the biggest problem of this season so far for me. I've been playing since season 1 and now im seriously tempted to drop the server because kit is the only server i play. Its really sad to see it die out, when their use to be 4 different servers and each one was popping. This is a serious issue, and needs to be fixed asap
  9. LowFlo

    Aug 30, 2019
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    Kitpvp was great before. All of these sudden changes ruin the game. Irookies should never have fix all unless they decide to buy a rank.
  10. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'll share my input, opinions, experiences, thoughts, etc. on this. It's just what I'm experiencing, so you can always differ.

    First off I want to completely agree with you. I can't say I've played enough to say I'm an OG Kit player, but I played a decent amount before to know that fix all is very important.
    I've been very hesitant to jump because of the money part. I understand a balance is trying to be made, but in the early part of the game, it's hard to get anywhere without buying keys. I'll pop because I'm afraid to fix all and lose cash. My brain is hardwired to fixing from before, and I think this immediate change messes with that. I can't speak for other players, but I'm just afraid to jump because of the RIP in my balance within minutes. I agree that Bedrock+ should have free fix all, and if not in combat, at least outside of combat like previously and then it costs in combat. We did pay, and although the ToS says perks are subject to change, I feel free fix all was a huge benefit to a $65+ rank and removing that immediately is a bit unfair.
    With that said, I don't think it's enjoyable to play when I'm worrying about cash. Right now I'm gonna just save up cash for a month and then play, or I'll wait to see if anything changes soon.
    I've spectated enough to notice a few things: A majority of the community that PvP's in good armor are donators, mostly Bedrock+ as previously we could fix all without a price and lower ranks couldn't. The players that PvP in good armor are most likely to fix, not the players in bad armor, don't have access to good kits, and get farmed by donators. Some players die due to their balance running out, and fights then lower in a PvP based server due to needing cash to fulfill just 1 single fight. A single fight can last seconds if a quick drop, or even hours like some from last season. I think the change ruined PvP fights to the extent of just worrying about your balance, and I'm not sure who said this, but I agree that it's just whoever has more gaps and cash now. It doesn't have to do with skill entirely.
    I can see why fix all was added for all players. It makes the game more fair. I also understand why Bedrock+ still has to pay since we could spam fix all again and wait for Diamond and below to run out of cash, but as I mentioned before, I agree that it doesn't seem right and fair to take away a perk that many of us paid for mainly for fix all for free. I've seen people ask for refunds, and I know that's exaggerated and dramatic, but I can't blame them if you can still fix all without a rank (don't chargeback, it's a ban).
    I agree with two ideas mentioned about fix all: Bedrock+ gets free fix, Coal-Diamond gets cheaper fix than Rookie, and Rookie gets fix for a decent price; or Bedrock+ gets free fix out of combat. If anything, free fix out of combat seems the most reasonable for a compromise, but if the other idea is accepted, that'd be a bonus and amazing, at least in my opinion.
    On to enderchest. I see why it was removed: people can just chest their stuff or get more gaps, which can make fights unfair or the other person be left with no loot from the kill. On the other side, though, it is annoying when you have to carry tons of gaps and craps at once, and you can't store your items. Bandhunda summed it up perfectly; you can't chest the loot you get when other clans and people fight you after you kill someone. This now puts pressure on you to leave, you may have to fix all more and lose cash, and you can't even store the loot you earned rightfully from a fight. It dampens the experience and thrill of killing someone. I think this should definitely be added back, and since most maps already have ender chests around the map to access, it wouldn't be an unfair advantage to players without /ec since they could run to those ender chests and store items. It just seems reasonable to add back /ec.
    I'm a staff member, so when I played I didn't have trouble with hackers fighting me. I see people complain a lot about hackers, and obviously staff can't be on 24/7. With that said, I can see your point about it being completely unfair to have to pay to fix all and gap spam when a hacker is on you. Sadly it will take a while for the anti cheat to be implemented. It's been years since the announcement of one being worked on, and it still hasn't been added, but there is hope. Alex replied to some bug reports in the past mentioning that he's working on the anti-cheat, which is why the mini games anti-cheat looks poorly made right now and fly hackers are present (he removed the previous one I think). Anyways you're right that it is unfair, but you'll have to sadly deal with it and ask in #support on Discord (maybe, best and fastest way in my opinion) for a staff member to spectate hackers on Kit if you encounter one. We're (Staff) here to help you, and until a functioning anti-cheat is in place, feel free to always ask for us to spectate a hacker or report hackers yourself.
    Okay those are my thoughts and opinions about the reset and ideas mentioned in this post. If I made any mistakes, it's probably because it's late for me and I felt I should reply as a fellow kit player. I completely agree that change needs to be made and some new features should be reverted.
    TryAgainLater and ballo like this.
  11. Jcson

    Jul 22, 2019
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    when u gonna publish ur novel
  12. TryAgainLater

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Couldn't have said it better. As you also said, people that are p2w and got keys that have all the money to fix and all the gaps in the world and p5 and all dominate anyone in p4 when they have limited money and cant even fight back let alone even run away from a fight like that. Its just pointless.
    FINALLY. A staff member that isn't braindead. Fix all plays a big part of the community's frustration. @AlexMarkey you can make everyone happy. Don't add more shit to make kit pvp even more fucked up. MasterChheda said it perfectly as previously explained. a) bedrock+ free fix all b)coal-lapis reduced fix all price c)rookies fix all price.
    /ec is NECESSARY. I can't explain enough after how many kills I literally don't even get the loot. Im getting punch II bows from all directions and cant even pick up the fucking loot I spent $200 to kill. Its bullshit.
    Reporting hackers isn't going to make a difference unfortunately. Some may but it really isn't gonna change kit. A hacker can switch alts in 20 seconds literally. We have donators getting on alts or having friends get on alts and team with them and fuck everyone up. Unless there's no working anti-cheat they need to add back free fix all and /ec.
  13. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    We are going to be implementing changes at the start of this week.
  14. Tcay

    Jul 23, 2019
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    if you across the ranks wall at kitpvp spawn you can see each rank has 2 perks but then you look at bedrock, like bruh. the 2 perks are pretty much the same xD, we need another one xD

  15. Mqney

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Literally all you have to do to make everyone happy is make fix all free for bedrock+, cheaper for Coal-Diamond, then like $25 for rookies. It would be a super easy fix and would easily fix the entire controversy
  16. TryAgainLater

    Aug 31, 2019
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    @AlexMarkey okay. so you fixed /ec which is perfect. Yet fix all is still a shitty situation. You cant expect us to get hellforged. Just fucking listen for once, "Literally all you have to do to make everyone happy is make fix all free for bedrock+, cheaper for Coal-Diamond, then like $25 for rookies. It would be a super easy fix and would easily fix the entire controversy" -Mqney
  17. ballo

    Jul 23, 2019
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    He said he will be working on kit pvp updates all week just wait he also said that they have to make there own hellforged because hellforged is for 1.7 and yes he should make fix all free for bedrock and up and hellforged for rookies
  18. Hactos

    Aug 10, 2019
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    No need to call me an idiot over a block game :P
  19. Hactos

    Aug 10, 2019
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    Also 1.8
  20. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This thread has gone on long enough - if theres sufficient reason to continue discussion, create a new thread that is more up-to-date.

    /fix all will not be coming back for free. It literally caused players to be invincible with no conceivable way of dying.

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