Skyblock Season 19 | Feedback Wanted

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Kyee__, Sep 4, 2023.

  1. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Skyblock Season 19

    Hey all! Now that it has been almost since the new season began, we're looking for feedback regarding the season, and potential suggestions too. So, If there's anything you want to be changed, added, or even removed, here is the best place to put it.

    Some things you could think about:
    The Archeology Dig Site
    Sniffer Spawners
    Carrots being one of the main farming crops
    Silverfish now being Tier 7 instead of Tier 1 Spawners
    The sell price of cactus

    Let us know what you think!
  2. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Heya! Loving the new season!

    Here is some of the feedback I have gathered (plus some stuff I have thought of myself):

    The Dig Site:
    • Super helpful for new players to make starter money! The pricing of the drops is very reasonable for their spawn rate.
    • Adding a custom enchant to increase the speed of brushes slightly would be helpful to speed up the process a bit.
    • Adding a token/point drop rate for the dig site may also be something to consider.
    • I've gotten some mixed reviews on the sell price of cactus. For larger islands that are able to max out their autosell very early it is super super OP, for smaller islands it isn't really a practical money maker until they're able to max autosell AND place a lot of cactus (something difficult for solos and small islands).
    • Envoys need a major overhaul. Most envoys take upwards of 15-20 minutes to complete because very few people are participating. A majority of the envoy rewards (even the rare and legendary) are completely useless, especially late-game skyblock.
    • Consider removing arrows, dirt, iron blocks from envoys.
    • Buff the epic and legendary rewards. Nether stars are pretty useless when beacons are relatively cheap.
    • Consider adding a higher chance of an event key being dropped each envoy, it would increase the chances of people participating.
    Misc. Suggestions:
    • Make poppies sellable to the shop.
    • Make the wheel re-spinnable (similar to how it works on prison now).
    • Remove water breathing custom enchant. It's stupid. No one uses it, no one needs it.
    • Add skin keys to myth rewards.
    • Add an /is upgrade to increase TP pad limit. Not by much, but a little bit.
    LadyOdille likes this.
  3. TechnoJo45

    Oct 11, 2019
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    -Make stone sellable from autosell chests, makes it so the auto sell doesn't fill up from zombie drops.
    -Add a similar feature like lag clear to digsite that clears the current blocks so it doesn't fill with sherds.
    -Add interest to the island bank (which can be upgraded from island upgrades)
    -Get rid of tax/fee rates for autosell chests.
    -Nerf cactus farming, it's super OP.
    -Add more custom enchants.
    -Make premium hoes easier to get.
    -Add all vanilla enchanted books to /shop.
  4. Venus_xy

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I def agree that Tokens/Points should be achievable thru digsite
    And more event keys from envoys would definitely make it more exciting and enticing
    I think Cac price should be raised slightly to make it easier for smaller islands
  5. Pie


    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't think making stone sellable is a good idea, the thing about zombies is that they are somewhat the best spawner for you to buy at day 1 since they will give you stone and iron to help you start your island, and letting you sell the stone will just pretty much just make them the just straight up stronger then the rest of tier 1 spawners. (and they are already stronger then the rest of t1 without it)

    Interest to island bank is just a funny way of buying spawners without buying spawners, all that does is either be useless because it doesnt give enough or nullify the need for spawners/building cac/ whatever passive way u can make money.

    I think the main problem with this season (as with the last) is how much dominant cactus is over anything else, a single cactus layer will bring around 650$ per hour, assuming you can place 20 layers in an hour (which is a low estimate for someone who knows how to place cactus well) it means it will bring you around 325k$ a day from an hour of placing cactus. with farming a very high estimate will be making around 1.2m/h of farming, per account farming meaning that even if you have 2 accounts farming at the same time after less then 8 days (and a more realistic estimate would be 5-6 days) the hour of placing cactus would've already brought more money then the hour of farming and of course those layers will continue bringing money for the entirety of the season, making farming basically useless unless you also do something else at the same time like doing something irl or placing cactus. Of course this is not to discredit farming this is still a good method of playing since you can just automate it using f3+t but still when actively playing cactus will just beat any other method of playing without any doubt as of right now. This becomes even clearer when considering that a tier 7 spawner will make less money per hour then 5 layers of cactus.

    The question of course becomes how can you solve it? I think the only real ways to solve this will be to just relatively nerf cactus. Of course you can think of other ways of trying to stop people from just building cactus and that's it but I pretty much every other way will just make you just build cactus on more islands instead.
    A good way in my opinion to relatively nerf cactus will actually be buffing other ways of playing, I think a good way to do it will actually be making skills more useful.

    As of right now all skills are pretty useless, there is no good way to say it they just pretty much are.

    This skill can only help you when you mine ore in nether, meaning that for realistically any person who actually thinks about it this skill is just useless, mining in the nether to actually upgrade it is pretty much impossible since it would take years to max, and just buying ore and mining it in your island to level it will not benefit from the skill for those ores. This makes this skill sit in a limbo of being useless early since you can't use it since its low level and also useless late because it is just not good to mine in the nether by the time you max it.

    This skill is the only one which is somewhat good but still is very weak. This and sniffing are pretty much the only 2 skills that are somewhat useful to max. On average when f3+t farming (which every single person who ever reached level 250 in it used this technique to farm to get to it and after it) when not considering overlaps of bombs a fert bomb on a farm which take care of them will get your around 11 extra crops which you wouldn't get otherwise, you will get those around once every 50 blocks farmed which means this will give you around +20% extra income this is still nothing when compared to cactus.

    This skill "scales" harder then farming since at maxed level it will give you +100% from at level 0 but as I'm typing this while we have 5 people who are already maxed in farming the closest person to level 250 is at level 172 and that is not even 25% of the way to level 250 with how the experience per level changes. Only around the time when you maxed this skill digging will actually becomes as good as farming which makes it just not worth to do for money.

    This skill is just a joke. at maximum level you have 70% to catch treasure which is just the same treasures as treasure hunter but will require you to actually play instead just using f3+t. Oh and did I mention this will not work on general fishing and only on manual fishing in the nether? (and don't get me started on how like 3/4th of first page of fishers last season were just people macroing it)

    Sorry Markey but I don't get the purpose of this skill, once in a while it make one of the phantoms give you x2 more fuel then usual? For someone with it at low level it doesn't matter since it will just barely happen and someone who is crazy enough to max it wont have a problem just refilling it normally. A big problem with this skill is the fact that it also way to hard to advance in it, the number #1 person right now in it has maxed 2 generators and have 117k mobs killed and yet he is less then level 120, my alt is also with 490k mobs killed and is only around level 100.

    I think a good way to solve the problem with cactus will be by reworking the skills to actually be useful. I think the first thing that need to be done to actually do that is make the cap of leveling higher, make leveling easier, and give more rewards for leveling even compared to now (meaning getting to level 250 will be more rewards and also easier).
    Some quick fix for the skills in my opinion can be-
    Considering higher max level keep it at 100% double drop at nether for level 250, make it triple drop at level 500 for example and make it also work in the island but with like forth of the chance of the nether.
    Instead of fert bombs which not only require you to make a farm which can tolerate them but also can overlap with each other and with what you are currently farming give some extra chance to get double drops or add a special rewards which you can only get from this skill to drop into your inventory at small rates which you can either sell at /shop or use for different perpuses . This is kind of like adding an additional layer of premium hoe to your farming and I think if it is done well it can be very good (for example adding a rewards which lets you spin the wheel again or activate a personal farming booster and stuff like this)

    First of all this skill should be leveled up much much faster then it currently is meaning that around what is currently needed for 1m xp you should be at level 250, and for levels after that maybe add some chances of getting treasure hunter rewards or rewards like I suggested at the farming skill.

    I think this skill is doomed to be weak since if you make fishing strong you are doomed to just have most of the server afk fishing all the time. That said I think adding "fish faster" after level 250 and add rewards as before to the fishing will make it somewhat viable

    This skill just need a full rework, I have no idea as of right now for a balanced one

    TLDR: cactus op, skills are shit make cactus weaker make skills usefull
    LadyOdille, YngYuki and Lxvely like this.
  6. TechnoJo45

    Oct 11, 2019
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    One small thing is adding more ce's which probably has been mentioned but more for like digsite.
  7. Forgettings

    Sep 23, 2023
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    I find the digsite to be used quite a bit, I wish it added a bit more small chance to pull OP items, or a better way to get some better enchantment books. Also maybe find some more uses for Enchantment Levels.

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