Macros / Scripting and Refusal to Screenshare Rules

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Salty_Wolf, Aug 10, 2023.

  1. Salty_Wolf

    Jul 8, 2020
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    I was recently banned for Refusal to Screenshare because I was afk auto-mining. The only reason why I didn't join the Screenshare channel was because as I said before I was afk. In the server rules it is only mentioned auto-mining in the Controller Mining rule, which I wasn't doing, and then you could fit it in the Macros / Scripting rule. This punishment led me to question the way the rules are presented and how they work. If by any chance I'm breaking a rule while being afk and a staff freezes me, I'm punished with severity 3 regardless of the severity of the rule I'm possibly breaking? In my case, I was breaking a severity 2 rule and I was punished with a severity 3 rule which I also broke, but only because I was breaking a rule while I was afk. If it works like that that should be better explained in the server rules and also they should add a rule to afk auto-mining, the same way they have for AutoFishing, AutoSign, Controller Mining, Use of printer and Autoclicker.
    For example, If I was killing Mobs with an autoclicker while I was afk I know that I could be banned with a severity 3 punishment without conducting a screenshare, because it is explained in Autoclicking rule. On the other hand, keyboard Afk auto-mining is not explained at all.
  2. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If we included every variation of a cheat in the rules, nobody would read them. Automining falls under a severity 3 client modification ban due to the fact that you use a client for it. Scripting typically refers to an automated command, such as /kit legend every time it's available to claim. This is why it's grouped in with macros, as it refers to commands being issued (ie: /warp pvp, /fix all, ect). Automining, while in theory being run on a script, is much much more severe than macros/scripting and benefits the player a lot more.

    Hopefully that clears us the reasoning for your ban. If you're ever uncertain about if something is allowed, I highly recommend contacting a staff member. A good rule of thumb is that if something seems too good / too easy to be true, it's likely not allowed.
  3. Salty_Wolf

    Jul 8, 2020
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    In the same way people make a Macro to write a command I used one to move in a circle. And I understand you can't include everything in the rules but there you have Controller Mining and not Automining? From a player's perspective, it seems to be a severity 2 punishment instead of severity 3. But I admit that I made a mistake, I knew that even though I wasn't using any hack I was using a Macro. Also I have a doubt when you refer that I used a client, what do you mean by that, like an app?
  4. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    A client usually means a hacked or otherwise not allowed client. Famous such clients include Wurst and Vape.

    Adding onto what @InsaneIsMyName already said, it isn't realistic to list every possible scenario in the rules, especially knowing how some rules depend a lot on context (think for example about the difference between "minor" and "major" bug exploiting). There is a reason why the phrase "Please remember that our rules are not limited to everything listed below! Use good common sense and you will be fine." is on top of the rules page, namely to emphasise that common sense should be used and punishments can be issued for things which are not explicitly mentioned.

    If you are unsure whether a specific modification/action/... is allowed, I would recommend asking a member of staff (ideally via a support ticket). Same thing goes for questions about the severity of offences. Keep in mind, though, that context is always important.

    Concerning "refusal to screenshare" bans issued while you were AFK, keep in mind that you can appeal bans, and having been AFK while frozen will (at least from my knowledge) have a positive effect on your chances of getting your ban shortened.
  5. Salty_Wolf

    Jul 8, 2020
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    I was said that "Being AFK while auto mining is not an excuse to not join the screenshare".
  6. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    It isn't, and that is not what I said above.

    Screensharing is a way to verify whether or not you're hacking and the only way to make sure you aren't is by joining the screenshare. Being AFK while frozen will result in a "refusal to screenshare" ban, as, when you don't join the screenshare, we cannot verify whether you are hacking. Keep in mind that the rule broken is here refusing to join the screenshare, not hacking on itself.

    However, appeals are dealt with on a case-to-case basis, meaning context is taken into consideration and the staff member dealing with the case might reduce your ban, essentially giving you the benefit of the doubt.

    This isn't guaranteed, but no appeal is guaranteed to be accepted. Also, screenshares are normally only performed when we have reason to believe you are hacking but are not fully certain, hence why a "refusal to screenshare" ban is considered a severity 3 client modification ban.

    In the end, the only way to not get banned is by not breaking the rules.
  7. Salty_Wolf

    Jul 8, 2020
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    In my case, I understand the decision to not reduce my punishment.
    However, that was one of the reasons the staff answered me. The other one is completely understandable.
  8. LochBossMonster

    Aug 11, 2019
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    yeah.. need more clarity on the rules.
    if someone does not have access to discord they could also get punished for refusal to screen share (even if they did nothing wrong)
    The staff of this server for some reason as long as I can remember loves banning people rarely with any benefit of the doubt.
    I have a little empathy for you right now cause I’m banned as well for refusing to screenshare.
    I appealed my ban (cause I did nothing wrong) and the reason the appeal got denied is cause they gave me so little time to screenshare when I had no access to discord at all.
    Although, this should not be in general discussion but maybe support forums??
  9. Salty_Wolf

    Jul 8, 2020
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    If they denied your appeal i don't think you can do much.
  10. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    There are very few cases in which someone wouldn't have access to Discord (cases that aren't their own choice). Only one I can think of is when you live in a country that doesn't allow the use of Discord, but then you most likely wouldn't be able to access most social media or even Minecraft.

    If you don't have an account yet, creating one shouldn't take longer than the time granted to join the screenshare server.
  11. Mahrtiir

    Sep 13, 2022
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    Some people's parents don't want them in Discord or any other type of chat/screenshare outside the MC client. I don't know what LochBossMonster's reason is. You can also lose Discord login if you forget your password and no longer have access to the email address you signed up with. You can open a new account, but if your phone number is linked to the old one, you may not have access to all of the features because providing a phone number unlocks them. This happened to me recently. I finally found an email with the original address, made an alias, and was able to release the phone number from the original email account.
  12. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    @LochBossMonster phrased it as "if someone does not have access to Discord". The examples you give aren't "not having access", they're either a player's choice (not wanting to be screenshared), or an issue on their part (in the case of forgetting passwords). Keeping your account details up-to-date is the responsibility of the player; if you wish not to share your screen (or your parents do) for whatever reason, that's a decision that should be respected, however the screenshare process exists to verify whether or not you are hacking and we cannot verify that if you choose not to be screenshared. (In other words, the "burden of proof" is on the player as soon as they're frozen.) You cannot expect MCC to adapt their rules to suit these situations, as it could easily be abused and things like login credentials are the player's responsibility.
    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
  13. Mahrtiir

    Sep 13, 2022
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    I'm just saying. I don't expect MCC to do anything, except maybe acknowledge that their procedures in this arena are also a choice. I don't, however, acknowledge that parental controls and Discord support policies are the player's choice. They are decisions imposed on the player by others. Swing the ban hammer and document your bans in whatever way you'd like. It's not like you are using MCBans and your bans are subject to inspection/reversal.
  14. Goldin3608

    Jul 20, 2023
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    I feel like this is an issue for many people( seeing how I got perm banned recently because I couldn't screenshare) I understand that people could use the " My parent's don't let me have discord" to get away with rule breaking but it sucks for us teens that have done nothing wrong and cannot prove out innocents. :(

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