Prison Season 17 Suggestions/Wishlist

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Desiqn_, Aug 1, 2023.

  1. Desiqn_

    Jan 11, 2020
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    Good Evening Everyone!

    With us now being 45 days into season 16 and with the length of the past few seasons it means that were likely halfway through. I want to know the communities wishlist for the next season.

    I have devised a few suggestions myself which I will list below.


    Barn Timer - Similar to the "Your cellmate has returned from exhibition" message, this message shows when your barn animals are ready to be fed.

    Fully Maxed Barn Upgrades - When one upgrade is fully maxed such as the Booster Time make it so when you use the "Feed all animals" villager it no longer feeds the pigs as it wastes animal feed and you end up with a large number of pig produce and are unable to use it.

    Season Trophy (First to Z9) - I have had this suggested to me. Currently, when you reach Z9 first you receive a trophy on your plot, I think this should carry over onto the next season but display the season they reached first in. I also think that something cool like a tag should be given to the winner for example "Season 17 winner" or "Rank Up Master S17" or maybe even a different colour to red.

    Hit Reg - Obviously, this is the big one that all the pvpers want is for the hit reg to be fixed. It's not something that can be fixed easily but it will stop the complaining that the staff members have to occur lol

    Let me know your suggestions and thoughts below and have a great day!

    Sep 27, 2020
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    Make a citadel (buffed koth that happens every saturday or so)
  3. DarnoTheDino

    May 24, 2022
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    How are we halfway already, I thought staff owners were trying to make their first season of an increase time span in prison's server playtime instead of decreasing it like it has been every season. Server times have went from 160 days to now barely pushing 90, Some of us are trying to get 100k spawners and reach new heights every season instead of just competing with the people who want to cash out after 3 weeks to IcameIsawiLeft
  4. Meowwoof11

    Jan 4, 2023
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    One suggestion I have involves the barn. The sheep upgrade, which to obtain it you have to kill 15 people. in all fairness I say that's a great way to obtain it, however there should be some alternative for the people who "don't/bad" at pvp. like for example have it that you must mine 1mil blocks on your private mine. There might be other ways for a person to obtain it which people can replay to this for suggestions. This might be a better way for the sheep upgrade in the barn to be more obtainable for the average player.

    Another suggestion is to fix the lottery system. Right now it's fine but somethings that players hate about it is that some people's alt's are wining the lottery which kind of makes it unfair for others to get a chance at winning. I think a good way to prevent this from happing is to have a certain amount of blocks broken. I think like 50-100k blocks broken each day is a good way to be entered. Granted these are suggestions so there can be different view points on these 2 suggestions.
    Desiqn_ likes this.
  5. ICameISawILeft

    Mar 30, 2023
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    maybe also add a system to collect all drops in the chunk of a certain type. this way we don't have to glass off all of our spawners out of fear of getting our grinders filled with bottles or shovels by other players. this way, players could just put collection systems separate from spawners without worrying about drops not being picked up.
    sidenote: this change might also reduce server lag due to less drops being present, as well as clearlag not subtracting millions in drops/mobs.
    #5 ICameISawILeft, Aug 7, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2023
  6. zylefone

    Jul 12, 2020
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    I think they should make wyverns harder to upgrade but also give more tokens, like a high pay high reward type of thing. I think anything that reduces the "go on a billion alts and do stuff" meta is a good change, and people focusing more on a single wyvern than like 30 would be a lot better

    Also I wish wyverns made more actual currency, even if just a little bit more. Like make dragon eggs valued at $150 like a bear or $200 because it is the best spawner in the game.

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