called a loser by a mod refusing to do their jobs vs a challenge.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NFXBeats, Jul 19, 2023.

  1. NFXBeats

    Jul 9, 2023
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    This is not an official report and I didn't get any proof (screen shots, recordings, etc) that is required to file an official report, but after first joining for the day, I saw a mod say something to the effect of "I'll look into that issue after this challenge" (challenge was just starting). I voiced an opinion that staff should not be allowed in challenges that "it was a conflict". To which the mod called me a loser (I wasnt even in the challenge). I never argued I just stated my opinion that one time. I did not accuse the mod of anything but being rude to me by name calling. Others were saying that the mod was using x-ray with no repercussion. I was there long enough to see the event end (mod placed 3rd). I left soon after as it was clear this mod overly sensitive and seemed to target me for being a "loser".

    I'm not sure if this is normal behavior for all mods, or if this is the culture of the mods behind the scenes, but it was very unbecoming of a mod to break the rules of ettiquette and shirk their responsibility so blatantly.
  2. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Hey NFXBeats,

    I do not think the staff member was specifically calling you a loser, from what I've been told the challenge was half-way through, the staff member was in the top 4 of the challenge, and politely asked the players if they were able to wait until the challenge ended. Staff are allowed to play survival normally, just like the rest of the player-base, and if it was an emergency they 100% would have stopped what they were doing and helped, however it was a small question about whether or not someone had broken a block, as the player didn't know how to use claim inspect. It was a simple-enough issue that could be easily solved at anytime.

    In terms of what the staff member said to you, you were spending a lot of time being rude in chat making different remarks about other players who were in the lead, and afterwards the staff member. It was likely just a small bout of frustration, and they didn't mean to call you a loser directly, likely just a sore loser in the fact that all of your complaints were about the challenge and how the staff member was focussing on it. They likely feel bad about what happened.

    The challenges are time-consuming, and some players, including staff, hop on for them and spend a lot of time. Though in the future if you feel like a staff member is being disrespectful towards you, you are more than welcome to issue a report on them, as the admin team takes these sorts of things seriously as they want a kind environment for the player-base.
    Trainsgender likes this.
  3. NFXBeats

    Jul 9, 2023
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    I was not spending a lot of time being rude. I never called anyone out by name. I said nothing about any specific player. I had just joined when the comp started and someone was needing help with a issue.

    I did however question how someone could find lapis that quickly to which MANY people said "hes using X-Ray".

    I said the one thing about "staff should not be allowed to be in challenges". Someone asked why I thought that and I said "it was a conflict". Thats it.

    And then the mod replied something like "you're just a loser who can't win so just go away and play quietly by yourself" or something to that regard. And threatened to report me for arguing. I left thereafter. I did not argue or try to prove anything in chat I said one opinion, asked a question and left.

    Those are the facts. You can make excuses/reasons all you want but thats what happened.

    Your reply with it's inaccurate spin makes me understand that you're all on the same team so I don't expect you or any admin will take these serious so I'll just let it go and play quietly on my own.
  4. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    Contrary to popular belief, staff reports are dealt with as non-biased as possible, and a quick glance at the "staff statistics" on the MCC wiki learns that over 34 % of staff members lost their rank by getting demoted, rather than voluntarily resigning, implying that abusive behaviour from our part will indeed not be tolerated.

    However minor mistakes happen from staff members as they do from all humans, and as @LeafyTiger24 pointed out above, the question was about a matter which was not urgent and could easily be handled after the event had finished.

    I can confirm what Leafy stated above; if an urgent situation occurs (player using major hacks, chat offence, situation requiring moderation etc.), we will put our staff duties first and Minecraft gameplay second, as after all that's why we applied for this position. However you cannot expect members of staff to deal with any situation immediately, especially for non-urgent questions. Also keep in mind they might have been helping someone else out (for example by chatting in private messages), or might have been busy in one way or another.

    If you think a member of staff is abusing their permissions or behaving inappropriately, you are more than welcome to submit a staff report at Keep in mind, though, that we follow rules as everyone else does, and it's not because you specifically find a situation to be inappropriate that the community or staff team shares this opinion or it violates the rules.
    ICameISawILeft likes this.
  5. NFXBeats

    Jul 9, 2023
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    Thanks for the explanation about how a mod has discretion in handling issues. I can dig it. The main thing was the mod did not like my comment about staff not being in challenges. I didn't push the issue. I didn't try to provoke anyone. I said that because I notice that often, staff wins the competitions and it feels wrong to me.

    It seems like they could have potentially unfair advantages such as being able to TP to prime locations or access to OP gear or other tools/functions not available to the normal player.

    But I get it that they are "workers" and have the right to use their time as they see fit. I'm OK with that now that you have both explained it.

    BTW, I did look at the link you posted later that same day, but it says "Evidence must be provided". I don't do any chat logging - I'm a fairly basic player and don't run that plugin. I didn't even think to take a screen shot or run OBS before hand to capture the game. I'm not trying to catch someone doing wrong I was just trying to chat with the rest of the users.

    Also I was not the only one who questioned how someone could find lapis that quickly. This is why multiple people saying "X-Ray" was used - something I did NOT allege. As a matter of fact I didn't accuse the mod of doing anything wrong. I only stated my opinion that they should not be allowed to do challenges ONE TIME and got immediately insulted and told to go away.

    Should I expect to be called a loser by a staff member in the future? Since you did not address that in your reply can I ask: In your view do you think that's OK? If you tell me it is then I guess it is.
  6. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    I'll try to address the points you made here as best as I can.

    Yes, staff can use the abilities that come with their rank to gain additional in-game advantages. This isn't restricted to the random challenges of course; technically, we could fly up steep edges, go into staff mode to prevent dying from lava etc. However this obiously isn't allowed, and can even lead to an immediate demotion when severe enough.

    For the staff report, things are pretty much the same as for regular reports in the sense that evidence must be provided. I don't log chat either but taking screenshots is fairly easy. I'd say, if you're ever in doubt, taking a screenshot of what a staff member said and making a staff report for it or asking for opinions in a ticket doesn't hurt.

    For you (and others) accusing someone of x-raying, the thing is fairly simple, "excessive accusations" is a chat offence. If you think someone is hacking, say it once or maybe twice, but not repeatedly and by multiple people. For offences which you can witness yourself (fly hacking, chat offences etc.), if no staff member is available, it's better to take screenshots/make a screen recording and report them.

    Lastly, you shouldn't expect to be called a loser from a member of staff. We follow the same rules as regular players, plus addition staff-specific rules. If a member of staff continuously harasses you (not just one phrase), it could be classed as harassment, but in any case, using foul language is an offence on our part, meaning it is not behaviour which is expected from us and can be punished for.

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