[Survival] Adding a cooldown to /fix all

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by 10sec, Jul 16, 2023.

  1. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Ever since I've started playing Minecraft again, I've been playing quite a bit of Survival and couldn't help but notice how unfairly balanced is the /fix all command as of right now. Donors (the ones that do have access to the aforementioned command) can just spam /fix all without having any concern whatsoever on whether their prestigious gear is about to break or not. This puts them so much ahead of everyone else that does not have the access to the command, and this should not be the case.

    Adding a cooldown of about 60-120 minutes to the command would be a great addition, as it would balance the game and 'slow things down' in a way, especially economically speaking, enabling users to have a much more competitive and overall equal opportunity that results in a much more enjoyable experience!

    Let me know what you think below. Thanks for taking the time to read this thread!

    #1 10sec, Jul 16, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2023
    tehkourou, Desiqn_ and boomrabbits_ like this.
  2. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey 10sec.

    I'd definitely be in favor of adding a cooldown on this command. In addition to the command being unfairly balanced for donators, the Mending enchantment is basically rendered useless. If per say a cooldown of x amount of hours was added, donators would still be able to repair their armor/tools with this enchant equipped using exp, whilst retaining that slight advantage of having access to the command. This would in turn allow for a more vanilla experience on the server.

    Thank you for taking the time to bring this up!

    PistolPet and 10sec like this.
  3. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    Adding to what @boomrabbits_ already said, other servers I know of have a cooldown on this and similar commands, so I would be in favour. Another idea could be a decreasing cooldown with increasing premium rank (e.g. 120 minutes for coal up to 30 for immortal).
  4. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Hi ExUnitateVires,

    To be completely honest, I'm more in favour of keeping the cooldown the same for everyone, think it's the best alternative to keep things equal for everyone, since this is the whole point of the idea regardless.

    Thank you for your reply tho.
  5. szamoriadael

    Apr 6, 2020
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    I agree with ExUnitateVires said - people donate for a reason and IMO tiered cooldowns would be nice. But yeah it's a little OP. To be fair, though, I can't be the only one with /fix who gets so in the zone that you regularly forget to check your weapons/armor's damage level and very nearly have a catastrophic situation on your hands bc you were so focused on annihilating some dirt or something LOL. I don't think most people are just randomly doing /fix all constantly.

    Also i somehow just discovered /fix all was a thing 2 days ago, I've spent this entire time taking all my armor off and putting them all in my hand one by one and doing /repair :sweatsmile: I may be stupid
    Trainsgender likes this.

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