MCCentral Oscars | 2023

Discussion in 'MCCentral Events' started by Nikki_, Jun 1, 2023.

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  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    MCC's Infamous Oscar's are back!

    This annual event is back to give special awards and titles to our community and the staff team. This year's voting period will last two weeks, starting today (June 1st) and concluding for the fabulous Oscars Awards on the 17th of June at 4pm EST. We encourage both the community and staff team to cast their votes for fellow participants before the poll closes on the 14th of June.

    The announcements will be a joint effort by myself, SniffableSugar, Boomrabbits and Zac25Zac. To maintain fairness and precision in the voting procedure, we kindly request that you adhere to the following guidelines:
    Please submit only one form. Multiple submissions will be discarded.
    Use Minecraft IGN's to vote for people.
    Troll forms will not be considered.
    Once you submit your vote, you cannot vote again, so please choose your candidates wisely.

    When voting, provide the complete IGN to ensure the vote contributes to the final outcome.​

    We extend our best wishes to everyone and eagerly await unveiling the victors on June 17th! For any inquiries or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

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