Funny Story Time

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by bdqt, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. bdqt

    Feb 3, 2020
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    Tell me a funny story you have! It can be an experience, something recent, something youve learned, it can even be about a dream you had or even made up. Just tell me something funny, plz are there any comedians out there!!

    One time when i was 6 I was walking my little female white crusty eyed dog (I know longer own this dog btw), and she saw two bigger dogs compared to a 6 year old they were big, anyways they were two labs and my dog went chasing after them. She yanked the leash and I wouldn't let go causing me to face-plant and get dragged across the street through my neighbors yard and all over the sidewalk till i was all scraped up. Moral of the story, don't let a 6 year old kid walk a dog unsupervised!
  2. GabrielSanchez

    Apr 13, 2023
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    Recently I decided to try a new fitness equipment at the gym. But unfortunately, I didn't expect that I wouldn't be able to use it properly. I put my foot on the exerciser, but it started to wobble and I ended up falling to the ground, smiling at everyone around me. In that moment I felt like it was my dream to be a gym star, but it didn't go according to plan. I was so embarrassed that I just laughed and apologized to everyone around me. But, what I did learn that day was to use all the equipment carefully and make sure I was safe. The moral of the story: sometimes we need to fall down to learn how to stand up straight.
    bdqt and DODGYHITS like this.

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