Daily Quests/Challenges Give tokens

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Ontology, Aug 11, 2019.


Should quests/challenges give tokens on skyblock?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Ontology

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think challenges should give tokens so when you do a daily you get 1 a weekly 2 and a monthly 5 so it becomes easier to get tokens next season while tokens are going up 5-10k a week on skyblock 2 this could help stop the inflation of token prices so that the new people don't get a easy ride when they farm melons. I've seen people play for 2 hours and get a creeper from selling tokens and i think that is a little unbalanced that new people can get a spawner that quickly.

    sb2 is better come play it
  2. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I do think this should be added but, to get 1 token is extremely easy to get even for new players and there would still not never much reason to do challenges. Maybe if it was like, (Skyblock) 10 tokens for daily, 25 for weekly and 50 for monthly, it would be a bit more worth it as right now I agree there is almost zero reason to do these challenges and I think that challenges should definitely play a somewhat important role in Skyblock/prisons.
    My opinion, thank you.
    #2 ImConcerned, Aug 11, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
  3. Ontology

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I see how you say the challenges may give more tokens but some monthly challenges are easily completed and i think maybe 5 for daily 10 for weekly and 15 for Monthly as 50 tokens is alot of money right now since so many tokens may cause a imbalance and turn it back to a only afk kind of server. Also, the staff made this new update so that people dont just afk all day and actually have to work to make some kind of money. There could be many more options but 10 25 and 50 in my opinion is to much for challenges. Like i said before 50 tokens is worth around 500--600k on skyblock witch someone can then buy a creeper if they get 25 from the weekly. Also there are 3 of each so they could get 30 a day 75 a week and 150 a month! So i think maybe only about 10-25 per challenge so that the server token eco stays balanced.
  4. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    1 creeper for every monthly challenge seems fair enough to be honest. This feature would only ever be implemented, if ever, on the start of a new season when tokens are worth way less than near the end of a season.
  5. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi LysolWipes!

    I know there has been so much debate about whether or not skyblock tokens need a change. People have suggested making different farms drop tokens (such as cactus), Making them spawn more, fixing the price, making them more frequent, or just taking them out entirely. The bottom line comes down to the simple fact that tokens AREN'T broken, and my mind cannot be changed on that. You can get 4 tokens on skyblock just by voting. Voting takes about 5 minutes to do, and that's an easy 60-100k. You can GREATLY expand an island with that amount of money, and start some giant melon farms with that. After just 1 day if you're smart with your money, you could get a melon farm that drop 4 MORE tokens on each and every run you make to farm them. Not to mention, the money you get from selling them only adds to your account. Soon enough, in just one day, you can have anywhere from 200k-1mil from selling those tokens, just by voting one time. Challenges have never NEEDED to give tokens because they're already so easy to get. I would agree on something like the monthly challenge giving a high value spawner, but it is still not completely necessary.

    Hope this helped! Msg me on Discord to talk about it further :) Zguy2000#2656
    Have a nice day/night!
  6. Maffy1230

    Aug 10, 2019
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    Hey LysolWipes,

    I think that is kind of a broad statement, because you have to factor in how many tokens per quest/ quest category. I would suggest making a chart / spreadsheet of each kind of quest and how many tokens that quest would receive and post it on this thread, until then I can't make my mind up and can't vote on this thread. Thanks.

    ~ Maffy
    yallremember911 likes this.
  7. Bubbagump

    Jul 28, 2019
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    mane shutcho...... menhera.png
  8. Chilo_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I actually Think this could be a good idea if implemented correctly, It might help balance the astronomical token prices. I hope to this this reset if not next reset.
    yallremember911 and MicroSquid like this.
  9. CarolTaisho

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey! I think its a good idea, tokens are getting very expensive lately and are harder to find, but i think they should be implemented correctly, for example 1 tokens for each quest done.
  10. yallremember911

    Aug 7, 2019
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    I think it would be a good idea and I agree that it should be maybe more than 1,2,5 like 1,5,10 or so. I have not been on the serve for an incredible amount of time, maybe a month or so. But I am already like top 100 in quest rank. They are dead in their current state and the player base knows it. I still love completing them and having additional goals to work towards!
  11. Lunatix

    Jul 25, 2019
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    I think that this would be an amazing feature in the upcoming season because not a lot of people like doing quests at the moment and it might make quests popular also it could make tokens go down in price as they are like 25k a token and that is kind of the reason i quit Skyblock because the token prices were getting out of hand. :D
  12. Ma_sonBoi

    Sep 3, 2019
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    Honestly this is why I play on SB2. It's a lot more balanced, and the economy isn't past the point of no return. However though, it still is extremely screwed up on SB2.
  13. deleteduser

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I completely agree with this idea. A week or so ago I brought the idea up to you guys in main-chat on Skyblock-2 and a lot of you guys seemed to like it so I went ahead and suggested it for next season. As of now, challenge rewards are kinda useless and aren't really much of a reward.

    Here is what I think should be added:

    Monthly Challenges:
    3 Tokens each challenge upon completion + dragon eggs or other rewards.

    Weekly Challenges:
    2 Tokens each challenge upon completion + dragon eggs or other rewards.

    Daily Challenges:
    1 Token each challenge upon completion + dragon eggs or other rewards.

    This addition isn't supposed to be the only way to obtain Tokens so I don't think you should get a whole lot from them especially since the challenges are quite easy, however, this addition would just kind of add-in another way to get tokens overall.
    #13 deleteduser, Sep 5, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2019
    koh7 likes this.

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