Prison Season 15 | Feedback Wanted

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Zac25zac, Mar 18, 2023.

  1. Zac25zac

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Prison Season 15 - Feedback Thread
    We'd like your feedback on Season 15 of Prison. If there's anything you want to be changed, added, or even removed, here is the best place to put it!

    All constructive feedback is appreciated!

    InsaneIsMyName and AlexMarkey like this.
  2. beats_on_drum

    Feb 26, 2020
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    I think you should be able to sell the produce from cows pigs and sheep. Not just belong to the plot. Make it a item or something we can list on the auction house
  3. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Personally Im opposed to this. Making it a physical item would allow people to make a load of farms on alt accounts, put together their produce and upgrade their mine really fast. Unlocking the animals isn't really a hard task, so doing it on a bunch of alts would be pretty straight forwards.
    TeddyOreo and Pillaa like this.
  4. Zac25zac

    Sep 14, 2019
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    For some of my thoughts on the barn:

    - Add an auto-feeder that you can obtain from produce (possibly 5 of each). It will automatically appear in the exhibit it is bought in. Putting food into it will automatically feed the animals when they are ready hungry.
    - Add a toggleable message that will let you know when each exhibit is ready to be fed again.

    I think possibly changing some of the ways to unlock an animal for the exhibit might be good (maybe adding in a block challenge). I mainly think the barn is most useful to eco-based players, who aren't the best/into pvp, so it forces them to go somewhere they don't exactly want to be to unlock those aspects of the barn which can make it unenjoyable.

    For dungeons:

    - Add different weapons depending on the kit (Bows, Sharp swords for kits w/o strength, etc.)
    - Add abilities that regenerate after a certain amount of kills (Ex. Enderpearl for Kit Enderman)
    - Add ultimates that regenerate after a large number of kills (Ex. Self-Destruct for Creeper)
    - Add power-ups that will spawn on the floor (Ex. Speed Powerup, Regen Powerup)
    - Possible shop period every ~12 levels where you can use a new currency to buy powerups

    Overall, I am really enjoying the reset :D
  5. Nostalgia

    Jan 31, 2020
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    Mob grinding: Not sure what's going on, but starting on day 2 of new season mob grinding is very slow as if there's a server side time delay before I can kill the next mob. This makes grinding for exp or mob heads very slow. Worked normal first day of season, don't know what changed but if intentional please revert back. Yes I have beacons for strength and kill the mobs in one hit, but it doesn't let me kill the next one as fast as previously could since as long as I've been playing-Season 3. At least 5 times slower.

    Barns: Would like to be able to see how much produce I currently have. Maybe I just don't know how to view it, but right now only way is to attempt to purchase upgrade and you get response that you don't have enough. i.e. Autosell chest requires 5 cow produce, no way to see current amount is 3 or whatever. EDIT: Thanks Zac25zac for info below!

    Keys: Not unique to this season, but seems perks (sell all, increased AH, etc) are way too common from keys. Seems like majority of players already have the perks at this point since they carry over seasons so you can't use more than one of that perk, but then also difficult to sell for igm since players don't need. I think this should be removed as a mythic key reward at this point.

    Mystery Money: Not sure how to do it, but needs to be some requirement to make it where alt accounts that aren't even playing can't win.

    Dungeon Leaderboard: Once again maybe this is already a thing and I just don't know how to view it, but add a dungeons leaderboard.
    #5 Nostalgia, Mar 19, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023
  6. Zac25zac

    Sep 14, 2019
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    You can see the amount of produce you have of each different animal in the back of the barn near exhibits 5 and 6.
    AlexMarkey and Nostalgia like this.
  7. Zac25zac

    Sep 14, 2019
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    The dungeon leaderboard can be found here.
    (Make sure to click Dungeon Leaderboard)
    AlexMarkey likes this.
  8. Pillaa

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Hey Zac, I would love to share my thoughts on this prison season so far.

    What I Like
    Overall, I felt like the barns were quite an interesting addition to the game. Autosell chests in my opinion are give or take, as sell wands tend to be quite abundant early and mid-season so really there isn't much need for them unless someone is lazy, or end season when sell wands become more and more scarce.

    As far as the Increased mob drops portion of the barns, I am a really big fan of it. This is something that used to be only obtainable by using the wheelspin which comes every 24 hours, and I think giving players the ability to grind out something that would allow for their mob drops to be increased. This addition, in my opinion, was the best of the season because prison needed another aspect of grinding something out other than just mining, and I think that this gives players another objective to gaining money in the long term aside from grinding for spawners and mining, which in the recent seasons has become progressively more repetitive.

    What I would change
    While I found the barns to be quite a unique and fun addition, I found the objectives to be a little confusing, in relation to the audience they are presented to. The objectives include killing players in pvp, killing smugglers, completing dungeon waves, and slaughtering mobs. In my eyes, these objectives are targeted more toward PvP players on prison, given the smugglers and killing players. Slaughtering mobs and dungeons could really go in either direction (eco or pvp) but I still find these objectives doable by an eco player, but more appealing to the pvp players.

    Spawners are usually only gained in mass quantities by eco players, due to their desire to mine and sell repeatedly in order to make as much profit as possible. These objectives force eco players into a pvp oriented state to raise their mob drop rate and gain autosell chests, but at the same time there are many eco players who would find some of these extremely challenging or torturous, simply due to the fact that they have no desire to go into pvp. In another aspect, it could be a good thing for these players to try out a new environment on the server, but that opinion has tested to be unpopular when I have asked.


    The recent dungeons update I found to be quite beneficial. Players can now make a lot more money in dungeons, which was a big problem with the time to money ratio last season. I think that a lot of the bugs were fixed as well (aside from not being able to see teammates when you join), and overall it has become a much more enjoyable experience.

    I still think that there is a significant amount of room for improvement, however. I think that each mob set should come with an added ability that recharges as you get more kills. This could include an explosion for creeper set, fireballs for blaze set, pearls for enderman set, etc. I think that this would make the experience much more enjoyable as it would be more interactive aside from killing mobs and running around, there would be more to the game for people to do.

    Seasonal Keys

    The addition of these keys has been long awaited and has not dissapointed. A key that allows players to pull boosters, which in turn are used to keep the server more interactive for a longer period of time, definitely helps in the aspect of keeping the sub-servers alive. These keys also churn out good amounts of spawners and backpacks, which has definitely shown in the amount that have actually been attainable through the auction house thus far. While I do think that the cost is a little high and the odds that a player breaks even are low, I definitely think that these keys have had a very positive impact on the prison community as a whole.

    Chat tags have also been a fun little addition, with many players spending a lot of in game money on them which not only helps the economy to thrive, but also gave a cool little look to players who chose to spend their money on these tags. Personally I really enjoy them and I find the tags as something fun to look forward to from seasonal key to seasonal key.

    This season has been by far one of my favorites, with the addition of the barns and dungeon update definitely contributing to that. I feel like a lot that needed to be fixed or improved was given a substantial amount of attention before this season was released, which has definitely shown. Big thanks to everyone who was a part of developing this season, as it certainly has not disappointed in the slightest.
    KrampuS, AlexMarkey and Zac25zac like this.

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