MCC: Bias and Favouritism

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mcrcus, Feb 23, 2023.

  1. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Normally I wouldn't post something like this, because A), it isn't any of my business, and B) I really shouldn't care all that much about it considering I haven't been an active user on MCC for what feels like half a year. But after talking with a bunch of community members, mixture of both players and staff (will not release any names), I think I have to say something about this because it isn't fair that someone with such privilege can roam around on the server scot free while doing so many deplorable things. If you delete this post, or even go so far to ban me, then my word will only get stronger and stronger by the minute and that will prove that MCC has incapabilities of taking full responsibility of their own wrong doings and favouritism that is clear as day. So let's get started shall we.

    As you guys know there are many controversies with Kyee__ aka PacketOfRats. But let's go over said situations that have lead down this controversial side. This includes stealing farm designs (then proceeding to sell them), racist comments, cross teaming, and leaking staff chat. While leaking staff chat might not be as severe, and cross teaming especially on uhc can go either way, we can give them the benefit of the doubt. But we can't give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to selling a certain farm design and racist comments. Racist comments alone should be an automatic demote and same goes with selling stuff for irl money, but Kyee has had master manipulation and praises to Timppali and doesn't get any infracs for it, let alone a demote. Now let's compare these situations to a situation that happened to me while I was staff. When I was a mod, there was a time when the servers went fully down cause of a ddos attack, and everyone was going crazy in support. And out of my own frustration, I said "all of you menaces to society read announcements." Joke within itself, but I still shouldn't have made that sort of comment towards support, so I received an infrac for it.

    It's clear which situation is more severe. I'm sure calling people menaces to society is much less severe than calling someone a slur. But for some reason, I get the worse punishment. This is because there is so much favouritism from Timppali going towards Kyee. I understand there has been problems with favouritism in the past from other staff members, and I can agree. I do think that staff members hold their friends to a different standard than others. However, I think this is the most severe case that I have seen from my time on MCC. It truly is upsetting to see the one loyal admin who has been drama-free for so long, now get swayed into the case of being considered a "biased staff member." As I said, if you lock this thread, delete it, or even ban me from the forums / server, that'll just prove my word even stronger and show that Timp and Kye refuse to take responsibility for their own actions. I've seen it from players side's, and staff member's sides, and I've seen how upsetting it has made people that someone with such force can allow someone to stay on the server for this long.

    If you wanna message me on disc to know more, add me up here: Toronto#4709. I will more than likely be banned from here, if not I'd be pleasantly surprised. But hope you have a good night yall. Love you guys <3
  2. nocturnaluv

    Nov 15, 2020
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    give this man an honorable member role, the least yall can do aside from taking any other bare minimum action
    Donpichard likes this.
  3. Bob50

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I couldn't agree more with you bro. This situation has been ongoing for far too long now. People have been demoted for minor infractions, while "It" has gotten away with much worse. It's time to take action and do something about this. I don't think its being "friends" I'm assuming its above that
    YouGetMeSoHigh likes this.
  4. amanduh

    May 28, 2020
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    if my brotha somehow gets banned from this website because of this. I'll laugh me behind off he is spitting facts.
    YouGetMeSoHigh likes this.
  5. xEthzn

    Oct 14, 2020
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    couldn't agree more. I've staff reported this man Kyee at least 3 times. He is an abusive staff and doesn't know what hes doing. This fucker stole my farm design, sold it for $90 IRL and nothing was justifyed about it. He recieved HALF an infrac despite the amount of damage that was caused. Quite literally everyone on skyblock now uses this farm design because Kyee decided to leak it and sell it for his measly $90 which now the entire server has. I have multiple altercations of Kyee being strictly racist and calling people the N word and Retarded which is not acceptable as a staff member. 3 Years ago he would be demoted instantly, but despite the proof, they continue to deny / ignore the hard evidence of this abusive staff member. this post is nothing but factual and I 100% agree with this statement.

    - Ethan
  6. kvng_steph

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The MCC staff team has to be gender inclusive in 2023, if they were to demote Kye_ for all of these things like abusing and saying the n-word, it would look like MCC is against the LGBT community. But yeah kinda crazy how you can say the n-word nowadays with little to no consequences and be excused if you fall under the spectrum, I've known people who were on the staff team in the past who were demoted straight up for saying the n-word, and funny thing is if you are black staff member you yourself cant say it. Wild af imo. Also if someone who was slightly disliked by the admins/mentors was to do the same exact offenses as Kye_, they would have been demoted immediately no question about it. Defo bias. I know for a fact my boy Marcus would have been blacklisted the next day as a staff if he was to do have done the same things as Kye_
  7. Donpichard

    Dec 8, 2019
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    I do agree with Marcus and the fact that I posted about it in sky lock gen chat then @nonRacist muted me for it was wrong.. thanks for spreading awareness about the fact that kyee__ abusing power and with that using racial slurs and letting him keep rising to power due to him being the puppet of timpali. As stated it’s one of the reasons I’m quitting after this season ends cause clearly this will prolly keep happening .. if mcrcus gets muted or this post gets deleted and ignored I will for sure stop “being a premium member “ into this server as it shows “rules for thee but not for me” as certain staff do get away with a lot of bs.
  8. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    gotta agree with my man steph, demoting a part of the lgbtqi2as+ community for being racist in 2023 is extremely homophobic and shall not be tolerated (racism might, it's mcc)
    jokes apart, i'm sure we ex staff know decently well how biased it can get, and it doesn't surprise me at the slightest to see shit hasn't gotten better since 3,5 years ago when i was staff. we can try make a change, and the more we talk the more time we'll be wasting, because judging by how long biased staff have been around despite community's concerns and disapproval, it's not now that it'll change
    key words from ur own post: "I really shouldn't care all that much about it considering I haven't been an active user on MCC for what feels like half a year"
    hope y'all been well
    kvng_steph and YouGetMeSoHigh like this.
  9. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    kvng_steph likes this.
  10. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    imagine still caring about being staff on MCC

    its prime was 5 years ago, move on lol
  11. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    as an avid member of the LGBTQAHBBDJDNJD+ community, i BELIEve that there is an imposter among us, and his name is @boomrabbits_. Stay chill boys, hmu if you are a sexy male. cheers
    Atohmic likes this.
  12. Drama on this server feels so nostalgic at this point I miss mccentral I miss the drama the Alive community this server once had I miss creative so much
  13. Stradus

    Apr 8, 2023
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    In 2016 it was worse. good times fr
  14. ICameISawILeft

    Mar 30, 2023
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    I Feel as if there is multiple levels to any issue having to do with punishments.

    In my own job its difficult to make decisions relating to correctives for team members who do anything wrong. No matter the person or the situation, its never easy. but when it comes to observation those correctives, most other team members do not get the full story, even if informed by the leader or the TM.

    Not saying this is the same deal, but take everything you hear from anyone with a grain of salt and make your own perceptions of the situation based on what you see. No 1 person is guilty of anything, as some people say "it takes 2 to tango." When one of my leaders have convos with TMs about low performance or being detrimental to anything, my challenge is ALWAYS to have the leader find things they can improve on as well, like communication or coordination or planning.

    To those reading this, IDK the whole story, but neither do you. take this as a chance to review the actions of the staff team NOW and come to YOUR OWN conclusions about the state of things. Do you feel as if the staff team does not work in a productive manner to what you believe/perceive their purpose to be? If the answer is no, what impacts that choice?

    Again, not saying there wasn't any wrongdoing or favoritism, but there's also more to the picture we're likely not seeing. And I challenge YOU to make those observations.
  15. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Did you seriously make a forums account just to post this gibberish

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