Skyblock Season 17 | Feedback Wanted

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by luvbri, Feb 14, 2023.

  1. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Skyblock Season 17

    Hey all! Now that it has been around a week or so since the new season began, we're looking for feedback regarding the season, and potential suggestions too. So, you've had a week to check things out, so let us know what you think!

    Have a great day!
    InsaneIsMyName and Pillaa like this.
  2. Pillaa

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Hey! I would love to share my feedback on Skyblock Season 17.

    The Ravager
    I personally felt like the ravager was an amazing asset to the community as it allowed for players to climb the tiered spawners in a much more efficient way. The ravager also managed to add more purpose to the mob coin shop, which I felt like was very needed in relation to last season, when the mob coin shop was almost begging for additional items to be added.

    As per a server suggestion I had made a few months ago, I referenced that spleef would be a great addition to the skyblock event category, and it certainly has not disappointed. A lot of people (including myself) find the event to be a lot of fun compared to the other events that were getting repetitive and boring. Although the map is still very controversial regarding the side rooms, I still believe that the overall experience and addition of spleef to the skyblock sub-server was a great choice.

    Void Chest
    I still find myself accidentally dropping items into the void, whether I am farming or breaking spawners. I have seen multiple requests by many members of the skyblock community that think a void chest could be very useful, allowing for expensive items such as premium hoes and spawners to be saved if accidentally dropped into the void. I also understand that many people would simply like thrown out items to fall into the void to disappear, and the void chest as a result could be toggled with a command like /togglevc etc. I feel like this would be a simple yet extremely useful addition to the skyblock server.

    The past few seasons have had little to no use for EXP, with almost everyone having an overabundance of it with little to do with it. I feel like a suggestion that could be implemented would be a shop that you can purchase items with EXP (just like mob coins) or really anything else that we could use it towards other than having 500k+xp constantly (especially with the ravager EXP simply builds up like crazy).

    Other Suggestions

    Allow for the premium hoe to not be dropped on an island, just like the prison pickaxes are not able to be dropped at mines. This could be an alternative to the void chest and would prevent members of skyblock from losing their premium hoes that sometimes take a week to max out completely.

    Overall, I found the first week to be quite enjoyable with the new additions to the server as well as entire staff team working hard to fix issues and bugs that arose. I can't wait to see what's in store for the upcoming prison season!
    #2 Pillaa, Feb 14, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2023
  3. ChaosMoo

    Feb 14, 2023
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    The main thing I don't like is that other people enjoy, removing the rarity of chests. That brings excitement when you get something good and not just a stone sword every time.
  4. Ex_Pendable

    Nov 4, 2019
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    1. Snow Golem Spawners (SGS) are not in a tier. They are effectively tier zero.
    2. I haven't seen Snow Golem Spawners (SGS) listed in the shop, so they're only available by buying keys or from other players.
    3. Since you cannot make jack o'lanterns with pumpkins and shears, you can only get them as a drop from Snow Golem Spawners.
    4. A stack of 50 Snow Golems might get you two jack o'lanterns.
    5. Ravager pets require food in order to kill mobs, something that would have been nice to know.
  5. Ex_Pendable

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Since we can all fly, why not build a floor to keep your items from falling into the void?
  6. Shinjilru

    Aug 4, 2022
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    Hello! I believe season 17 is off to a fun start, I love the Ravengers and how they help out with all the spawn kills we need to get to different tiers.

    As I had suggested in a different post I believe silverfish spawners really need to be moved to tier 7, so that all players would need to unlock them in order to use them. With the Dragon spawners from challengers as well as snow golems from keys it's daily easy for those with multiple accounts, as well as money, to be able to get pretty OP fast with money makers. If they have all the money maker spawners they need they don't really need to unlock T7 spawners, and can simply start buying Silverfish to start the island leveling process.

    Winter keys are by far my most favorite addition to Skyblock. It's exciting to see what tags you may be able to get as well as collect. Being able to get multiple different items as well as a huge bonus with that considering their price.

    Im currently loving the new season, and it's exciting to see all the new competition joining in. Im excited to see who wins this season!
  7. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hey there! Here's a bit of feedback I have gathered since the start of the season!

    I actually really like the addition of ravagers. They are super duper handy for rising through the spawner tiers. The only thing I would change about them is adding a "Feed All" button to the GUI. When you have multiple stacks of ravager food, its a whole lot of clicking.

    This is a pretty common suggestion so I'll be brief. Take out the side rooms. Efforts have been made to improve this already, but the side rooms are still being used to camp in which is an unfair advantage. I would also recommend possibly doing a multi-level spleef map like some other servers do. Little bit of an extra challenge.

    Addition to Permissions:
    I made a suggestion in the discord about this, so again I will be brief. With cactus farms coming back as an important part of the economy it introduces some new challenges. Mainly the issue of griefing. It is fairly common practice to hire other players to build layers of cactus farms and with that comes the inherent risk of griefing if you are not paying close attention. A common method of griefing cactus farms that I have seen is placing lava and destroying the string and cactus plants. An easy fix I see to this would be to add a "Place Lava" toggle in the permissions GUI.

    Phoe Dropping:
    Again another common suggestion. Locking the phoes in the inventory similar to how the pickaxes are locked on prison. I have been a victim of the void eating my phoes on a few occasions due to my cat walking across the keyboard. It would be nice to not have to change keybinds every time I f3 farm.

    Thanks for reading! Happy Skyblocking!
    EmeraldNerd, AlexMarkey and luvbri like this.

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