Banned for "Leaving while frozen"

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by Zombiedog95200, Feb 8, 2023.

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  1. Zombiedog95200

    Feb 8, 2023
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    I was banned for leaving while frozen because I got frozen and then the mod who froze me left. I read the description and it said I would get banned in 5m if I didn't leave game or join discord. It says I'm banned for 30 days and I would like to fix this. Thanks
    My Username is ZombieDog9520 btw
    Goldin3608 and luvbri like this.
  2. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there ZombieDog9520!

    Could you please create an appeal via this link here: Appeals

    And direct it to ray01, who punished you for Logging Whilst Frozen;

    This means that during the time you were frozen, you logged off of MCC. It's important for you as a frozen player to remain in game, as we need to do game checks and can't always confirm things if you leave and rejoin.

    The only thing for you to do, is to appeal with the link I sent above attached to the word 'Appeals'. ray01 will respond when she can.

    If you have an alt account, you can use that to play on MCC whilst your main is banned, but you can only do so with 1 account, as if you get banned due to this offense or similar offenses, you could face IP bans, and we don't want that. :)

    Lmk if you have any more questions, you can DM me on Discord or create a message chat on here via my profile under the Information tab, via "Start a Conversation", I'll be locking this thread now as I have answered it to the best of my ability.
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