Bring back minigames? (content creation)

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by FaithyGirlGamez, Dec 20, 2022.


Do you agree a few minigames should be brought back?

  1. yes

  2. no

  3. kind of

  1. FaithyGirlGamez

    Oct 25, 2019
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    Alright alright hear me out.

    I remember them mentioning that minigames might come back and might not. I also remember a pokemon subserver being mentioned.
    Honestly the main reason im making this post, is due to the fact Id love to make content on MCC.... but there is nothing to make content on.
    I understand it was easier transferring over to the new host and not having to worry about minigames and whatnot. But id say its about time to bring (some) back. I believe for the size of the server currently, only bringing back some of the minigames.
    The server shouldn't bring back all the minigames back all at once. I think it would be wise to just bring 1-3 back at a time as the server regrows. I personally believe 3 minigames should be brought back and i believe if/when this pokemon subserver is announced the 3 minigames should come back at the same time.
    I believe the best 3 to start off with would be:

    1. Capture the flag
    2. Hunger games
    3. Skywars

    Being that these minigames are the most played among the server and honestly the best/easiest to make content for

    I know the server needs more players and the best way to honestly do so is to have good variety to make content on. As of right now the only options are all grindy slow paced gamemodes like Prison, Skyblock and survival.
    Along with I believe if the pokemon subserver is added, depending on the content of the server that would also be a really cool thing to make content on.
    I believe having these options allows content to be made, not that you cant make content on Prison, Skyblock and survival. Its just less enjoyable to watch unless you have multiple people with 11/10 personality's to make something not entertaining enjoyable to watch.

    The server would benefit from people being able to make content for it to once again spread the word and bring in new players.
    Id love some opinions on this because I honestly feel like I worded this all so weird XD But I hope I got the point across enough.

    ♥ Faithy ♥
  2. Shrimp

    Nov 12, 2022
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    I agree this seems like a great idea
    FaithyGirlGamez likes this.
  3. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    As a minigames player this seems great, however, given the fact that pretty much the entire minigame playerbase left MCC, I feel like you're trying to provide first aid to a corpse. I'm not saying MCC is dead or does not have a future, but the minigame community is, well, gone. Yes, I've heard people say before "but we have a cakewars Discord with 200 members!". Sounds great, until you bring back cakewars, and maybe 10 of these players will come back.

    Minigames were 1.8. 1.8 was released in September 2014, over 8 years ago. I have a feeling Minecraft is slowly turning into a kids game (even more after the recent EULA enforcement changes), and kids play newer Minecraft versions, not 1.8. I absolutely love the old minigames, but their community has literally grown out of the game, into adulthood.

    Have a great day/night!
  4. FaithyGirlGamez

    Oct 25, 2019
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    I agree but I also agree thats exactly why making content would allow creators to help get a new minigames playerbase. I know plenty of players still on mcc who want minigames to come back being there are still minigames players.
    This is also why i believe there should only be a few minigames added back, not the ALL of the minigames that were previously here since like you said the playerbase has gotten a lot smaller. But i think it would be a great way to get more players.
    But like i said it would take content creation to help spread the word. I myself would be making content on MCC
  5. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    You're only proving my earlier point by saying "I know plenty of players still on MCC who want minigames to come back". So do I, unless minigames would actually come back and you'd notice most players wouldn't come back due to IRL responsibilities. You could fix the issue with 1.8 being unpopular with young people by adding 1.9+ PvP-based minigames, but that would imply you'd lose the already existing playerbase. There is NO WAY you can keep the current playerbase AND enlarge it; 1.8- and 1.9+ PvP are mutually exclusive.

    Personally I'd attribute all of this to the deeper underlying issues with Minecraft (and MCC): (1) Java Edition is written in Java, an absolute trash programming language, which is part of the reason why Microsoft wants to slowly shift towards Bedrock Edition, and the shift to Bedrock slowly causes the death of Java Edition servers; (2) the PvP mechanisms got changed in 1.9 which causes the entire Minecraft communtiy to be split up in 2 parts: 1.8- PvPers and 1.9+ PvPers; (3) the lack of updates on MCC, which is however sort of discontinued with the addition of Lifesteal; and (4) the fact that people outgrow a game when they are in their twenties, due to IRL responsibilities. I'm not saying these are the sole reasons MCC is dying, but these are the not commonly mentioned or non-obvious ones; it is not my goal to make a huge rant about the dying of MCC since I know staff is doing their absolute best and the issues listed above are out of their control.

    I must add, however, that I 100 % agree that content creation is a great way of making a server more popular.

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