I lost all my money to drops clearing

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by YungLo, Nov 10, 2022.

  1. YungLo

    Oct 31, 2022
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    I keep all my money in a shulker box in my ender chest (to prevent people stealing money and to prevent people constantly asking me for money) i pulled my shulker out to put $2m in my account to but a Virtual chest perk so i can keep all my goodies in there now instead of having to go to my house to pull out a shulker from my ender chest every time. When I went to go pick up my shulker, with around $3-$4m still inside, the server cleared all drops and my shulker was gone before the item could hit the floor. There's proof of me putting all my money in withdraw slips (if you can see the chat logs and how many times i did "/withdraw 100000" and i can also show every single one of my belongings, i would just like if i could get my money back :(
  2. lavoova the grape

    Oct 27, 2019
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    if you lost it to clear lag, nothing staff can really do for you
  3. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hi there;

    Unfortunately we aren't able to do anything as Lavoova said, as it was cleared. The clearlag messages are sent with 60 seconds notice, and 20 second notices to give you a warning that any items you drop will be cleared. You can also type /clearlag to see how long until the next one, which is about 8 minutes apart. Given there are warnings to tell you there isn't a lot we can do as mentioned. I would recommend typing /clearlag any time you are about to break a chest full of items or when you see the notice in chat to be sure you have time to collect your items before they clear.

    lavoova the grape likes this.

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