A Forums Tour

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ressurecting, Aug 31, 2019.

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  1. Ressurecting

    Aug 22, 2019
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    Hey World of Crafters,

    If you are new here to the community there are a lot of great staff and players here in the community that would be able to help you out if you have any questions! If you ever encounter a hacker or anyone that is using a modified client that is against the server rules at https://mccentral.org/community/forums/reports/. The list of allowed mods / modified clients can be found at https://mccentral.org/community/rules/ under the "Allowed Mods" category! If you have any sub-server specific posts make sure to go under the correct section to post your message. If you have any server suggestions you can go to the server suggestions tab and type your life away, but be advised that not all suggestions are accepted due to other points of view in the community. If you are unhappy with something that is going on in the community that is also where you would post your concern as it is a suggestion to change something about the community. If you are a Youtuber you may qualify for the YouTube Rank if you meet certain requirements.

    These Being:
    5,000 or more subscribers on your channel.
    An active YouTube channel on which you post videos regularly.
    Your channel must produce Minecraft related content.
    Preferably have MCCentral content already on the channel.

    With that being said if you are not a creator but also want to help out the community in different ways you may be able to meet the requirements required to become a staff member of the server. If you apply to be apart of the staff team you will become a helper, the role of a helper best described by the Owner Alex Markey "Helper is the first achievable staff rank and is a trial to become a Moderator. Helpers will undergo tests by our Mentors and Review Team to assess their ability as a member of staff. This stage can last up to two months. As Helper, your main goal is to moderate in-game chat and assist users with any questions they may have. This should be done responsibly and in a mature way at all times. All members of the staff represent the staff team, this includes in-game, on the forums, Discord, and any other areas in which you may be of representation." With this being said there are quite a few requirements that are quite easy to meet and if you meet these requirements you may apply NOW!

    These Being:
    Must be at least 14 years old (verified by voice)
    Must be active in-game and on the forums
    A Discord account is required
    Must have an appropriate username
    Must have linked your main Minecraft account with your website profile (Use /Link in Lobbies)
    Must be socially active and friendly with the Staff Team and users of the community
    Familiar with staff commands and abilities
    Able to be mature and handle situations whilst being a staff member
    Able to be an active staff member (Online frequently)
    If you have received a mute or ban, you must wait before applying
    Must be able to record in-game if needed
    Must not have any warning points on the forums
    Must have been a member of the MCCentral website for at least 45 days
    At least 50 player report tickets which have been accepted
    At least 20 posts on the forums
    A Google account is required

    If you are not interested in helping out the server by becoming apart of the staff team, another way you can help is by donating. I know that not everyone is going to be able to donate, but if you are available to it can be a benefit to you! Not only are you giving back to the server which is free to play but expensive to keep up, you get some special perks out of it! If you are interested in donating you may visit https://buy.mccentral.org!

    On the donation website there are many things that can be purchased with REAL MONEY! If you are below the age of 16 please be sure to have permission from a parent or guardian before purchasing anything. If you are using any of your parent or guardians money be sure to tell them before using it.

    The ranks that can be purchased are:​
    Coal Rank [Lifetime] 5.00
    Iron Rank [Lifetime] 10.00
    Gold Rank [Lifetime] 20.00
    Lapis Rank [Lifetime] 25.00
    Emerald Rank [Lifetime] 35.00
    Diamond Rank [Lifetime] 50.00
    Bedrock Rank [Lifetime] 65.00
    Legend Rank [Lifetime] 80.00
    Immortal Rank [Lifetime] 110.00

    There are usually some types of sales that are currently going on, which at the time of writing this there is a 40% off sale so if you are going to purchase something now is the time!

    There are other things sold on the store besides Ranks, there are crate keys, pocket pals, particle effects and More!

    AGAIN Before purchasing anything if you are below the age of 16 and is using your parents or guardians money make sure that they are aware that you are using their money to purchase something in game.

    Lastly Voting,
    Voting is one of the most effective and least consuming way that you give back to the server, by voting you are putting the server towards the top of server lists which bring in new players DAILY!
    There are certain prizes that you can get from voting, as of right now the top 5 monthly voters receive a $25 gift card to the MC-Central Shop that was explained above!

    If you have any other questions or concerns go ahead and message me on Discord!

    I am available to answer any question at about any time of the day!

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk and I hope I was able to help out at least 1 person!

    The One and Only Ressurecting

    luvbri, puposaurus and PistolPet like this.
  2. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Resurrecting,

    What can I say, good work! You put a lot of thought and effort into this thread and it is nice. It's kind of all the forums page in one thread. You have stuff about voting, buycraft, applications for staff and YouTuber and ext. This does help a lot of people :)
    Somethings I suggest that can improve this thread:

    1) Add some colour. This isn't hate, it's just sometimes if you see the same colour for everything it can get confusing. If you have any extra time, I recommend adding some colour and maybe even some other features you can do. It will help with understanding and it's just more pleasing to the eye
    2) Add a summary. Although you did a great job at spacing everything and making everything clear, I believe if you add a summary at the beginning and in order of what you show, this can really make this thread brilliant. Especially with number 1)
    3) Nothing else really, it's great :)

    I hope you understand were I come from and I wish you a great day :)
    puposaurus likes this.
  3. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't want to be a person to kill the mood as you seemed to work decently hard on this, but this was practically copied from different sections and pasted onto one post. If people were to want to apply, they would check out the application section, or voting section, ect. Shopping is self explanatory. However I am not sure if it was worth it making this D: However I give props for the amount of time maybe put into this.
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