Ancient & Mythical Armor - Feedback Wanted

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by AlexMarkey, Sep 1, 2022.


Should we add Ancient & Mythical Armor / Swords

  1. Yes

    2 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Hey Everyone,

    With Season 13 just around the corner, we have gone ahead and posted the changelog. One of the changes next season had a bit of a mixed reaction (that being the implementation of Ancient & Mythical armor in keys).

    Due to the mixed feedback, for the time being we are going to hold back on this change (until we can hear the voice of the community a bit more).

    If we can please use this thread to discuss this topic, to give us a better insight as to what approach we should take, that would be appreciated! Our thinking right now is that we can always add it post-launch (if wanted) however if we launch with it already in the crates, it would be impossible to remove for the entirety of the season!
    boomrabbits_, Zac25zac and xEthzn like this.
  2. avocado16

    May 15, 2022
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    Put p5 in event keys instead of myth and ancient keys also s6 in event keys
    AlexMarkey likes this.
  3. xEthzn

    Oct 14, 2020
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    I believe that you should add Protection 5 & Sharpness 6 to Event Keys. This will make it very rare & harder to obtain making pvp a little more interesting.

    Adding Protection 5 & Sharpness 6 to regular Ancient / Mythical keys will make many eco players mad about getting a decent amount of Protection 5 from their keys, when they wont use it at all.

    It is better to add the gear to the Event keys because players who pvp also play events, meaning Protection 5 & Sharpness 6 is useful for players who "PvP / Play events"
  4. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Solid point here
    Chilo_ and xEthzn like this.
  5. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Ancient gear across pretty much all subservers that were not directly PvP related has been an absolute burden on those who don't PvP (90%+ of the community). They are pretty much seen as a waste of $5, nobody is happy to get Mythical Leggings instead of hundreds of thousands of dollars. On Prison, people play to grind for money by mining and almost nothing else. I understand the goal was to "add to the pvp playerbase", but this is not the solution and I'll explain below.

    Prison PvP is different than the other servers that have PvP arenas. Everywhere else, you can fix your gear for free. The environment on Prison PvP is breaking gear and burning god apples until someone drops; this works because Protection 4 is very abundant and you don't need to worry about keeping one set - you can get another very quickly. Prison players almost always rely on gear breaking to kill others in PvP, unless they're both playing risky and going low enough to risk dying (the players shouldn't have to adjust how they play just to have fun).

    Event keys are the only option that would keep people happy, all of the events are directly PvP related and it would stop the other 90% of the community from wasting a bunch of money on gear that's unsellable because nobody wants it.
  6. Zac25zac

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Along with the rest of these comments, I also think it is best to put P5/S6 in event crates to satisfy both types of prison players, Eco & PvP players. Prison PVP is vastly unique (chugging golden apples and fighting till your armor breaks) to the rest of the sub-servers PvP we've seen on MCC (Pot PvP). With those sub-servers now gone, adding these items might give those players a want to play and adjust to prison PvP.

    Adding P5/S6 into event keys will allow PvPers who play in events to obtain these powerful items. It also prevents eco players who buy large amounts of keys from getting nuked with armor. It is a perfect balance in the community.
    PorkChcp, Chilo_ and AlexMarkey like this.
  7. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Thanks for the feedback everyone.
    Event keys it is :)!

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