MCC’s Problems? try and revive

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by iOriginally, Aug 4, 2022.

  1. iOriginally

    Apr 13, 2020
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    1) Kitpvp
    Have someone run kitpvp that actually cares for the server and doesn’t let it sit and die. Actually put time into it instead of just giving us the same thing repeatedly? There’s so many things you can do if you had a person that knew the game mode and knew how to run it. How about you look at what other servers are doing right what you’re doing wrong and fix the issues. For example maybe a anti cleaning on kitpvp? Once you kill someone you can regenerate Health with regeneration V for 3 seconds. You can also have a different style of pvp implemented or something that makes p5 rare and not so everyone has it and that p5 would actually be worth something.
    The reason this should be added is because the kitpvp is dying and has been dead for some time and people have no interest. The Knockback, the damage. Everything is so old style and it’s like 2015 style kitpvp

    2) Mccentral has so many things that could be fixed, for example if a player is banned maybe you could add a jail system? You could have players do tasks kind of like munchy mc to be unbanned and have another chance. Once a player logs in that is banned they can do their tasks for example break 12k blocks with a iron pickaxe and claim tokens. Once you receive an amount of tokens you go redeem them for an unban. Another thing is that so many game modes need to be removed like arena, factions maybe a creative update? If creative dies remove it too. Right now all I see as a player is just people caring about sky block and prisons. You guys are also partnered with Lunar which could have a big boost on players but most people that use lunar, They use it for pvp. Some people just use it for that fps boost and PVE effects but the main reason lunar is used is for PVP, some may disagree because they just don’t like pvp.

    3) The staff requirements are so high and if anything they should be lowered. The staff team is slowly starting to realize what the issue is, they are resigning and I’ve seen so many loyal mccentral players and staff quit and resign.

    4) Minigames.. Minigames is so dead and honestly should have never been made. Most of the games are featured on hypixel and people choose hypixel over mc central because of so many different reasons.

    this is all I have to say. I usually never say anything in the mccentral community but it’s gotten to a point where it’s so dead and the staff team have resigned and quit. Many ppl in this com think I’m like a ****head or wtv but at some points I actually do play the server for the server and do care for it since I grew up on it. Hopefully you guys take some of this input and actually use it to fix the server and have a revival instead of faking the player base.

  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Jail System: personally I can't see the point of this. If a player chooses to break a rule, they must deal with the punishment. Allowing them back into the server by doing tasks defeats the purpose of having them punished in the first place. Imagine someone is punished for auto mining, then proceeds to use it to get back on the server? It doesn't really give players the consequence of their actions and it's basically like paying for an unban.

    Staff Requirements: As someone who has never been staff, I can't imagine what you would know about the staff requirements (don't mean to be rude, just putting it how it is). A lot of staff have resigned in the past 2 years I've been staff, however it's not necessarily because the minute requirements are too high. (They have been adjusted multiple times in my staff term already). Most staff end up resigning because they have been around long enough, find themselves too busy irl to log on, or just lost interest in MCC/Minecraft as a whole. Changing the minute requirement / removing it likely means less staff will log on, meaning no one will be moderating the server.

    Minigames: Yes the mini games are inactive. I would recommend suggesting something, because it is a well known fact that people don't play mini games anymore. Ranting and saying it's dead won't make a difference if you don't have any ideas to add.

    This is all I have to say, if you disagree lmk but as someone who's been staff for quite a while I feel like I really understand how these suggestions wouldn't work / be necessary.

    bratphobic likes this.
  3. iOriginally

    Apr 13, 2020
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    1) I actually have staffed more than the entire team combined so I’m not sure where you’re getting your info from that I’ve never staffed, but like I said they can’t automine. They would need to compete a captcha every 3 minutes to keep finishing tasks. Why would someone break 12000 blocks just to do it again it makes no sense to me. There’s no suggestions for Minigames because Minigames are Minigames. You can’t do much but remove it.
  4. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Kit is over, similarly to some other parts of the network. It'd be better to switch to a different MC server that only specializes in the game mode you want if you're looking for frequent content updates, events or larger, concentrated communities. I'm sure you already know this though.

    It is unfortunate to see how Kit is now, but there is NOTHING that can be done from here on out. It's a combination of lack of time dedicated, lack of effort, and lack of Kit community to motivate change. Lack of Kit community stems from lack of previous-season(s) captivating updates, moving on to other servers, or quitting.

    Same is true for others like Creative and Mini-games. Mini-games took too long to where people moved on, it wasn't what they expected, and other servers have better, frequently-updated games. Tons of better creative servers out there too. Updates take too long, and honestly there's no reason to expedite them when they're not able to attract drastic numbers of new players.

    Removing Factions, Arena, Mini-games, KitPvP and Creative is the best way to go. It will either drive those players toward more popular parts of the network, or they'll leave. Less time needs to be focused, then, on parts that barely attract or retain players. More focus goes to those that will keep MCC surviving.

    As for staff, people leave because they move on, get bored, or see no progression in the server. There was nothing to really do. It was difficult to make change. Some on the team just sit there, do requirements, then vanish, and no one blames them because there's no need to do anything. Staff requirements as staff are fine. They should be removed (made a staff forums post about it), but that won't happen. Requirements to get staff are high for how the server is now, but I also think the server doesn't need any staff as long as 1-2 remain active.

    I hopped on the forums to respond to RatJansen's sad scamming post for Prison, but I ended up finding myself here, putting way too much effort into something I stopped caring as much for now.

    Tl;dr: Kit won't be "fixed," MCC should focus on "thriving" sub-servers
    bratphobic likes this.
  5. ctrs

    May 4, 2020
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    As ex-staff / vet from MCC, I watched the server's minigames ( my favorite subserver ) die. Honestly really sad. I don't appreciate that you said it should have never been made lol it was ballin before it got revamped. This forum post is legit just a filler so you can start getting your staff reqs complete, you don't really know much about MCC and its history I know. I encourage you to do some research about what you're thinking of saying before you say it.

    also if you knew anything about MCC, alex and jeremy don't browse the forums looking for things to improve on in their network, nothing will change.
    abbs likes this.
  6. Josh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    good points i agree
  7. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    The reason why minigames is dead is because you basically removed everything from it like Murder Mayhem an' stuff. Yall made it so dead by "revamping" it, in my opinion it was not revamping it, it was just resetting everything and getting rid of a lot of things. And stop saying about suggesting ideas, look around you, lot of people say it like for example bring Murder Mayhem back, or some other minigames. I mean come on, within some random forums many ideas has been suggested but you HAVE to seem to do it in suggestions forum when you dont have to. Just look around in forums and you'll see some ideas like I do.

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