Staff complains

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NFLs, Jun 29, 2022.

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  1. NFLs

    Jan 14, 2021
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    I recently started playing on the server again, specifically survival, and on there i feel like the mods/staff turn a blind eye to a lot of things, which is unacceptable whether its their friend making the action or not; Here's some examples from today.

    Example 1: Player 1 warped? close to player 2's claim that wasn't fully claimed and wouldn't go away, i'd like to point out there was about 4 staff on the survival server, 3 of them completely ignored the chat flood that was going on and the arguments it started that player 1 wouldn't go away, right up until 4th staff came which i believe was Nikki, she solved it by teleporting player 1 away and warned him multiple times, this went on about 15-20 minutes until Nikki decided to take action. I get that the staffs that were on might've been busy but the chances of all 3 that were on and were all busy isn't that high especially when one of the staff members decided to interfere for 2 seconds then ignore it until again Nikki took matter into her hands.

    Example 2: 2 specific players decided to write their messages very colorful with 3+ colors despite multiple players telling them to stop, this created a heated argument that while i'm writing this is still going on, i know those players have been chat reported and again the staffs that are currently in the survival server is not interfering at all.

    I can see the players frustrations about the colorful messages 1. it's annoying and especially because the colors are so bright it's very attention seeking. 2. When told to stop by half of the players that are actually active in chat, stop.

    My point is that as a staff member, if you're busy/afk maybe go to staff lobby instead of hanging in the server making players think you're absolutely ignoring everything.

    - I in the end linked to a picture of one of the dearest players that not only was toxic but also wouldn't stop writing with more than 500 colors :) I know there is no rule to it, but there should be because it is highly annoying to look at

    Attached Files:

    Nikki_, Y22K and Aidig like this.
  2. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hiya NFLs,

    Staff members are not allowed to afk on subservers. They are required to either log out or return to staff lobby. That being said, just because a staff member isn't responding or isn't active in chat, it doesn't mean they aren't preoccupied with something else.

    If you believe a staff member is purposely ignoring a situation ie: to avoid punishing their friend, then you can create a staff report on them and provide evidence. Staff members should actively be paying attention to chat when online, and are expected to issue punishments should players be breaking chat rules. Failure to do so can also be result in a staff report.

    If you believe players are breaking the rules, please create a /chatreport, or a forum report so that staff members can deal with these situations more efficiently (especially when we're not online, or available to look in to it more when we are online).

    I can't speak on the situations above, but I hope this clears things up a little bit.
    abbs, NFLs and lavoova the grape like this.
  3. NFLs

    Jan 14, 2021
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    Hi InsaneIsMyName

    I knew that multiple players had already reported and /chat reported so i saw no reason to also do that especially when there was also staff on as well, i unfortunately didn’t get proof and don’t plan on getting proof to staff report anyone i just wanted to point it out so that the staffs in question could get it together and be more aware. :)
    Nikki_ and Y22K like this.
  4. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there!

    Have a nice day!
  5. NFLs

    Jan 14, 2021
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    Hi there!

    How about stopping when multiple people tell you to instead of continuing just to create a problem :)

    Have a nice day
    Nikki_ and Y22K like this.
  6. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Yeah so this left a bad taste in my mouth, Lets start off with the your first example. You're complaining that you doubt all 3 of them would have been busy, I have to ask, Did the thought that they might be actually playing the game occur to you? I think it might have slipped your mind that the staff members are players too. They have every right to play the game and assuming that they're being bad staff because they don't respond to you is quite unfair. If people were chat flooding and arguing they would have most likely been cr'd and would be muted in due time. As for your "player 1" were they just hanging around? were they actually bothering "Player 2" or is "Player 2" just being overly sensitive and salty that someone's there. Also for the record, if "Player 2" doesn't want people going to their warp they should have set it to private.

    Your second example is quite interesting because from the sounds of it, the only people not at fault in the situation were the Players typing in colour. If you check the rules you'll find that no where on them does it state that players shouldn't type in multiple colours, As such your players you mentioned have done nothing wrong. The people who started the argument wouldn't be them, It would be the people telling them to stop since they hadn't been breaking any rules. The players have paid a pretty penny to be able to use the coloured fonts, who are you to tell them to stop? If it really bothered you so much /ignore is a thing.

    To sum it all up, The staff are players just like the rest of us, to assume that they should be dedicating there every second to moderating the game would just be stupid. They would have no reason to be staff on the server if they didn't want to play it too. If you have a problem with what a player is doing it then you can either chat report it or forum report it. Maybe it's just me but this post came across as quite self centred. In future, if you have a complaint about staff, use the staff report section. Airing your grievances on the forum when they should be in a report isn't a good look.

    Have a good night.
  7. NFLs

    Jan 14, 2021
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    Hi, if you read my entire post you’d notice that i said i know there is no rule to it but that it was annoying, and that they should’ve stopped when multiple people told them to.

    For your other part, i again said that they had been cr’d and if the staff were playing as you say they are they would’ve noticed the chat flood that was going on, since Nikki who came in the end and wasn’t there from the start noticed it.

    To answer your wondering about the 2 players that fought over claims, he had randomly warped and ended up in that players claim and wouldn’t walk away, since it wasn’t fully claimed the other player was scared that he would grief, which is understandable. Your arguments aren’t valid and i think you read the title instead of reading my post which has all the answers to the stuff you’re saying didn’t occur to me.

    Have a nice day :)
    Nikki_ and Aidig like this.
  8. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I did read your entire post, And my point still stands, It's not against the rules so they weren't doing anything wrong. I Was making a point, It isn't in the rules and as such they did nothing wrong. To say my arguments hold no weight because I stated a fact to back up my point is ridiculous. I also like how you glossed over the part about ignoring them.

    I think you missed my point, If the players where already cr'd then the staff will punish them, That's assuming that they actually where flooding in the first place. Cr's often don't get responded to straight away, maybe you should try a bit of patience. I have to question if you're even playing the game or just staring at chat the entire time. If I'm correct and they were playing properly then it would be easy to miss the chat flood. Either way those players would be punished.

    As for the Player 1/2 scenario you mentioned, my point still holds. If they don't want anyone at the warp they should set it to private. They shouldn't just assume that no one will show up when they have it set to public. I'm certain had the player actually been griefing the claim staff would 100% have come and dealt with it. My arguments are valid, I stand by what i said, If they did actually do something wrong you'd have reported them. But you didn't because you have no proof of them breaking any rules.

    I rest my case, Good night.
  9. NFLs

    Jan 14, 2021
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    Do you have some sort of reading disability, i said i didn’t report them because i know there is no rule to typing in multiple colors, none of your points are valid, end it here please because you’re only making it worse. As for being patient both arguments went on for over 30 minutes, with multiple staffs on so even if they wouldn’t have handled it fast it wasn’t fast enough. Get out of the thread, enjoy your summer maybe read a book could make your reading abilities to comprehend stronger.

    As for your scenario, no it wasn’t handled, until Nikki handled it, after everyone had to read the stupid arguments that are similar to your current ones.

    “I rest my case” Have a nice day
    Nikki_ and Aidig like this.
  10. Aidig

    Jan 23, 2021
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    Bro solo tag teamed everyone on his post and still won
  11. Y22K

    Dec 12, 2020
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    Respectfully as another player who plays survival, one common thing is players who get their claim or edge of their claim vandalized by another player. That being said that if staff ray01 can ban a player just like that in 0.01 seconds from someone vandalizing her claim, then there should have been no reason that the other player wasn't punished instantly when 3 staff were on but unfortunately and I'm sorry to say this but the staff get lazy on survival.

    As for the color problem, once again I think what NFLs' is trying to emphasize is that the arguments that happened should not have gone longer than they should've. Yes there is no rule, but if you and multiple other players asked another group of players If they could respectfully stop spamming multiple chat colors and they didn't would you not find that annoying? Thus leading to the arguments that happened that staff once again, did not handle despite seeing what was happening between the 2 groups of players. Yes eventually, it was handled but to what point? after all the nasty stuff that was said came out? I myself chat reported a player who said some nasty stuff and the player honestly never got muted. They're just still on survival with their free speech! Love that! So I think in our opinion what we're trying to say is to the staff who constantly play survival (ray01 + Atohmic) need to do a better job of putting a stop to drama instead of watching it all unfold because we're not here for it.
  12. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I was referring to reporting the staff since you so clearly think they did something wrong, My apologies if that wasn't clear. Assuming someone must have a reading disability and making your entire argument revolve around it is rather ablest wouldn't you say? As I said before every single one of my points are still valid, you don't give a single reason why they're not. You gloss over every part of what I said and nit pick to find something to back up your point. As for the arguments in chat, If they were dealt with then there's no need for you to consistently complain about it, Things take time and you act as though they are the only staff on the server. There are multiple staff that could of responded to the cr's, yet you specifically seem to complain about the staff who play survival.

    As for the Nikki_ Situation it seems to have slipped your mind that different staff members have different permissions. Unfortunately Nikki_ was the only one who was allowed to just TP the player away, If you where to report Atohmic or Ray for not having dealt with it you would have been told the same thing.

    Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go read a nice book (perhaps something you should try?) and enjoy the winter weather.
  13. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The Difference is that Ray's base was actually vandalised, The person mentioned, Wasn't. As for that player not being muted, then they Either appealed or never actually broke a rule.
  14. NFLs

    Jan 14, 2021
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    Atohmic also has the autorisation to tp someone away, again your arguments doesn’t hold up at all, and as i said before you turned into a keyboard warrior. I’m complaining about the staff in survival because they were there when it happened, i don’t see why i should blame a staff who doesn’t play or wasn’t on survival, i didn’t intend on staff reporting anyone i posted the thread for the staff in question to get it together, please get it together as well, enjoy your summer :)
    Y22K likes this.
  15. Aidig

    Jan 23, 2021
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    Drop it because ur creating unnecessary drama that ur clearly losing, u weren’t there stop justifying ur arguments and points that makes no sense, a staff member already commented on his post and didn’t nearly find it as offensive as u are, acting like it’s aimed at u, u keep repeating urself thinking it’s gonna make any sense but it doesn’t
    NFLs and Y22K like this.
  16. Y22K

    Dec 12, 2020
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    First of all were you there? Did you physically see what went on? I don't know why you're trying so hard to justify how it's fair for ray to automatically ban a player because a player built at the edge of her claim which technically wasn't her claim. But when another player does it to another player it's ignored? How is that fair? As for the other player not being muted, mans was harassing another player with explicit language, I wouldn't have chat reported for nothing? but you'll invalidate that too since you were obviously there right.
    NFLs likes this.
  17. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Locking this thread to prevent further drama
    NFLs and kuieren like this.
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