1.19 Survival Suggestions for Improvement

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by ShaCraft, Jun 29, 2022.

  1. ShaCraft

    Jun 29, 2022
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    So far, the 1.19 season has been amazing so far, especially with the new claim system, however I have found some possible suggestions that would help gameplay and make the season even better.

    • Claims
      • I have seen a lot of chatter of people complaining about others building too close to them to prevent them from expanding their claims. So an idea I have is to implement a system that won't allow you to claim within X amount of blocks of another claim. But if you want to build next to your friend(s) both parties can disable the feature which will allow them to build right next to one another.
    • Gravity/Grass Growing in Claims World
      • I have also seen a lot of chatter about blocks floating, and grass not growing back in the claim world. A idea I have is an option to disable/enable gravity and grass spreading in your claims. The reason why I believe this is important is because it prevents farms that require grass such as cows, and sheep for wool and food.
    puposaurus, abbs and Trainsgender like this.
  2. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Ello mate, Just wanted to give my five cents on the matter;

    Both these are actually feasible ideas that could fit well with the server. The only issue I could maybe see arising is claiming in the nether (Specifically people claim blaze spawners) due to the proximity that certain structures spawn in. It could make it difficult to claim things.

    Some things I'd Personally like to see is,

    Obsidian being added to the Miner job, Probably being worth $5-$10 per block (due to the break speed).

    Some more ways to get claim blocks, Perhaps it could be added the the loot tables for Dungeons, Temples and Minecarts. I also think the player should receive some when levelling up a job.

    A Similar feature to the Gui on skyblock that shows what players are ranked at for each job in the /job menu. I'd Personally like a quick way to see how far ahead of me my competitors are.

    Anyways that's all I can say on the matter.
  3. NFLs

    Jan 14, 2021
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    I really like your idea about the claim area, especially having the feature to disable whenever you want your friends to build close to you. However it sounds difficult to make a command that allows players to build close to your claims and some players where it doesn't allow them, so maybe instead it allows already /trusted players on your claim to build near you or even expand your claim

    I don't feel like i've had any issue with gravity or grass on your second idea however, so i cant really speak on that :)
  4. Chimpmeat_OG

    Oct 20, 2020
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    If this is a general Suggestions thread, i have one.

    Bring back the Quest system. Have the rewards be points like SB and with each point tier reached. For instance, 50 points, you get X amount of claim blocks increasing with each point tier. When you start getting toward the high tiers, you get rewards like ancient key fragments that you collect X amount of to forge a key.
  5. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Whilst it would be great to say quests readded to survival i dont think they are really needed although they would be fun to do. If they are to be added then the rewards from them shouldnt be too op. I like the idea of a points system and small amounts of money and claim blocks but ancient keys are way too much for a quest and there is no way alex would ever add that since its a bad decision on the server's behalf. That being said, they could maybe have money pouches from keys instead of the keys themselves. For example if you get level 10 then you get a tier 1 ancient money pouch, level 25 is a tier 2 and level 50 is a tier 3. That way its not too op but you still get a semi-decent reward from it
    Chimpmeat_OG, luvbri and abbs like this.

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