Just need some clarification

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by Nolan Clay, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. Nolan Clay

    Jun 27, 2022
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    I had a rank on my old Minecraft username, which was ILoveFurries it was immortal rank. But since Microsoft merged with java. When I login in I'm using my PsychoKingTV. Which is my Xbox/Minecraft user now. So, I was wondering, is my java account not merged, or do I have to make an appeal as I am now. To receive my rank again. An if that's not the case. I probably haven't merged my account. And that's probably why I didn't receive it. I also have proof of the rank on the account, to prove that it exists. An to make sure there is no confusion, the PsychoKingTV is not a new account. it is my Xbox user. So, the ILoveFuries rank should be on PsychoKingTV
    #1 Nolan Clay, Jun 27, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2022
  2. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there!

    If you have merged your Mojang/MCJava account to your Microsoft/XBOX account, you should still have your Mojang ign and all of that unless you personally changed it.

    Your java account has to be merged to even play so the best way to check is to see what happens when you try to log in, if you have merged your account you should be a-okay but if it guides you, then follow the instructions there it's super quick!

    You should have your rank on the account (assuming you are being truthful about this part) regardless on if merged or not, but you just can't hop on without having your account merged with Microsoft because Minecraft is now forcing users to merge. :)

    Hopefully this clears things up, feel free to follow up with more questions regarding this, happy to help! I've been through the merge process twice now.
    abbs likes this.

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