Claim Suggestions yay!

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by luvbri, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello everyone, with the new season's changes to claiming I have some thoughts that have been discussed in-game but I've been advised to create a forum post containing these too..

    My first suggestion is having the ability to disable the notifications when entering/leaving a claimed area. This new feature, although helpful to know whether you have entered a claimed base or not, is inconvenient for people in close range of other claims. Already my chat gets flooded depending on where I go and although it's nice to see just how close people can get, a little bit less spam never hurt anybody.

    My second and final suggestion is being able to merge your own claims that are directly next to each other. I know an alternative is to just expand one claim into the other but some people like to have veryyy specific areas claimed and also at the same time not enough to claim an entire area, it would be cool to have the ability to make a second claim beside your first and easily merge the two creating just one claim for yourselves.

    Both of these happen to help with a current issue I've been having where it'll spam your chat whenever you enter different parts of your claims and so everytime I go to a certain area of my base it'll just keep flooding my chat with my claim description.


    Thank you for reading my post, have a beautiful day! <3
  2. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Hey Bri,

    Thanks for the feedback, here is my take on them all :)!

    In regards to your first point (toggling the notification) this is 100% something that can be added.

    In regards to your second point, I do not feel that merging claims is the best approach in this situation. The claims plugin is currently designed around cuboid claims, if we were to add merging you could start to create some funky shaped claims which really would be a bit of a rework on the plugin end.

    The solution I see is to do what it seems you have already done (create multiple claims directly next to each other) and instead we add a fix so that when you walk from 1 claim to another, it does not notify you in chat (if those claims are owned by the same person). The notifications should really only trigger when walking from:

    Claim -> Wilderness
    Wilderness -> Claim
    Claim -> Claim (Only if the two claims have different owners)
  3. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is exactly what my main idea was originally. It would be great to add that or even just notifications for it overall to be toggleable.

    Thanks Alex!

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