Survival Land Claim Tutorial

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by AlexMarkey, Jun 17, 2022.

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  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Minecraft Central Survival is home to a custom land claim plugin. This plugin was designed to be as similar as possible to other land claiming systems that players know from other servers (Grief Prevention) with many additional features. Our land claiming plugin utilises the classic stick and golden shovel to allow players to protect their land from those nasty griefers. This thread will give players a detailed rundown on all features and how to use them!

    Creating A Claim:
    The first thing players are going to want to do is create a claim. Claims must be made inside the Overworld (not the resources worlds). To get started, players need to obtain a Golden Shovel. This can be obtained for free by using the command "/kit claim". Whilst holding the shovel in your hand, right click the first corner of your claim (you will see a diamond block appear). You will then need to select the opposite corner of your claim. If done correctly, you should see a golden square displaying the borders of your newly created claim!

    Upon joining the server for the first time, all players will start with 200 available claim blocks (this means you can only claim 200 blocks). Players will gain 1 additional claim block every 2 minutes that they spend playing the server (you can not be AFK). Players can also easily obtain claim blocks daily from the Voting Villager (/vote). You can view how many claim blocks you have by looking in the scoreboard at the right side of your screen. Claims must be no smaller than 5x5 in size.

    Expanding Your Claim:
    Once you have created a claim, you will eventually want to resize it and either expand or shrink the borders. This can be done by making use of the expand command. Whilst standing inside the claim you want to resize, face any direction and type "/claim expand <amount>". This will expand your claim border by X amount of blocks in the direction you are facing. It is important to note that you can also shrink your claim size by using negative numbers (for example "/claim expand -1").

    Deleting A Claim:
    Deleting your claim is a very simple process. Simply stand inside the claim that you want to delete and use the command "/claim abandon". If done successfully, a confirmation GUI will appear. Once you are happy to proceed, simply click 'Confirm' inside this GUI.

    List All Your Claims:
    Keeping track of your claims is very important! It is very common to misplace / forget where one of your claims was created. By using the command "/claims list" you will be presented with a message in chat displaying the location of all your current claims. In the event that you lose one of your claims, players are able to click on any of their claims in the list to instantly teleport to it!

    Adding Friends To Your Claims:
    Of course, most of the fun in Survival comes from playing with Friends! Players are able to share their claims with as many players as they desire by using the trust feature. To trust a player in your claim, use the command "/claim trust <player>". To untrust a player from your claim, use the command "/claim untrust <player>". To view all of the currently trusted players in your claim use the command "/claim trustlist [page]".

    Alternatively, you can also choose to give a player manager inside your claims by using the command "/claim manager <player>". To demote a manager you can use the command "/claim demote <player>". To view all of the managers inside your claim use the command "/claim managerlist [page]"

    By default, managers and trusted players will be able to do as much as the owner of the claim (break blocks, place blocks, etc). By utilising the powerful permissions feature of our claims plugin, you're able to explicitly select what managers and trusted players can / can't do inside each of your claims!

    Banning Players From Your Claims:
    Are you constantly being harassed by a certain player? Ban them from your claim! To ban a player in your claim, use the command "/claim ban <player>". To unban a player from your claim, use the command "/claim unban <player>". To view all currently banned players in your claim, use the command "/claim banlist [page]". Players that are banned from your claim will be unable to enter it!

    Changing Your Claim Name:
    Players are able to give each of their claims a unique name for organizational purposes. To give one of your claims a name, simply stand inside that claim and use the command "/claim name <name>". Your claim name will appear when using the command "/claim list".

    Changing Your Claim Description:
    Players are able to set a description for their claims. This description will appear every time a player enters one of your claims. To set your description, use the command "/claim desc [description]". Claim descriptions must be no shorter than 3 characters and no longer than 30 characters.

    Claim Inspector Mode:
    One of the powerful features of our claims plugin is the ability to inspect the land inside your claims. Unfortunately, you may find yourself in a situation where you trusted a player in your claims who happened to grief you or steal items from your chests! By utilising inspector mode, you are able to find out exactly who griefed you or who stole your items! To enable inspector mode, use the command "/claim inspect". Once enabled, simply place / punch a block (where the grief happened), and you will be presented with information in chat displaying all of the history!

    View Claim Boundaries:
    Need to view the boundaries of a claim on the server? This can be done in two ways. Firstly players are able to right click inside a claim whilst holding a stick in their hand (sticks can be obtained for free by using "/kit claim"). Secondly players can use the command "/claim information" whilst standing inside a claim. Upon using either of these 2 methods, players will see gold blocks appear displaying where the claim is. This will also print a message in chat displaying useful information such as the claim size, claim owner and when the owner of the claim was last online! To get rid of the gold blocks, simply right click your stick outside of the claim.

    Claim Permissions:
    Permissions allow you to select exactly who can do what actions inside your claim. There are 4 roles for our claims plugin: Owner, Manager, Trusted and Visitors. The owner of the claim is yourself (you are unable to change any permissions here). Managers are the ones who are currently on your managerlist (/claim manager). Trusted players are the ones who are currently on your trustlist (/claim trust). Visitors are all other players on the server who are not on your managerlist or trustlist.

    Permissions allow you to give players access to certain actions such as: Opening doors, opening gates, breaking blocks, placing blocks, using inspector mode, etc... Permissions can be a very powerful tool once they have been properly learned!

    Withdraw Claim Blocks:
    Claim blocks are the heart of our claims plugin. All players start the server with 200 claim blocks, and accure 1 bonus claim block for every 2 mintues of playtime. Claim blocks are what determine how much land you can claim. By making use of our withdraw feature, players are able to convert their claim blocks into a physical item to trade with other players.

    To convert your available claim blocks into a physical item, use the command "/claim withdraw <amount>". This item can now be traded with other players, who can right click on it to redeem the claim blocks onto their own account!

    Pay Claim Blocks:
    Players are able to transfer their claim blocks to another player on the server by making use of the command "/claim pay <player> <amount>". Help out your friends in need by sending them some claim blocks to help get them started!

    Kick Players Out Of Your Claim:
    You may find yourself in a situation where you want to kick a player out of your claim (without banning them). This can be done by using the command "/claim expel <player>". Upon using this command, the specified player will be removed from your claims and sent to spawn (They will be able to come back if they wish. To permanently get rid of them you will need to make use of the ban command).

    Claim Settings:
    By default, explosions and fire spread are disabled in all claims (to prevent griefing and protect your builds). If players are wanting to allow explosions or fire spread inside their claims, this can be done by using the command "/claim settings". The explosions toggle covers all types of explosions (such as TNT, Creepers, etc...). By utilising the Claim Settings menu, players are also able to specify whether they want their claims to be visible on the public Dynmap. By default, all newly created claims will be visible on Dynmap unless changed in the claim settings.

    Dynamic World Map:
    Players are able to view the server from a different angle. Upon running the command '/claim map', you will be presented with a URL in chat which will bring you to the following webpage here. This webpage will display to users a live updating feed of the 3 main survival worlds (Overworld, Nether and End). This map will update throughout the entirety of the season as it progresses and evolves!


    All Available Claims Commands



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