Restoration of skywars and other minigames

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Felipe Bastos Vitorio, May 6, 2022.


Do you agree with this suggestion?

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  1. Felipe Bastos Vitorio

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I suggest bringing a restore of skywars and the other minigames , kind of bring the old gameplay that everyone liked and even try new maps, reactivate the old maps, and bring the effects that had like the explosive arrow that is just for VIPS, which I see no one else is playing in the minigames because of that.
  2. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    "Try new maps": new maps have been added to CTF, SG and SW during the 2021 revamp.
    "Reactivate the old maps": in CTF and SG, no (or very few) maps have been removed during the revamp.
    Explosive arrows were removed because of Minecraft EULA, has got nothing to do with MCC.
    Not a very helpful suggestion.
  3. Felipe Bastos Vitorio

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I understand your opinion. but the problem is that many stopped playing in the minigames. unless there is another solution.
  4. nonRacist

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree that the revamp has brought a lot of changes, especially the new hitr eg and anticheat which affects players.

    I wouldnt agree on bringing it back as it was back in the day completely, I think the hit reg could be made better
    but I am not a dev so I am not sure how easy that would be without affecting the anticheat stopping people from cheating.

    One change that could be done, that isnt large by any means, is to bring the minigames back to the old lobby.
    I know that the new lobby was made purely for minigames, and it is well made.
    What I have seen whilst playing on Mcc since the revamp is that players dont seemingly know where the minigames went.
    They go on sub-servers asking if Mcc got rid of minigames, because they dont see them where they used to be.

    If the revamped minigames were more easily accessible to new players, or players coming back to MCC
    I think that could keep the minigames more active during all hours, at least compared to how they are currently.

    There also is map suggestions on the forums if you got some youd want to see added, download link to the maps
    is often appreciated in them as well (:

    glad to see talk of reviving the minigames though, I miss them myself.
  5. Felipe Bastos Vitorio

    Jul 22, 2019
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    True, I think that's why they didn't have to be playing anymore because now it's an exclusive lobby, which could be done then when someone is in a room to play, for example: only when there's a player in skywars, so that notification falls on the entire server. so that the start batch is faster.
  6. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    They could just get rid of the anticheat since it doesn't stop hackers (this week, we had over 20 bots in CTF games and people flying for several days).

    It appears to me that most people focus on bringing old players back, but that doesn't work on the long term. Player do not only leave a Minecraft server (or Minecraft in general) because of hackers, no updates, etc. (reasons why MCC died), but also because they grow up or go to university and thus have other IRL responsiblities. So, if you could for example bring 200 old players back with a small revamp, after 6 months you'd maybe have 170 left, after 1 year 110 etc.; bringing old players back is not a sustainable solution.

    About the lobby: since there are only 3 minigames I completely agree with you that they could just put all minigames and subservers in one lobby; I think that would be easier for everyone. Maybe have one lobby with different parts, like an open space but place the NPCs a few tens of blocks apart.

    About map addition: I believe MCC should focus more on maps built by the community and adding maps from the map suggestion forum could be a good starting point. There also have been some forum threads about map rotation, that could also be an idea.

    Have a great day :)
    Felipe Bastos Vitorio likes this.
  7. Felipe Bastos Vitorio

    Jul 22, 2019
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    That's what we want, that MC Central does not lose a player, because I play this 2014 on the Server. because even I am Brazilian. around at the time of 2014 and 2015, the minecraft community in Brazil, played a lot at MC Central, that is. Mc Central was the server I played the most until today.
  8. s0cial_

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Hello my guy :)

    mc-central lost a lot of minigames and players in general, I read everything you said above and In my opinion I think the best thing to do at least for now if alex_markey and vislo wants to get players again for minigames is, bring back at least 2 of this options (Levels of everyone) or Guilds Levels but with the new update of Guild System.
    Now talking about minigames, what they could do is keep skywars and those minigames with anti-cheat and bring it back murder mayhem with some of our old maps and new maps and I believe that would make a bit of sense and for the old players to come back, although we are in 2022 and in a few months it will already be 2023 (a new year), but they can still take this summer opportunity to revive mc-central.
    Many of the players have already quit minecraft.

    x social x
    Felipe Bastos Vitorio likes this.
  9. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Whilst i would love to see minigames revived (skywars especially) i dont think that it is going to happen due to the fact that nobody really plays mcc for the minigames since they can just go on a different server and not have to wait for a game to start. That being said though i think that adding more minigames such as OITC or murder mystery would definitely help to revive minigames as a whole. As for explosive arrows, i think it would be cool to have them as an upgrade you can get with tokens instead of it being for donators since then everyone can get them and it would be fair and comply with the EULA.
  10. Felipe Bastos Vitorio

    Jul 22, 2019
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    what can be done well this . reactivate the old maps as I said in the suggestion, and so on so that more people come to play. put a system for when someone enters a skywars room , this is already for survivalgames and capture The Flag , that a notification falls on the entire server . because that way it can help to get a lot of player.

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