Screenshare Suggestion

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by xEthzn, Feb 15, 2022.

  1. xEthzn

    Oct 14, 2020
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    I was just talking to a few of my friends and we came up with a little suggestion to help the server. On McCentral when a staff member freezes you, I believe there should be some indication that you are frozen. Possibly a noteblock ding/beep. I know of many people who have been screenshared while tabbed out and then they end up getting banned because they didn't realize they were frozen. Especially when farming on Skyblock with multiple accounts you don't always tab in every little bit. Please add this as I believe it can be a great addition to help out the server.
  2. redsapphire28

    Dec 20, 2020
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    • I personally love this idea. Even though it never happened to me, I heard of many stories of this happening. It honestly sounds very frustrating and confusing to the player. However, adding a ding noise may not be helpful. Since a lot of players have their sound off so they won't hear it. But if they replaced the ding noise with a notification, it would be more beneficial.
    • Have a great day!
  3. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    im not sure if it was ever added or announced, but im pretty sure staff are more lenient if the player is farming
    redsapphire28 and InsaneIsMyName like this.
  4. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hiya xEthzn,

    While I see no harm in this idea being added, players are given a substantial amount of time to join the screenshare room in the event that they are "afk" or f11 farming. The time given reflects the amount of time a player can go without the anti-afk plugin detecting them and preventing them from farming regardless. On top of that (and as redsapphire28 said) most players have their minecraft sounds off while farming. So, there's certainly no harm in this suggestion being implemented however players *shouldn't* be getting banned if they weren't script farming.
    Kinito and redsapphire28 like this.

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