Ideas for the Upcoming Season XII of Prison

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Pootis McPootbird, Feb 12, 2022.


Which ideas did you enjoy out of this thread?

  1. Pets

  2. Missions and Challenges

  3. More Custom Enchantments

  4. Modifications to PvP

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  1. Pootis McPootbird

    Feb 8, 2022
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    Howdy! In this thread, I will give my ideas and suggestions for the upcoming season of Prison. Of course, I'd love to hear your opinions!

    1. Pets

    Now, before I get jumped on for suggesting pets like the n-th person suggested it a bit of time ago, hear me out. The way you obtain pets isn't by finding a random egg while mining, or opening crates and obtaining one. You craft the egg. Yes, you heard me, craft!

    By combining 8 Tokens with a normal Chicken egg, you obtain a Tier 1 Pet Egg! Now, what does Tier 1 mean? It's simply a way to categorise. There would be 5 Tiers of Pet Eggs, and 6 rarities of Pets (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Mythical), each Tier having better chances for rarer pets. Note that in here, rarity doesn't mean certain pets appear only at a certain rarity. Let's say a Chicken Pet is a Common. There is the possibility of making that Chicken into a Legendary! But I'll explain that in a bit.

    • You dingus, eggs aren't obtainable in Prison!
    (Please let me know if eggs are obtainable in Prison) Then the Staff can decide what to use instead of eggs. Or perhaps add eggs in /shop.
    • How do I get higher Tier Pet Eggs?
    By doing it again! Just like you crafted the Tier 1, combining 8 Tokens with that Pet Egg upgrades the Tier, and by that, also increases the chances of better rarities. Tier 1 would only grant you Common rarity, given they are the "cheapest" to craft.
    • Are there levels to these pets?
    Yes! 10 levels per rarity, meaning a Common pet has 10 levels, while Legendary pets have 50 levels. The only exception is Mythical, with just 1 level. Each level increases the stats they give by a tiny bit, but higher rarities have their level 1 stats better than the previous rarity. (e.g. an Uncommon Level 1 pet that grants +2.5% Pickaxe XP will be better than at Common Max Level, which grants +2% Pickaxe XP)
    • How do I level them up?
    They require Tokens to level up, since they love eating Tokens. After 5 minutes of enjoying their meal, they'll level up! Legendary (or even Epics) require something else besides Tokens, like blocks mined, mobs killed, meters ran etc. Of course, pets can eat more than one at a time, meaning you won't have to wait on one pet to finish their meal before the next one can start eating!
    • How do I improve their rarity?
    After reaching max level of the said rarity, using Tokens and cash, they will upgrade to the next rarity, Level 1, just like how much time cellmates take to do an expedition: an hour. Again, more than one pet can upgrade their rarity at a time. Also, if a pet is improved to Legendary, a message will pop-up in chat, saying "<owner of the pet> has upgraded their <pet> to Legendary!", while a pet upgraded to Mythical would send the next message: "<owner of the pet>'s <pet> has ascended and became a Mythical pet!"
    • What effects do they offer?
    Ultimately, the staff decides, but a few good effects they can offer are:
    • Pickaxe EXP Boost
    • Double Token Chance
    • +XP Gained from killed mobs
    • Sell multipliers
    • Discounts
    • Potion effects
    • Chance to obtain Tokens while killing mobs
    • Chance to obtain Robot Gems while mining/killing mobs
    • Chance to obtain Money Pouches while mining/killing mobs
    • and so many more ideas!
    • I don't want the pet that I got! What do I do with it?
    You can either sell it to other players, or combine 3 pets of the same rarity in order to obtain a pet of said rarity, or downgrade by two rarities in order to obtain a non-owned pet! By that, it means that Common and Uncommon cannot be rolled to obtain a new pet.​

    2. Missions and Challenges

    You feel that the late-game gets boring? You feel that grinding through the ranks in later Prestige levels is just about waiting for your spawner chests to fill up then sell, or for a x2 booster to come up so you can sell the ores in your chests? No worries, as Missions and Challenges are the next best thing!

    Missions are split into three types: Daily, Weekly and Monthly. Those can offer some nice rewards, like money, Tokens, or even items such as Pickaxe EXP notes!

    Challenges are a series of missions that keep refreshing each time you complete one, get harder and harder but with better and better prizes, and which never reset back to a starting point. There can also be a monthly competition, where the person/people with the most challenges completed that month is/are rewarded with gift cards! (Note: Everything discussed in here is ultimately up to the Staff members to decide.)
    "Why not reset the Challenges at the end of the month, though?" So newer players have a better chance to participate and even win!

    What types of Missions and Challenges, though? This one, I'll let you discuss in the comments!

    3. More custom Enchantments

    Now, some custom enchants are way more valuable than others (I'm looking at you, Token Luck and Miner's Delight!) Why not spice things up with more enchantments?

    Here are some ideas for new enchantments:

    • Token Jackpot (I/II) - Armor Only - Grants a +0.5%/1% chance to gain a third token in one go. (Note: this enchantment would be in effect once you gain 2 tokens at once, and works just like Token Luck/Detector/Boost)
    • Dead Man's Treasure - Armor, Tools and Weapons - Upon death, keeps the user's item in their inventory/keeps the armor equipped, but with -20% durability. If the item would break upon death due to this enchantment, it instead remains in the inventory at 1 durability. Does not affect Prison Pickaxe's (a.k.a. upgradeable pickaxe) durability, but instead only works as one-time save, removing this enchantment from the Prison Pickaxe after death.
    • Teleport - Bow only - Teleports the user where the arrow lands, including into players if it hits. Must have Eyes of Ender or Ender Pearls in your inventory in order to work, with Eyes of Ender having a small chance to not work, yet still trigger a 5 seconds cooldown. Cooldown: 90 seconds.
    • Jackpot (I/II/III) - Weapons and Tools - Grants a tiny chance to obtain money pouches. Each level of enchantment only grants access to higher Tiers of money pouches (Level I can only grant Tier I pouches, Level III grants Tier II and III pouches). If higher Tier pouches are added, so will the max level of this enchantment be increased.
    • Smelter - Pickaxe Only - Smelts ores into ingots, or anything that can be cooked in a furnace into the respective item (e.g. Cobblestone -> Stone)

    4. Modifications to PvP

    Look. PvP is fun and all, y'know? Testing your skills (and internet connection) against other players, seeing who's the best fighter... But in Prison? People don't really enjoy it.

    • First things first: the lag. A lot of players complained about the lag in the PvP area, making it almost impossible to fight, especially if they have high ping. (What are they even doing in the first place in PvP? Oh well, their reasoning.)
    • Second thing would be the Crystals. It seems unfair to just right-click on something and either gain Speed and Strength, or Blindness and Weakness. I suggest those are removed.
    • And third and last thing would be restoring the ability to make Potions using Nether Wart. Yes, technically, you can make potions, but because Nether Wart doesn't exist anywhere, players can't prepare actual potions, only Mundane, Thick and Weakness potions (yes, those are possible).

    And that was all I can offer for now! Discuss in the comments what other ideas would you like MCC to add to Prison, or suggestions and opinions about the ideas presented here!
  2. fattr

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Most of these ideas are actually fantastic(at least #1-2 as i do not use custom enchants or pvp) and after reading this thread here are some of my opinions/suggestions:

    #1. I love your idea for the pets, but here are a few things.
    This may negatively affect the economy negatively. As an econ player, i gain most of my balance from buying and selling prison tokens. The value of tokens will forever be controversial, as some people try to keep their prices lower in the 50k-70k range, while others are selling for as much as 150k each. This is already a problem, as the value of tokens will forever be an unpredictable rollercoaster (prices change almost weekly, sometimes going up 20k-40k at a time or decreasing for even more, almost always without warning), and adding pets who literally EAT away tokens will greatly increase the value of them, making less people want to sell them. This is overall screw over some of the token-dependant econ players such as myself. Im thinking they should only use a maximum of 5-7 tokens per meal(obviously more tokens for higher levels of pets) or that pets should be unlocked by prestige-only and be fed robot gems instead.
    I overall love this idea about the pets, but I just thought that the prior should be at least considered.
    Another thing, for the leveling system, were you implying the said "1 level" for the Mythical pets would be completely maxed out effects? Would pets only have one effect per or are they able to have multiple at once? Im not sure a sell multiplier, at least a larger one(maybe staying in the range of 2-5% more) would be the most helpful effect, as this is already offered in the MCC store for much more and may discourage players from activating boosters for the entire server, as some people will stay selfish. This can also negatively affect the economy players as many have sell shops that depend on these boosters. Just another thing to be taken into consideration.

    #2. Missions and Challenges is absolutely brilliant. I have no negative input for this point because not only would it make prisons more fun and rewarding, but it would encourage more players to play and overall positively affect MCC as a whole. More players means more money for Alex.
    Im thinking some of the missions/challenges could be blocks mined for x amount of money, players killed for x amount of money/exp, some type of rewards for presteging in x amount of time, ect.. Rewards should probably not reach more than 500k at a time money-wise, because again, the economy is sensitive.

    Overall these idea are AMAZING and i would love to see this implemented in next season!​
  3. Pootis McPootbird

    Feb 8, 2022
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    Honestly, yes, I can agree with that, given Robot Gems are somewhat more stable regarding their prices.

    Yes. There would be no new levels to level them up, given they already cost so much to bring them up to Mythical.

    One effect, or perhaps a second one appears at Legendary and Mythical ranks. I'm debating over these two options.

    Well, in the end, it's up to the Staff to decide, and if they deem that a Sell boost is too powerful, they can just not add it.
    fattr likes this.
  4. fattr

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Thank you for clarifying my questions, overall its an amazing idea and would love to see more attention given to it!!
    Pootis McPootbird likes this.
  5. bdqt

    Feb 3, 2020
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    Yesssss, these are awesome ideas, tho i can agree with fattr on the pets, but it would be fun if we could custumize are cellmates and turn them into pets when we reach a certain level. I do think those enchants rock, keep up the awesome ideas ;)
    Pootis McPootbird likes this.
  6. redsapphire28

    Dec 20, 2020
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    Hey, I love these ideas! But I can definitely agree with fattr with the pets. It would be a fun idea to add, however, pets could negatively impact the community by it destroying tokens when it's already a problem. However, I would love to see these things happen and given more thought to.
    Pootis McPootbird, fattr and bdqt like this.
  7. Kinito

    Aug 26, 2021
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    I think this thread is absolutely amazing, and one of the most detailed and helpful posts on prison so far!
    Absolutely all of these ideas are incredibly and while I do think some things could be tweaked with the pets,
    I overall completely agree and think that all of these changes would be an amazing addition to the game
    Pootis McPootbird likes this.

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