Dear Alex Markey, A simple idea to help us

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by PumahKITPVP, Jan 31, 2022.

  1. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey Mr Markey,

    Ive been playing this server for forever and the biggest problem is not that infrequent resets, lack of updates or cheaters. Overshadowing all of this is the complete lack of communication with the kitpvp community as far as what the admins are working on, what features they might be interested in implementing, or even as simple as the progress towards a reset. we don't hear of resets until a few days before. Not even a week anymore. If we got progress update (ie. Alex tells us "kitpvp reset is being worked on, we are implementing some new events and buffing care package and envoy. We are also changing the way hits register and revamping myth keys. You an except a reset around mid February, I will keep you guys posted if anything changes."), this would give us reason to believe the game is being worked on and continue to be excited for a reset. At this point, I have completely moved to hypixel because MCC gives us no idea whether a reset is happening in a week or whether kit is being deleted after this reset. If MCC intends to act on suggestions in the last post or completely change over to pit like gameplay or change nothing.

    All im asking is open communication with Alex about what is happening with the server. Very rough subject to change reset times, vague ideas of what might be coming, anything would help retain players at this point.
    JDelii, redsapphire28 and Myko like this.
  2. Danny

    Dec 14, 2019
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    so many cheaterss
  3. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    im definitely not one of them ;)
  4. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Thank you for this post. I completely understand where you are coming from.
    This post has come at such a great time as we are wanting to dedicate some time towards fixing KitPvP up and getting it to a new place!
    Below I will answer some of the much needed questions in regards to KitPvP so we can get as much assistance as possible with getting it back on track for a healthier future.

    Why has KitPvP felt abandoned recently?
    As of last year, once Mojang began strictly enforcing the EULA, it put our KitPvP server into a difficult situation. To put it simply, KitPvP in its current form can not continue. PvP focussed gamemodes (such as KitPvP and Factions) are classified as 'competitive' by Mojang. Because of this they strictly require it to be non-p2w (something that very clearly our current setup of KitPvP is not). This is the same reason that our Factions server was forced to undergo some major changes towards the end of last year to remove all p2w aspects (such as keys, rank perks, etc).

    What is the next step for KitPvP?
    As stated above, the time has come for us to want to dive into KitPvP. We need to take this opportunity to rethink some of the vital aspects of our KitPvP server and how they work. As much feedback as possible would be appreciated from the KitPvP community with their ideas on how KitPvP could be structured in a non-p2w and more balanced environment.

    As much feedback as possible is needed in regards to this topic! Spread the words to all yall KitPvP friends and lets try brainstorm some ideas here.
  5. Djiki

    Feb 16, 2020
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    buy a new anticheat, cus this one doesnt work (dont even think there is one), fix lag and hit reg, be more active in the kit community and try paying your staff, otherwise not one of them will actually put in the time and do the job
  6. MoriarInvictus

    Feb 1, 2021
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    Not sure how to implement such an idea, but making KitPVP more welcoming to newcomers would help build the number of people that play that mode. If you don't have an OP set of armor and a very nice sword, it is near impossible to kill anyone. While my PVP skills are definitely nowhere close to good, I still find it fun to hop into pvp and fight. Unfortunately even with the Immortal kit armor, you stand no chance against the players that have god armor/swords and just get nearly insta-killed when you drop down. I would love to see a change that allows new players on KitPVP a chance at survival.
  7. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I don't intend to play the game next reset so I am not gonna say much, but I believe kitpvp isnt really worth spending effort on unless you are willing to overhaul the anticheat. The only reason people put up with the anticheat is because their gear is so good they can survive being hopped on easily. But if you make it less p2w and friendly for newcomers, hoppers will be unstobbable. Imo just give everybody infinite p5/s6/gaps/regs and let us 1v1 like KrypticMC
  8. whoiskeusik

    Feb 10, 2022
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    I've been bhopped on too many times to count, please get a better anticheat
  9. Kinito

    Aug 26, 2021
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    I agree completely, there are far too many cheaters in kit for it to be enjoyable.

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