
Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by redsapphire28, Feb 4, 2022.

  1. redsapphire28

    Dec 20, 2020
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    Hey guys!
    Here is a little suggestion for y'all. /onlinestaff, this would be a helpful command since sometimes it can be hard to find staff online when you need them.
    What does it do? When you type the command it shows you how many staff are currently online and who is online. And it may also show you where you can find them.
    How would it be beneficial to the server? Well, when a player needs something but there is no staff in that certain part of the server, they can type the command it'll show them what staff are and where they can find them. I know, you guys might be thinking "well they can msg a staff on discord and they can even see who is online." That is true, however, you have to keep in mind that not everyone has discord and it may take some time for staff to see and respond to the message. And for the forums, if players are new, they'll have some questions and they won't know about the forums or discord yet.
    Thanks for reading! Have a great day!!
    MoriarInvictus and luvbri like this.
  2. CoolElla

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Hackers will know if we r online and will log off, so It's a -1 from me.
  3. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree with Ella, but I do see where you are coming from, It is a good idea but I don't think it would work, unless something can be implemented where it doesn't show the staff online within the subserver you're in because you can see staff online when you press TAB, but then also with that command it can show the staff online except the ones that are in vanish/spectating so it doesn't blow cover. Another suggestion is that with the command /help it can show the help what it usually does for that subserver but there can also be a message in chat that shows the links to the Forums and Discord. I know not everyone has discord but it may be better than the /staffonline Idea that you suggested seeing its important that Staff cant blow cover when spectating & trying to ban hackers.

    - POR
  4. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there!!

    I can definitely see the benefits with this, it can be a struggle to find staff on and this would help so many people!

    But Ella is 100% right with an example of how this system can easily be abused. Hackers that know that this command exists can use it, see a staff online, and sneak away until there aren't any on. (There are quite a few times where no staff are on.)

    Even though not everyone has discord, it's the easiest way to get into contact with staff that are potentially on, and the discord server is also advertised within the game in chat and such, so it's players choice to ignore the advertisement.

    Again, I still see the benefits and it would be neat to have a system like this, but unfortunately the cons overlap the pros.

    Have a great day though!
  5. MoriarInvictus

    Feb 1, 2021
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    I have seen this command on a few other servers, and like with not showing up on TAB, a /staff or /onlinestaff command would also not show staff in vanish. This would mean that staff could still effectively watch for hackers without issue. This command would be extremely useful as nearly 100% of the time when I need a staff member, they are nowhere to be found. Even with pinging staff in the Discord Support channel, I have still waited over an hour before even getting a reply from staff.
    AcceptedAppeal likes this.
  6. redsapphire28

    Dec 20, 2020
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    I forgot to say it didn't show staff in /v. That's my bad
  7. Kinito

    Aug 26, 2021
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    While this is a great idea for the majority of the playerbase, it can backfire way too easily.
    It would be easily abused by cheaters so I'm going to have to disagree with this.
  8. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    I have seen this on other servers, but usually its not good because 1, staff could just get msg'ed by people because they are online, and it could be annoying and 2, also as like everyone is saying, it would just be abused by cheaters to know when a staff is on so they wouldn't get banned. Honestly, this is a good idea but for a server like mcc, it wouldn't work because there is a lot of cheaters.

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