/cf and house’s keeping…

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by MichaelA8601, Jan 26, 2022.


Should some sort of benefit result from all the money the house collects on coin flips?

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
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  1. MichaelA8601

    Aug 11, 2019
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    The house takes 10% of all winnings from coin flips. For what purpose? What does this do besides take players money? Something I’ve seen brought up in chat is one the house hits a total (ex. 5million) some type of booster is given to the server for 12 or 24 hours. I would love to see market sell booster come back after being gone for 5 or so seasons now. And when those boosters weee active, the server was hopping! I miss the days of skyblock being so full of people that rookies couldn’t even join because the server was maxed out at 200 players! Anyway, to see some sort of benefit from the house on coin flips I feel like is only fair. The house takes so much money every day, and the players see no benefit from that money, so why is it even there?
  2. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Hey Delta.

    Coinflip Tax was added for two main reasons;
    • Taking money out of the economy (this is always good to help delay inflation)
    • Prevent abuse against the coinflip leaderboards (players could CF their alts to get earnings for the leaderboard)
    On Prison, Coinflip tax goes straight into the lottery which can then be won by one lucky player. Perhaps we will see a similar system released to make use of the coinflip tax in a future season of Skyblock!
    _RodeoClown and Snnovern like this.
  3. MichaelA8601

    Aug 11, 2019
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    Ok I get that, but what is 10% gonna do for inflation? On a 100k cf that is only 10k and if you wanna “curve inflation” you need a lot more than that. Especially seeing how this season is going, everything is way overly inflated.
  4. tinney12345

    Aug 9, 2021
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    The main reason is so people dont coin flip an alt like Isaac said to get their name on biggest winners. Lets say you had a 50 mil balance and coin flipped yourself on a diffrent account to get your name on the leaderbords. There would be no point to a leaderboard. It takes a 5% total. The house would keep 2.5 mil to prevent players from doing so.
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