Lottery Feedback

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by deleteduser, Dec 24, 2021.


Solution to fixing Lottery (You can select more than one)

  1. Tax (Current is 50%)

  2. Tax (Reduce to 10 or 20%)

  3. Eligibility Requirement (Cellmate Level 1?) This would also mean the player would have to mine block

  4. Push the first Lottery 3-5 days after the season starts.

  5. Other Solution(s) - Reply to Thread

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. deleteduser

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Hey y'all,
    So just recently prison's first ever public lottery was just drawn and many of you were upset with the results in addition to how it could impact the economy on prison.

    Alex is aware that something should be put in place to help fixate the lottery, however, he wanted to hear from y'all as to what some of those suggestions should be.

    Please reply below with feedback regarding the lottery, the ideas below, and your own suggestions, if any.
    Thank you.

    Please vote using the poll at the top of this thread, you'll be able to vote on multiple solutions.
    #1 deleteduser, Dec 24, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2021
    abbs and ReileenKawahara like this.
  2. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    So far this is what changes I feel are necessary:

    # Lottery winnings should be taxed (same as coinflip)

    # Alt prevention systems need to be put in place (The best thing I can think of right now is that players must have mined X blocks to be eligible to purchase tickets. Maybe 10,000? Discuss below). This would prevent alts with 0 playtime from purchasing tickets.

    # Maybe also cap the ticket amount at 64 instead of 128 (currently players can purchase 128 tickets, this could be reduced to 64 to prevent the jackpot from going too high).

    More suggestions are appreciated! Going to get the above implemented for the next lottery unless we can brainstorm better ideas!
  3. Dominant

    Sep 29, 2019
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    the best one I've seen so far was to just keep it the same but delay it like 2 weeks - A month into reset. then you still get the big prizes but its not detrimental to the economy ect.
  4. BanditEagle

    May 6, 2020
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    100% agree with this. Additionally, I have a few ideas:
    1) I think the pool should be smaller general on top of the ticket cap. Ex: 5k/ticket instead of 10k, so the pool is smaller overall.
    2) The more tickets you have the smaller % the ticket possibility should be. Ex: 1 ticket when you only have 1 purchased should be worth like 1%, while 1 ticket when you have 100 should be worth 0.8% (per ticket). The %'s are just to give an idea of my thoughts, but I think the worth of tickets should decrease the more tickets YOU as an individual player have (on top of the smaller % as the pool itself grows). I hope this makes sense.
    3) Like Alex said, the alt prevention system as well as a "you must mine this many blocks minimum to be eligible to purchase tickets". Speaking of, maybe the cellmate can be involved in this too? Like the higher the cellmate, the more tickets you are able to purchase? But to be able to purchase any, maybe you need to unlock the cm in the first place? This might help with the alt situation too.
    4) Maybe it shouldn't occur daily, but weekly. So, a couple weeks into the start of the season, it should be when lottery is first available. Then, after the winner is revealed, there should be like a 1 week cooldown period or something. This way, no one gets insanely rich every day, but like every week. It might help balance the economy too.
    5) Going back to the alt prevention system, perhaps you must also have your account linked to the MCC website? Not sure about it but just throwing out an idea.

    Anyways that's all the ideas I got currently. I am 100% open to criticism and do not expect everyone to agree with these thoughts. If you have any ideas on these I am more than open to listen to everyone!
    deleteduser likes this.
  5. Sweeping

    Apr 20, 2020
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    I completely agree with BanditEagle.
    deleteduser likes this.
  6. Vxtk

    Dec 28, 2020
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    Omg Hey Muel!!!,

    The lottery..geez where do I start, Well for starters im new to prison and I'm already getting the hang of it and I love it!! The feature of the lottery being added is such a great Idea, It reminds me if the lottery IRL Obviously haha. But yes I am very impressed of the changes that prison had brought us or should I say You Developers and Staff Members.

    It's very cool how you can purchase between 1-64 tickets and even if you wanted too you can go beyond the limit of 64 tickets, As long as you have enough money for it Ofc!, Getting the announcement of who won the lottery really gets you hyped up to actually see something exciting in chat.

    I love what MCC is doing with the community and I hope It keeps developing as time goes on.

    -Strxz <3
    deleteduser likes this.
  7. deleteduser

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Honestly, after the first lottery, the winnings haven't been nearly as much (even without the taxation), i.e. the past two have been under 70mil (without taxation). Which really isn't too bad this far into the season, so I'm almost positive that reducing the tax and pushing the first lottery to 5 days after the season has started, would be fair. The only reason the first one was a lot was because well it was the first ever lottery and it gained the interest of everyone, however, like most things, people lose interest in it.

    Anyways, the solution I propose is:
    - Hold the first lottery 3-5 days after the season has started.
    - Reduce the current tax (50%) to 10 or 20%.
    This solution is simple but still fixes the lottery.
  8. ReileenKawahara

    Dec 25, 2021
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    So from my own perspective of the lottery system, I think that the changes that need to be done are as follows.

    1) Resrtirct all lottery entries to 30k+ block count.
    2) Somehow implement a system to block multiple accounts from the same ip from entering.
    3) Not start the lottery till a week or two into a season. (Only if there was no entry restriction)

    My reason behind this is purely the face of the economy, on the first day someone won over 100mill which a grinder like me would need to work for. So far this season I have seen people who do not contribute at all seems to work their way up the prestiges from lottery rewards boosting them with like 500k blocks mined, compared to my 1.6million. This might be purely my opinion that is not shared by anyone else but I believe this is what needs to be done in order to balance the game mode as a whole.

    But of course, thank you and the MCC team for bringing the content to us and listening to our suggestions and feedback.

  9. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is probably a terrible idea but I think it'd be interesting if the lottery amount was based on the money the server takes when you cf. Like all the money taken by the server for that day would be the amount the player would win from winning the lottery. it would also account for inflation later on in the season because the more money players have the more they gamble.

    (The number of tickets bought would not effect the amount you win)
    #9 abbs, Dec 28, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2021

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