Monthly Keys

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by FaithyGirlGamez, Dec 25, 2021.


Should Legend rank receive 1 monthly key and Immortal 2 monthly keys?

  1. yes

  2. no

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  1. FaithyGirlGamez

    Oct 25, 2019
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    I believe Legend rank should receive 1 monthly key and Immortal rank should receive 2 monthly keys. These ranks are the top two options on MCC and they are very costly. In my personal experience when people are already putting this much into ranks alone the users most likely are already buying more from the store as well. That is a lot of money to put into a server. It feels more rewarding given the top 2 ranks would give out a monthly key. But if both receive at least 1 key then I feel those who bought Immortal should receive slightly more over those who purchased Legend.

    To clarify, all keys would remain Ancient keys.
    TheDonda, Trainsgender and fattr like this.
  2. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    Why not change this? It is indeed true that the Legend rank is pretty expensive. Furthermore, changing this might increase the number of Legend ranks sold (more people will be interested in buying a Legend rank since it gives more advantages), which means more money for the MCC owners.
  3. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm not usually one to tell someone their opinion is wrong but in this case, yours is. This honestly just reminds me of people saying donator mine should be better for each rank. The monthly key is a reward specific to immortal and will stay that way. The rewards / perks are not meant to be repeated and honestly I cant see how you thought this was a good idea. Sorry if this came off as harsh but it need to be said.
  4. Zac25zac

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Hey FaithyGirlGamez,

    While I agree that Legend and Immortal are quite costly, I feel giving Legend one key and Immortal two keys is not how it should work. I believe since Immortal is the top-tier rank it should be the only one with a monthly key. If anything were to change with the key distribution, I would maybe see it reasonable to give Legend 1x Ancient Key and Immortal 1x Myth Key, but I think that the monthly key should be only an Immortal thing.
    Djayh likes this.
  5. Vxtk

    Dec 28, 2020
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    To FaithyGirlGamez-
    I agree/disagree with this Idea,
    The part I agree with is Immortal rank, Yes they should be able to get 2 keys Monthly because players have payed $110 For the rank. It can be both ways, It can be either getting 2 Ancient keys or a Mythical key. Yea people would have disagreements to my thought but at the end of the day I cant do anything about it.
    The other part that I disagree with is Legend rank and why they shouldn't get a key, MCC has always been like this for a while (Having Immortal Ranks get Keys Monthly) and I'm pretty certain that It will continue to be like this, If all of the community on MCC decides to vote on that there might be a possible chance that it'll happen but most likely not.
    That's all I have to say, Goodluck and Merry Christmas! :)
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