KitPvP Season X Ideas

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Zac25zac, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. Zac25zac

    Sep 14, 2019
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    KitPvP is currently on season 9, which reset back on March 19th. That was 9 months ago, coming up on 10. Not only is it time for a KitPvP reset, but also a time to think of better ideas. Below I will list a bunch of suggestions to make the Season X of KitPvP even better.


    KitPvP Currently has 4 events:
    Envoy, KOTH, Care Package, and Mob Madness

    I have 2 other events that could potentially make their way into Season X and spice up the competition between players in a more even way.


    This 1v1 Duel Style game mode will face-off players in a bracket-style to win the champion spot.

    How would it work?

    As normal events on MCC work, there would be a broadcast in chat. This event would occur 2 or 3 times a day to fit all time zones. Players would do /warp glad or /warp gladiators to enter the waiting room. Once the event starts, everyone will be randomly assigned an opponent. Each player would have the SAME exact gear. (Prot. 2 Iron Armour, Iron Sword, Bow (5 Arrows), and maybe a fishing rod. Of course, gear can be changed, this is just my idea.)

    If you lose your duel, you are ELIMINATED from the game, but can still spectate! If there are an uneven amount of players, one lucky person would be granted a bye for that round.

    The Overall Winner of this event would receive 1x Event Key + $50 (Amount of $ can be changed as well)


    This all-or-nothing FFA event would face multiple amounts of players up against each other in a small space.

    All players inside the moshpit would be given gear such as Prot. 2 Diamond Armour and a Diamond Sword with Sharp. 3 & Fire Aspect. Each player would also have 3x or 5x Regular Golden Apples along with 10 Instant Healing Pots.

    If you die, you are ELIMINATED from the game, but can still spectate. The last person standing would receive 1x Event Key + $25

    These Events make it more even for players with less/weaker gear to have a better chance of getting good gear to make the game more balanced between players. Not everyone can spend money on the game, so these events can close the p2w gap a little bit.

    Voting Rewards

    With the addition of the voting villager to multiple sub-servers, we could definitely use it in KitPvP. The voting villager could give small amounts of money every 4 votes, increasing as you go up the chart. Along with getting money, you can also get some enchanted golden apples and regular apples as well. Maybe some armour and cosmetics as well (will be explained later).


    Kill Messages:

    These can be accessed through /cosmetics. These kill messages can consist of a bunch of funny/any type of message that can be broadcasted when someone kills another player with the message active. (Ex. Zac25zac was snowballed to death by Zac26zac)

    Kill Streak Messages/Auras:

    These will automatically be activated/changed depending on the current kill streak you are on + a custom message in chat!

    (These are names I have thought of, I'm sure everyone can think of better ones!)

    5 Killstreak - Standard Message (User is on a 5x Kill Streak!)
    10 Killstreak - Rampage
    2o Killstreak - Dominating
    30 Killstreak - Unstoppable | White Glow Effect
    40 Killstreak - (User) is on Fire
    50 Killstreak - Godlike + Yellow Name on tab list.
    60 Killstreak - Shook the Earth
    70 Killstreak - Broke the Sound Barrier | Yellow Glowing Effect
    80 Killstreak - Activated God Mode
    90 Killstreak - Has toggled their hacks

    100 Killstreak - (User) can wield Mjölnir | White Sparkle Effect + Golden Name on tab list.

    Final Thoughts

    As with most resets, there would obviously be a new map & an amazing trailer made by 89p!

    Lastly, there is something that may not be favorable by all, so this would be something that should be voted on. This addition would be a potential payout (buycraft) for the top Clan. If I'm not wrong servers can do buycraft payouts with p2w. If not, everything I'm about to say is useless unless it is allowed.

    The top clan would earn a little bit of payout to put towards the next season. This could be about $50 buycraft. This "Clan Top" could be considered by a point system (or just buy kills). Anyone in a clan that wins an event could get say 3 points towards their clan. Each kill would gain one. Each death would be -1 (or not depending on what everyone wants.) Even without a payout, a new clan top with a point system could be cool as well!

    Thank you for reading this extremely long post, and please leave your thoughts/ideas down below! Have a great day/night!

  2. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hiya Zac25zac,
    I love these suggestions. They're genuinely well thought out and could add some interesting new aspects to KitPvP. That being said...

    Perhaps in lieu of kill messages every time a player kills another (this would flood chat QUICKLY) it could instead send a kill message any time a player kills someone who had a larger kill streak (10, 25, 100 ect)

    I would also suggest that for the kill streak messages, the number of kills be increased since it's not uncommon to have kill streaks well in to the hundreds and thousands if you grind rookies.

    As for payouts, I wouldn't be against seeing them added, however KitPvP would have to be changed drastically to comply with the EULA.

    Awesome ideas nonetheless!
    abbs and Zac25zac like this.
  3. lavoova the grape

    Oct 27, 2019
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    Hey Zac,

    You’ve come up with some very good ideas here that could be a great addition to KitPvP,

    I love the idea of the Gladiators event, it would be well balanced event since everyone has the same gear, and also since players are randomly matched. The only issue with the moshpit idea is that players could easily team and those players will the event each time. Besides that both of these events are a great!

    The idea of the voting villager would work well, as it is part of most of the subservers already. With the rewards from the villager I think you should be able to get gapples, money and xp that increases as you go up the calendar.

    Kill Messages
    With the kill messages idea, as Insane said kill streaks arent too hard to get if you farm rookies. Instead of every 10 kills the streak shows in chat, it could be every 100 messages to prevent the chat from being flooding.

    Clan Payouts
    I dont really like the idea of the top clan getting rewards for getting kills. Without the whole EULA problem, clans could easily farm new players or one if their friends to boost their clan kills. Because of that reason it wouldnt be hard for a clan to get thousands of kills and easily get the payout.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and you’ve come up with some great ideas that I hope are in the next KitPvP season. Sorry if I misunderstood anything you said, you can let me know if I did.

    Have a lovely rest of your day/night!
    Zac25zac likes this.
  4. Vxtk

    Dec 28, 2020
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    To Zac25zac,
    I really like your Ideas with the whole Events & Cosmetics sections
    If this were to happen then i'll most likely play kitpvp a ton lol
    I hope to see this in the future one day and for it to come true.
    -Strxz <3
    Zac25zac likes this.

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