Adding items to the store

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jold, Aug 30, 2019.

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  1. Jold

    Jul 29, 2019
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    The store is really boring after already having multiple of everything. Here are some ideas for additions

    1. Perks directly from the store, you can just buy the perks for more expensive than the keys

    2. Credits for minigames

    3. New rank

    4. Name prefix/suffix

    5. More pocketpals

    6. Arrow trails that you can buy if you're impatient with cosmetic keys

    7. A temporary membership rank that gives perks similar to Hypixels mvp++

    8. More plots on subservers that use them

    9. A second skyblock island

    10. Purchasing in game money

    11. Access to a new competitive subserver

    12. Access to commands without purchasing the ranks required
  2. Hey!

    I don't think this is all so needed, I would reply to each one of your numbers to tell you what I think!

    Then theirs no point of using keys then, if people could just pay 10$ for some perk instead of using a key, but at the same time I rather pay 5$ for a key to win one of the perks "instead of paying 10$ for it" if this is added then the whole purpose of keys is ruined!

    You already get credits when you buy any donator rank from MCC website, but at the same time if this where to added then no one would play for credits, making it just boring "allowing people with money to buy a perk that can be obtained by hours of playing" if this where to added then the whole purpose of playing MCC minigames would be useless, as people could just buy credits instead of trying to win or get kills per games.

    This has been suggested many times, and I don't think a new rank is needed to MCC at the moment.

    This would be very messy if your on sub-servers doing tab "on Skyblock Realms1" would be so messy seeing "Immortal" or "Emerald" these long rank names on tab, I think this should't be added as it would be pretty messy for tab.

    This would take time do create new "animals" but at the same time I don't think this is the main thing that MCC should be looking at, right now Anticheat needs to be looked at.

    Then what would be the point of cosmetic keys, if you can just buy trails, its more fun to play games and win to get cosmetic keys to win some nice item or thing from it! (this would make people play more games to earn keys in-order to win the trail effect that they want, making MCC active player base)
    Making players keep on plying so they won what they want, to make MCC have people playing gamemodes, making them able to buy it would make them just no interesting of trying so hard as they already won what they want "and can buy more"

    I think it would be a horrible idea adding such rank to MCC "Since its not only minigame based but also sub-server based, this might give some effect on subservers!"

    To claim more plots you can: "Buy a rank to do it, or win the perk from treasure chest"

    I think one island is enough as you can expand it, also if you want two islands then you can just play on Skyblock realm 1 and 2

    This would ruin the whole point of sub-servers as people can buy money from store, and then could buy in-game spawners, etc, making their island or base always on top place. (Pay to be on top) would ruin whole point of sub-servers.

    I don't think it should be a thing.

    You can have some commands by just donating for a rank, and if you can buy commands from other ranks, then what would be the point of buying a rank if you can just buy an 110$ rank one command for 5$? At the same time thats why ranks are a thing "for people to buy and own special perks and commands" buying ranks commands is just very bad, all current donors would have an impact if this where to be added"

    This is all just my opinions!
    Have a nice day!

    #2 Deleted member 254, Aug 30, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2019
  3. Tyconic

    Aug 9, 2019
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    I agree with @RegentAgent , I do not see a true need for really any of these; although I can see where you're coming from in most cases.
  4. Honestlys

    Jul 31, 2019
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    I mean, yeh the store is really boring after already having multiple of everything.. but I don't think we need all of these since u can get some of them pretty easily in-game but also when you buy a rank. Like, I just don't think people would pay for something they can get for free. But I would like to see a new rank in the future tho.. :p
  5. Ressurecting

    Aug 22, 2019
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    I do not agree with the addition with these things and most of the time servers are unable to go through with these type of things like the In-Game Money because it goes against the EULAs Terms and Agreements. Most of the time all that donations are able to give you is cosmetic things.
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