Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Eleung_musk, Nov 8, 2021.

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  1. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I started playing mcc since 1983 and it’s really sad that after all this time, MCC is finally dying. I’m really sad and I think the community needs to put a stop to MCC dying. We need to put more money into MCC and maybe JUST MAYBE Alex Markey can buy more beer and operate the server properly.

    I know some of you have talked about the botting of players so that Alex Markey can have an ego. HOWEVER, INSTEAD OF DISSING HIM MAYBE YOU SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Stop being entitled and fix the problem yourself!!!!

    If we don’t fix the problem now, MCC will finally die and I can stop being sad.


    Comment below.

    -Concerned MCC player
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey Eleung
    I seem to find myself saying the same thing every time someone makes a thread like this, as it's always the same thread. If you're going to (I assume try) to write a thread saying the server is dying you should at least start a discussion by bringing you OWN ideas. I've seen too many threads of people saying "the server is dying, please suggest what we should change"... despite not mentioning a single thing.

    I suggest you think really hard about what you want to see changed on the server and then make a post with your own suggestions, rather than leaving it to other people who simply won't bother.

    mcrcus likes this.
  3. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    The suggestion was to get people to invest more money into mcc so Alex Markey can operate it properly I know it sounds like a bad idea but I can GUARANTEE that my buddy Alex Markey will pull through and make it a better server which will fight the world problems like racism and internet cyber bullying and harassment.
    Nikki_ likes this.
  4. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    And how do you suggest forcing people to put money into the server?

    Would just like a little more elaboration on it!
  5. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    eleung you are so damn right! People on this server should poor their life savings into it. Alex will surely use it right this time and won’t be too little to late like he always has been!
  6. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    So first, we need to bring back $5 unbans. This will allow Mccentral to generate more income because there are so many blacklisted users who might want to be unbanned. I know it’s tough to see, but sometimes the ends justify the means, like in this case, for MCC to stay alive, it is indeed pivotal that we unlock the $5 unbans.

    Second, we slowly encroach on MCC players rights. So each time, you’ll need to verify using that ‘MCC are you a bot thingy’. HOWEVER, if you have a rank on the server, you won’t have to do this each time you enter the server and sub servers. Also make it a little buggy so players will complain but they’ll still continue to play.

    Third, bring back kicking in the queue. So if the subserver is full, it’ll kick any rookies and it’ll give the ranks priority. This will ensure people will want to buy ranks and not be a rookie.

    Fourth, make a pay to achieve helper role. You give people the idea that they can become mods if they pay for helper but you don’t actually do it. Maybe give 3-4 people mod but quickly find ways to demote them like using the Ibrunnow strategy where he got demoted by Fajoszz for something ridiculous.

    Fifth, make a role like hypixel MVP++. This role will give 10 mythical keys per month but you have to ‘rent’ it at 70 per year. Of course the $70 is the already discounted price and it will remain discounted so players will think the discount will go away at one point but it never will, making people buy it because they think at that point, it’s a steal.

    Last, and this is a last resort, KEEP FAJOSSZZ ON THE STAFF TEAM. Fajoszz is essential if you want to generate the most income. Fajoszz false bans all the time and does not accept appeals. So it’ll force players into a corner and pay the $5, and this will generate income for MCC like nothing before.

    Overall, generating income for MCC and letting Alex Markey buy more beer so he can drink it and will be able to fix the server once he drank enough of his beer and comes back with his milk.
  7. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Thanks for adding some suggestions eleung!

    Unbans are never and have never been a good idea. You mention blacklisted players might want to come back - why on earth would we let someone back on the server if they have broken a federal law such as DDoSing?? I find myself saying this time and time again. A lot of blacklisted players already forced themselves to get a second, third, fourth and fifth 'chance' by evading as well, and 9 times out of 10 do it do waste staff's time. Unbans are not the way to make money for the server, so the risk outweighs the benefit.

    Forcing players to know if they are a bot is no way to force them to buy a rank, it's just going to annoy them and they will quit the server. And if you would think this would prevent some spam bots, yes it might help quite a bit however it spambots sometimes have ranks. Either way forcing all of the numerous rookies on the server to verify themselves every time they log on is just unfair.

    Similar to the bot verification, making the rookies get kicked from the server all because they don't have a rank isn't going to force them to buy a rank, they're just going to quit the server. I think you're missing a lot of logic here.

    People complain 24/7 that there aren't enough staff, so assuming I read that suggestion correctly no one is going to bother applying. Even if we were to just make people think they need to pay to be staff that's just enough for them to not bother trying. It's difficult to win in these situations but again you're missing the logic. As well as this, manipulating players into buying ranks thinking the discount will go away is not the right move. Lifetime ranks are fine the way they are, and if anything was to change it would be a mythical key instead of an ancient key, but given it's a lifetime rank it's fine the way it is.

    At this point I can't tell if you're joking or not but there you go!
  8. I've seen blacklisted people coming back to MCC, so selling unbans to them isn't really going to fix anything. And yes, its a pretty dumb idea.

    Also, you cannot sell unbans, that's against ELUA. I know you can say but this server sells it? Well yes, but they will get blacklisted, and a blacklisted server will block users from joining. So this first idea isn't the best.
    Also making more options to pay for things is just pure bs. That makes new people think that MCC is hungry for money. MCC staff are pretty good (majorly), but are they lacking? Yes and no. Mainly because most of the staff members are just sharing on a few timezones creating bunch of holes for other timezones. So it would be better to create higher demand for those who can fill up these timezone holes, like AU timezone.

    I think there is one big confusion. For some reason, people are throwing out more suggestions on "higher roles = better stuff", even though MCC is trying to avoid P2W as much as possible. Just buffing ranks would make current rookie players more mad and quiet (due to p2w.)
    MCC's current main attraction is subservers. Minigames are also part of MCC, and the new players that join the MCC to play minigame quickly leaves, as they find these gamemodes deserted.

    The best thing MCC can do (IMO) is bring something new to the table, like a whole new gamemode or something original.

    That's all i have to say.
  9. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Minecraft Central is not "dying". mcc is "dead", the distinction being that mcc has already reached such a state where it is completely and irrevocably in the ground. I believe that mcc has reached a point where nothing could possibly be done to restore it to its former popularity or even some semblance of such. I know two primary factors that have contributed to the death of the server, those being minecraft declining in playerbase as a whole in addition to mistakes made by the owners. Whether these mistakes were motivated by greed, apathy, or pure incompetence is not something I know. In my eyes, some of these mistakes include neglecting minigames for far too long, ignoring the wishes of the playerbase (i.e. minigames) in favor of making more money (subservers), etc.

    Anyways, I wouldn't mind being proved wrong, but I personally believe that mcc has reached a state where there is nothing that possibly could be done to revive it, especially to the heights it once was. I feel confident in making this statement because, even if there were measures that the owners could take to fix the server, they simply wouldn't do so. Whatever they try, they will screw up or get wrong i.e. minigame revamp.

    Regardless of mcc's drop in playerbase, it is a deeply flawed system as a whole. It lacks the effort, care, professionability, etc possessed by larger servers such as hypixel, which are also dying despite their being a thousand times better managed. Hence why I believe it's no longer sustainable.
    Yukihira likes this.
  10. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I mean for starters, the game itself has lost it's "fun" at least for me. I just don't know what MCC can do to restore it's popularity and the only other viable options just don't seem doable as Alex likes to put minimal effort it seems like.
  11. Gasconading

    Oct 15, 2019
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    this is what the video game has come too LMFAO
  12. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    I love the jokes and best one was You've being playing since 1983 lol esp when minecraft wasn't even made then lol
  13. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    it’s cuz she doesn’t understand shit about players and game bases lmfao. she gets pretty green tag so all is well for her
    Pxrge likes this.
  14. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I literally play the game. I don't just staff a server and watch everyone. Perhaps if you would like to give your opinion, rather than just assuming I don't want to help the server.

    If you read my reply to eleung's suggestions carefully, you'll understand the logic behind it!

    also ps having a 'pretty green tag' allows for me to bring up many of my own suggestions to be brought up with the admins, which I do as often as I can. Especially with the survival reset I've been giving my own and other people's input to the subserver which the admins discuss. My 'pretty green tag' isn't just something I have that makes me look cool, I actually use it to benefit the server as best as I can.

  15. Yukihira

    Jun 17, 2020
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    My man forgranted aka mad doge the doggy is just jealous about that hot tag!
  16. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Yes! I want to be a staff so badly with a shit plus dead player base and have such a colorful tag! So unfortunate i can’t. My life is meaningless now!
    Yukihira and Pxrge like this.
  17. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    How’s that worked out? Your ideas bringing more players into the server? Good for you to “help” the server. 50% of the staff gone over the past year but good for you to work on survival reset with a max of 15 players!
    Pxrge likes this.
  18. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Might I just ask..

    you are saying that im all well and good with a green tag but then claim that me trying to benefit the server is a waste of time?

    I don't want to sit here and constantly back and fourth argue, literally just leave me be. I'm trying to benefit the server the best I can, but there's only so much I can do. Would you prefer me to sit and just do nothing? I am making the best effort I can, I am not an admin nor am I an owner.

    please just leave it, you don't need to bother trying your hardest to continue making me seem like a bad person
    Yukihira likes this.
  19. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Seems as if this thread has only been giving some back and forth, feel free to continue via DMs or Forum Messages if you wish to further discuss this topic.

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