KitPvP Season X | Revamp Ideas

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by 89p, Nov 8, 2021.

  1. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    KitPvP Season X - Revamp Ideas

    Hey KitPvP community. The core of our KitPvP server has remained almost the same for the past few years, and we feel that an overhaul is necessary to help bring new players to the gamemode. For the next Season (Season 10) we want to rework the gamemode, with one of our priorities being towards balancing gameplay for donators & rookies. We would like your feedback on how to change the gamemode - please let us know since you know your gamemode best.

    All appropriate suggestions are appreciated.
    Please note there is no release date set the next season of KitPvP yet.

    Edit from 10th November, 2021.


    Thank you for all of the feedback so far, however I do not think I addressed my point clearly. I want to reiterate that we are looking for an entire overhaul of the gamemode, moving away from the current Protection 4 & 5 meta that has been present for the past few years. One of the main problems we want to address is balancing, which I'm sure we can all agree is a huge problem at the moment.

    We could change the server to have pre-made kits with abilities, or our own take on "The Pit". The possibilities are endless, we just need your feedback on what you want. In order to guarantee the survival of the gamemode, moving away from the current meta is crucial.

  2. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Alright, as one of the last remaining players in this game, Ill help out

    Credentials - Played since 2014, #1 on leaderboard 2 times, #4 once, #2 currently.

    Small QOL Changes -
    - Add level 2 books back to enchanter - they are too hard to obtain and simply not worth it.
    - /level in combat
    - /ec in combat - this was in the game until season 7, and is one of the biggest problems in kitpvp. If a bhopper is chasing you, previously you could put your gear away. Now you cant

    Events -
    - Mob madness sucks. Its impossible for new players to play during the time due to the zombies and we cant have p4/p5 1v1s without zombies hitting us. It also just isn’t worth spending 15 minutes for an event key just to have the 2nd and 3rd players acc grind. Please remove mob madness
    - Carepackage was really under thought out. Make it so that at 0, everybody can open the cp and take items out (items will include p4, p5, punch 2/3, regs etc - basically key rewards + p4/s5/punch2/ regs.

    Necessary stuff you guys need to do but don’t want to

    - Give everybody /fix all for free - this would almost remove the gap from rookie to immortal. Fix all is 95% of the difference from rookie to immortal
    - Kits - Kits are the one thing which stays cinsistent on mcc - every subserver has a kit for each rank. For rookies to have a chance, kit rookie needs to be buffed to prot 2, s3, punch 1( so everybody can get punch bows ) 5 regs and a gap.
    Everybody from coal to immortal needs to just get 1 donor kit, which will include p3 s4 x2, a gap and a stack of regs and have 1 hour cooldown. This way, donors still get extra regs and gap and can still combine p4 easily, but it is much
    - Hps should be free - on a server based around potpvp, hps not being free from /shop is strange. As of right now, its only worth buying if you are doing p5 1v1s
    - remove event keys and give ancient / myth keys as event rewards. Make it a 75 / 25 chance to get ancient/myth key. This way, non p2w players can stock up on keys for the next season more easily. This will also make events more worth while for everybody

    These ideas are completely neccesarry for the games survival.
    luvbri and AcceptedAppeal like this.
  3. xEthzn

    Oct 14, 2020
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    make like better hit reg yknow and like better anticheat to stop the hackers and like get p4 from voting rewards or smth
    PumahKITPVP likes this.
  4. rygz

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Make a 1 minute god apple timer

    Buff the kits for each rank

    Make fix all free

    Please dont add any storage commands in combat that would make the game boring

    Remove mod madness
  5. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hiya 89p,

    I'm glad to see KitPvP appears to be getting the love it deserves. I created a thread a while back listing some things I'd love to see added, however I'll transfer some of those ideas here.

    - The starter/rookie kit is in serious need of being buffed, I'd go as far as to say it should be replaced with the current immortal kit minus a gap. That being said, enchanted diamond armor at all would be a good step up.

    -Include p4 diamond armor as a voting reward, similar to the system in place on factions.

    - I have a feeling that ideally, the voting villager would be added to KitPvP as well. Should this be the case, I believe the rewards for 4 votes should start as: 1 p4 set, 1 gap, 4-6 regs, and $15 and increase with each 4 votes (with the exception of the p4 sets, which I believe should stay consistent as one set per 4 votes)

    -Lower the price of health pots purchased via /shop. I believe they should be lowered to $2 each. While it's not an extreme price reduction, it would allow for there to be a player-based market for them via /ah, and would provide a visually appealing price tag for those with the 25% off perk.

    -Replace hourly kit with the current bedrock kit, this would allow rookies to make one set of p4 armor every 2 hours.

    -Make regs more attainable for rookies. Adding say, 8 regs as part of a vote key reward would be beneficial, both for players and for the server as it would give newer players even more incentive to vote.

    -Make fix all free, at this point both rookies and donators alike are in agreement that free fix all would be an amazing addition to KitPvP.

    Agreement/Disagreement with ideas made above:

    - Removing event keys sounds like a good idea, or if they aren't removed than they could be modified to give ancient/myth keys more frequently.

    - I absolutely disagree with /ec in combat, as players would simply bow boost away from a fight and store their p5 sets and/or switch them out for inferior sets.

    - I also do not feel like mob madness should be removed. I do believe those that place 2nd-5th should receive higher rewards, however the event as a whole is generally enjoyable and easy to compete in without a large clan. It can certainly be discouraging to compete for 15 minutes only to have players account grind, but most players I see enjoy a less pvp-based event which occurs 3 times a day.

    Important to note:
    Vote key reward - Referring to the key which can be opened via /keys
    Voting reward - Items which would be given via the voting village should it be implemented.

    I can't wait to see what's in store for season 10 of KitPvP!
    luvbri and Darenn like this.
  6. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I'm not a kitpvp player but everything you suggested sounds great, the only thing I disagree with is the /ec in combat. Yes, it would be really useful to quickly /ec your loot if you're being killed by a cheater, BUT, this could also be abused towards the legit players. Would make the game unfun and pointless. -1 on that. Everything else though sounds great.
  7. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Its already very difficult to kill somebody who spams gaps so adding ec in combat doesnt change much. 95% of the time when you get a p5 kill its because both players decided they wanted to 1v1. On mcc, its newrly impossible to force a fight with somebody who doesnt want to fight. Also, its not like you can quickly store your stuff when ur on 1 with no hps in ur hotbar. Even if its not ideal, most legit players would probably prefer to have an occasional legit player get away but not lose 2 sets a month to hoppers.
  8. Idekbruv

    Nov 22, 2019
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    You have no credentials ******, you’re like 13 if you played since 2014 that means you started at like age 7 or something, even if you have played since 14 it’s embarrassing no one even knows your name lmao. Go back to Fortnite kid you’re a brat
  9. SniffableSugar

    Dec 18, 2020
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    Adding Level 2 pots (hps & status effect pot)
    I am not really a kit player but one of the reason why I didn't play kit a lot are mainly due to the status effect being mostly level 1 ( Strength 1 & Speed 1 ) and I personally aren't too used to pvp with only speed 1. Adding level 2 potion seems like a fresh change to the game mode.

    Removing punch 3

    I would say a player with punch 3 is too hard to kill unless you got a punch 3 as well, removing Punch 3 would put everyone on an equal ground in terms of chasing and kiteing.

    that's all the idea I got have a nice day <3

  10. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    No, we cant change the whole meta or else we will lose everybody, dont add lvl 2 pots please
  11. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Gapple cooldown of 2min, fix hit reg, add anti-cheat and if your feeling daring, add pearls lmfao
    PumahKITPVP likes this.
  12. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Plz no pearls, it will make punch bows out of the meta and no hps fights will die
  13. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I personally think that there should be no pearls and no punch bow. The whole point of kitpvp is to PVP, and if you're constantly kiting its no fun.
  14. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Additional Ideas:

    Bracket Event - Players compete as a solo player or in teams of 2 and face another player/another team. The winning player/team moves on to fight the winner(s) of another fight. This event could happen every 8 hours, be held in a separate arena and would provide armor to players (unenchanted iron armor, diamond sword and healing of some sort). Winner(s) would receive an event win and an event key.

    Duel Arenas- Similar concept as /duel, however players can choose to spectate these rounds but are unable to interact with the players fighting (idea courtesy of saveeno)

    Health Pot signs in PvP - Self explanatory, signs placed randomly throughout the map which provide the player that clicked them a few health pots. Alternatively, something similar to the combat crystals on prison which would provide a player with health pots.
    PumahKITPVP likes this.
  15. saveeno

    Nov 10, 2021
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    Change the map or do map rotations. Maybe add in an open space map for drop without need for many portals
    Maybe add in parkour around areas
    Set up a karma/points thing where people who have been proven of hacking/etc lose points maybe will discourage further cheats
  16. rygz

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Remove hps, add instant damage potions
  17. LowFlo

    Aug 30, 2019
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    I agree with this, if a player does not want to fight you, they can easily do just that. It is almost impossible to force a fight upon a player of equal gear, as kiting with punch bows and having stacks of regs makes it easy to do so. Adding /ec is something many people miss from earlier seasons, and when you have as many cheaters as mccentral has, and no anti-cheat to combat them, it is quite necessary. Almost all kills that are p5, come from willing combatants who agree to 1v1 them me another. Something nice that I think many people would like to see added is a protection against cleaners. This would be difficult to do but I’m sure there’s a way. Also please do not add level 2 potions, whoever said that clearly doesn’t play kitpvp and doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
    PumahKITPVP likes this.
  18. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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  19. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    not /duel, he was talking about little rooms in the map which can be locked from the inside which players can 1v1 in
  20. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    So boring

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