The problem with MC Central

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by StickyChannel92, Oct 11, 2021.

  1. StickyChannel92

    Sep 15, 2021
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    See, I had been a user to MC Central for over 2-3 years, and most of that time was great. Prison is not all that bad, and Cake Wars was so fun that I keep playing it over and over again. Me and Luvvart used to go around the server mining for resources, conquering the skies, and capturing the flag.

    Nowadays, this server (AND the prison server) has become more aggressive. I get too many mutes, and one ban. The mute times keep rising per mute, and I just can't take it anymore! I had enough with these bans and mutes!

    I got banned/muted because:
    • I sent my Discord server link to chat
    • I faked a message that said "HEY! Sorry, but you can't break blocks here."
    • I trolled
    • and I spammed telling people that PvP is not worth it. (The mute I have while writing this.)
    I'm starting to think that this server is not right for me. I ONLY play things like Prison and Skyblock, but I just think they are boring the way they are. The ONLY thing I like about them is the creation of my own private mine in the Prison Servers.

    This server gets boring for me over the years.
    Sorry to say, but I will be gone from the server. FOR GOOD. And I mean it! I do NOT like Minecraft Central. MC Central was great back in 2019-2020, but now I HATE IT. It's more boring than the previous one.

    MC Central, I will never be seeing you again. I want my money back. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

    Best regards
    jaxon_z7, Yukihira and Issel like this.
  2. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Hello there, StickyChannel92.

    It is unfortunate to hear that you haven't been enjoying the server as much for the past couple of months, especially to the point where you are considering leaving it due to some frustrating situations which you have been through.

    Although I understand why you may be discontented with getting punished, you have to understand that it isn't the "server's fault" per se. A server, just like any other thing in life, has to establish certain standards in order to maintain its organization and harmony intact, ensuring that all players have a good time playing on it regardless of whether or not they are new. As you've mentioned, you have been around for 2-3 years, so I'd assume you had enough time to familiarize with such rules. However, this is not something a staff member thinks about when issuing a punishment; they do it simply because it is their job, and they are trying to make the server a better place for all of us. They are not being peaky on you especifically, they will do it to anyone, despite of who they are.

    I do agree that some rules may be quite too harsh and somewhat unnecessary, but if you get to know them, and respect them, then you won't have to worry about getting punished. I am sure that if you give it a thought you will start reconsidering everything you do, and thus you will have a more enjoyable experience on the server!

    Have a nice day.
  3. SniffableSugar

    Dec 18, 2020
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    * I will try to explain and answer some of your frustration to the server ( not all info are 100% accurate, it is only my personal point of view ) *

    Sorry to know that you aren't having fun on mcc but there's a reason why Chat rules existed. For starters, we don't allow people to post any discord invite / other server's IP for very obvious reason so I am not gonna comment too much on that. Sending fake messages isn't allowed as well since it might confuse other newer players on the server. ( I am not too sure what you are trying to say "I trolled" so I will skip that ) As for spamming, it's pretty obvious to me as well why you are not allowed to spam. Other players might found that very annoying when they are trying to have a conversation and you're just there spamming in the middle of their conversation. While it's fun to do whatever you want but at the same time, you are also giving a negative impact on other players' experience on the server.

    Chat rules existed not because we feel like we want to mute some random people today, but to protect the general player base's quality of life in the server.
    That's all for me have a nice day <3

    - Sniff
    #3 SniffableSugar, Oct 11, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2021
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  4. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You have been muted three times and banned once - your longest mute has been 24 hours and your ban 1 hour. You were muted because:

    - Your Discord server link is not related to Minecraft, so it stands to reason you will be muted for unrelated links. I too learned this rule existed as a surprise, but complaining about it really does nothing.
    - Fake messages is also a rule. You can trip people up by faking those messages and it generally impedes the gameplay experience. You don't need to do it at any point, so why would you?
    - Gameplay trolling means you told someone to Alt+F4 or something something similar which disrupts their gameplay. A ban is fair because you are disrupting their actual gameplay experience, not just their chat.
    - Spamming is like the most ubiquitous rule every server has. Again, don't break the rule and you won't be punished?

    It's okay to grow out of MCC and not want to play it anymore; I think we'll all reach that stage at some point. Complaining about it isn't really the answer. Ranks are also not refunded, so yeah. Have a nice day.
  5. bdqt

    Feb 3, 2020
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    I LOVE CW but there removing it, i havent played in a 1 1/2 monthes cuz its so boring this revamp is taking very long and i dont think it was quite worth it espesially the lvl restart! But its to late for complaints about that, and yes i do agree about the $, ppl spent money and you ripped them off with this revamp, you guys did the sw thing so you cant get explosive arrows, thats the only reason why ppl buy gold ranks but now this server is no good, its dedder then ever, hopefully things will brighten up or ill be quiting to!
  6. bdqt

    Feb 3, 2020
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    Yeah you do kinda have a point about the muting stuff thats just commen sense, the thing about Alt+F4 is it doesnt work on my computer so :/ lucky me i guess, hope you guys re-add mm or cw!!
    BlockyBeach and Nikki_ like this.
  7. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    As a lovely little staff member I can tell you people complain about their punishments ALL. THE. TIME. And to be honest this would seem to raise the question 'are the rules too harsh?' As both Sniffable and Zonafer discussed, your punishments were completely deserved. We have our rules very clearly set out (yes there is quite a lot of them), but we make it so easy for you to understand what is allowed and what is not allowed. We have many examples to give more understanding for you, explanations of what the punishments mean, and even a whole table displaying the duration of the punishments themselves to provide more information about why you are muted for the time you are.

    It is saddening to hear that so many people who have been a strong part of the server are quitting, and I do feel very disappointed that their enjoyment of the server has gotten to that point however some things we can't change. We often have people arguing that the server rules are far too strict and we're 'snowflakes' and we 'punish for dumb stuff' but then we have people (it seems like yourself as well possibly?) who think the server's players can be too toxic and aggressive. It coming to the ends that we can't really justify it. We can't loosen the rules completely and turn the server into anarchy, as fun as some people might think that is.

    I'm sure it's much too late to encourage you to make a different decision and put more thought into what you have said, but I still would like to recommend it. If you have a more detailed look though the rules, and quite simply just follow the two most simple 'rules':
    -Don't be repetitive or annoying
    -Don't be rude or offensive
    You'll basically be following almost every rule we have in chat. It's quite simple and can save you from getting muted.

    Anyways you're probably not gonna read this anyways so have a nice life :)
    boomrabbits_, mcrcus and BlockyBeach like this.
  8. StickyChannel92

    Sep 15, 2021
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    Reply to EVERYONE on this post.

    It doesn't matter to me. I have found better things to do rather than get banned or muted on a Minecraft Server. Just because you tell me not to break certain rules doesn't mean I will join again. If things CHANGE, or things are going more smoothly, that's another story.

    I still play Minecraft, but not as much, due to being more interested in other things besides Minecraft.

    The worst thing about mutes, is that if you are muted on the Prison server, not just the Prison server you are muted on, but you are unable to give the freedom of speech of the entire Minecraft Central, so, why can't they only makes bans/mutes caused by Server A, and make it only muted on Server A instead of Server A and B?

    The reason I was banned about "I trolled" is because I forgot to take medications to help me from this: a message saying "pressing alt f4 gives you free vbucks".

    Banning people causes frustration and anger. It does not teach them a lesson. It makes them annoyed about what they just saw popped up in chat that stopped them in their tracks. Banning is not the answer to this problem. The answer is a warning before the ban/mute.

    You need to ban ONLY the people that chat poorly, troll, or otherwise, screw up the server for good reasons.

    The third mute happened because I was enjoying walking around the wilderness in the Prison server, when all of a sudden, PLAYERS KILL YOU FOR FUN. LITERALLY. I reminded them about it, and when I added an exclamation mark to the second message, I got a mute.

    PvP is NOT FUN. It's a way for people to troll others and mess around. It's a way to kill others for fun and not care about anyone else.

    Yukihira likes this.
  9. Yukihira

    Jun 17, 2020
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    Jesus cristo, me da um glubglubglub vai, tnc de sermão kkkkkk
    You are 100% right bro, ignore these staff simps and mccentral simps, this server don't worth it and good u found more interestings things to do, some people don't, and have to staff simp pretending to be relevant imagine taking 30 minute to rite a whole essay jesus.
    Best of lucky to you on this new journey
    I want my money back!!

    regards, xTeux.
    #9 Yukihira, Oct 15, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2021
  10. StickyChannel92

    Sep 15, 2021
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    Well, alright, I'll join for now.

    By the way, this is my reaction when it comes to server bans (especially those that last months/years.
    #10 StickyChannel92, Oct 15, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2021

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