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new item idea

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by TectonicFir4156, Oct 7, 2021.

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  1. TectonicFir4156

    Apr 7, 2021
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    the item: autoseller

    so this item would technically do its name; automatically sell your items. i am not sure how it would be obtained, but it could have different tiers and you could get boosts to it depending on how many items you have sold. a couple of boosts that i can think of are:
    • % more money
    • % more pickaxe exp
    • % more token chance
    this item would most likely cost a lot of money because it is like a backpack that sells the items it gets

    please give feedback?
    ok bye
  2. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey rainbirds,

    I'd say an auto seller goes against the spirit of Prison - plus why would you have a booster for more XP/Tokens/Money when the upgrades on the Upgradable Pickaxe already do this?

    Skyblock historically had an infinite auto sell feature on the Harvest Hoe, which quickly broke how farming worked and people would 'F11' farm on 5+ accounts at once, which was silly. Later it was changed to a chance to auto sell, which kind of helped.

    I think the way backpacks work already solve a lot of the issues with mining, I can't see any reason other than "big number go bigger" for this to be implemented.
  3. LethalReach

    Mar 22, 2020
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    Wouldn't you get the same thing in another plot if they have a booster activated? Or even in general when someone boosts prison you would have these things.
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