Kill Counter

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ressurecting, Aug 29, 2019.

  1. Ressurecting

    Aug 22, 2019
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    Hello World of Crafters,

    I play a lot, and I mean a lot, of Survival Games and I believe that on the GUI to the right there could be a kill counter. It does not serve significant importance, but it could be something nice to include. Each game I average anywhere from 4-10 kills and just to see how many kills I am at without having to either scroll through chat or waiting until the end of the game and dividing the number of credits I got by however many credits you receive per kill. I believe that adding this could also implement the idea of achievements. So if you get let's say every 10 or 25 kills you get you would receive a cosmetic key as well as if you get 100 kills you would receive an Ancient Crate Key, just to give the people that are less fortunate the chance to receive keys that you would otherwise have to purchase.

    Thanks for coming to my TED Talk and have a great day!

    YaBoyEnvoy likes this.
  2. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I would love to see a kill counter for survival games added as i know that UHC has one already and maybe they could even add one for skywars too..?
    I understand that the highest members of the staff team are trying to focus most of the server’s updates on subservers as subservers attract a lot of players and while the AntiCheat is not 100%, they don’t want minigames attracting players as the new players will play a few games and see that there is a lot of hackers and just leave straight away.

    I think that after the AntiCheat comes out, there will be update after update coming out regularly for minigames as MCC will have nothing to be ashamed of and players will have no reason to dislike minigames.

    Sorry, I went a bit off the point.
    Basically, I would love to see this added and it should already be a thing, in my opinion.

    It would not take long at all to implement this as it is just bringing the killcounter from uhc to survival games.
    Maybe challenges for minigames can come in the future but for now I think that the staff team should be focusing on the AntiCheat.
    Thanks and have a marvelous day!
    puposaurus and Fireriser41 like this.

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